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Deadwood Appreciation Thread Deadwood Appreciation Thread

06-05-2012 , 02:38 PM
Just finished my 3rd rewatch a few weeks ago. (hence the new avatar).

Sepinwalls reviews are great, though so are the ones on AV Club. Cant remember the guys name but google AV club deadwood and they show up. He has reviews on the whole seasons as well as every ep. Vry much worth it.

I like season 2 the best so i'll follow along with sepinwall, plus as was said ellsworth is commenting so its pretty cool. Still my favorite show!
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-06-2012 , 05:06 PM
Jim Beaver is back this summer, and Keone Young (Mr Wu) has joined in as well.

I replied to his post with, "Glad to have you here...but since you didn't do much in this week's episode, how about telling us about the 'Who Stole the F***ing Dope?' scene? It may be the most famous scene in the show's run..."

And he answered!

(in the comments beneath the article, all the way down near the bottom)
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-09-2012 , 05:20 PM
I can't believe all you hardcore DW fans are ignoring this awesome revisit for the second straight summer. To quote Trixie, "**** each and every one of ya, I wish I were a ****ing tree!"

Here's some of what you missed last week:

mr wu I can just tell you that it was through Ian McShanes generosity that the scene exists today. He just went with it and kept his character going pushing me to greater exclamations of "cocksuckah"!! Milch was cracking up on the floor as well as the technicians behind the camera. Continuity (script personel) Gabby just was writing a mile minute writing all the new dialogue we were creating. When Ian Mac said "glad I taught you that word" they were all in tears.

I heard that "San Francisco Cocksuckah" is now included in the new version of the Oxford Dictionary to describe certain types.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-09-2012 , 07:45 PM
I need to get my dads Deadwood DVD's, so I can start watching again since I broke my a few years ago while on tilt, what episode are you guys on at the moment?
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-09-2012 , 09:36 PM
I'm on s3e5 on my own and s1e5 with my wife. :P
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-10-2012 , 12:18 AM
ytf: i read it last year, will probably read this year. i read all of todd van der werff's writeups when he went through the series (and that's a man who can write a LOT of words).
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-10-2012 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by bazooka87
Love, love, love, love Deadwood but Calamity Jane is possibly my most hated character from any tv show ever.
Really hard to believe people dislike Jane.

Question I wake to in the morning and pass out with at night: "What's my popularity with my fellow white people?"
Is there actually a chance there'll be more deadwood in the future? I thought it was a done deal but I just reread this thread and (I think by YTF) there's a post saying Milch plans on doing 2 2 hr Deadwood eps/movies, and he claimed this was after Milch finished Luck. wtf, I'm going to go on believing it's 100% finished so as not to be utterly disappointed.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-10-2012 , 05:17 AM
Just so you'll tear a little hair out:

When Luck was canceled, they asked Milch about the DW movies. He said it wasn't going to happen, though "we came close last year."

I need to get my dads Deadwood DVD's, so I can start watching again since I broke my a few years ago while on tilt, what episode are you guys on at the moment?
Another reminder, if you subscribe to HBO via ComCast, you can watch all 36 eps of Deadwood on your computer for free, at:

Last week was "A Lie Agreed Upon, Parts 1+2", treated as one long episode (S2, e1+2). This week it's "New Money" (S2e3), Wolcott's debut. Alan posts his review each Friday, most of the comments beneath it don't suck, and Jim Beaver is an awesome dude. From this weeks' Jim Beaver post:

Most memorable of all for me on this episode, so memorable that I wrote about it in my book, was the scene where Alma and Ellsworth converse in the buckboard on the way into town returning from their trip to the mine. If Molly and I both look a little puffy-eyed in that scene, it's because moments before, we were both sobbing. A year to the day before this scene, my two-year-old daughter Maddie had been diagnosed as autistic, only a few weeks before her mother was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. Thanks to her mom's efforts, my daughter was given intense intervention therapy, and thanks to a combination of circumstances including her young age at diagnosis and brilliant work by her therapists, she made her way back from dire straights. On the morning we shot this scene, exactly a year after the diagnosis and five months after my wife's death, I received a call from my daughter's pediatric psychiatrists saying that they were rescinding her autism diagnosis after what they called her "miraculous" recovery. I had learned of the original diagnosis while sitting in my dressing room on another show. I learned of its rescission sitting in my dressing room on DEADWOOD. I had no one to tell, no family nearby to share this with. I was called to the set for the buckboard scene, and while waiting for things to be ready, I spilled my news to Molly. She burst into tears, I burst into tears, and she held me and we both sobbed on a wagon in a muddy street filled with horse****. And then they said they were ready and we shot the wagon scene. I'll never forget that day, or Molly's kindness. Kinda played havoc with our subtext, I guess, but there you have it.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-10-2012 , 03:02 PM
Watched the new mib movie. It had a character named Wu who also was the same actor from dw, me and my brother had a nice chuckle.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-11-2012 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Just so you'll tear a little hair out:

When Luck was canceled, they asked Milch about the DW movies. He said it wasn't going to happen, though "we came close last year."

Just quoting an earlier post in this thread from youtalkfunny:

MILCH: As I mentioned, I'm working on that movie for Warner Bros, based on that video game (Heavy Rain). After that, we're looking at, well, there are talks--I guess now I can say "serious talks"--about doing two 2-hour Deadwoods.
And my response at the time, because it seems applicable now:

This sucks. Now I've got my hopes up, and when it doesn't happen, I'll have to be crushed all over again.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 05:10 PM
Just did my homework for this week's "Requiem for a Gleet" discussion. What an under-rated episode! Highlights include:

--Ellsworth getting up in Wolcott's face;

--Wu vs Dan, introducing "San Francisco CS'er" into the lexicon;

--Dan vs Adams, for just a bit, before Dan relents and they're both back on the same team again;

--Ellsworth calming down Mrs Garrett as she gets swept up in the rumblings of panic;

--Farnum's 2nd-best soliloquy, "I know I'm weak."

--Mrs Garrett positively toying with Farnum's efforts to panic her, summed up by Farnum's "Haughty C***!"

--Awesome camera work, often showing the person being spoken to instead of the speaker.

It's got Ellsworth's best scene ("Panic's easier on the back than the short-handled shovel.") and Wu's 2nd best scene ("Wu no English-ee! Bok kwai lo! SWEDGIN!"), can't wait to hear those guys weigh in tomorrow.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 05:29 PM
The creator, in his infinite wisdom, Miz Garret, salted his works so that where gold was, there you'd also find rumor. Though, he decreed just as firm that the opposite wouldn't always hold.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 01:18 PM
When it comes to Ellsworth, from his first scene
Originally Posted by Ellsworth
I’ll tell you what: I may have ****ed my life up flatter than hammered ****, but I stand here before you today beholden to no human **********.
, to his assassination, he may have moved to better accommodations but never wavered on his philosophy.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-15-2012 , 03:16 PM
God what an awesome show. I'm on my 4th or 5th rewatch right now with my girlfriend, who also considers it the GOAT (interesting that so many posters' significant others can appreciate how good it is). It really is better on subsequent viewings too; I enjoyed it the first time around, but I got the feeling I was missing something. (Which I was: about 90% of the subtext)

One thing we realized almost by accident is how beautifully shot almost every single scene is, to the point that they look like paintings in their composition. I remember we randomly paused it during the first meeting between Swearengen and Hearst in Hearst's hotel, and just noticed that one shot: the lighting, the color, the way the two actors are positioned relative to each other... it's really well done.

Anyway, GOAT character, GOAT dialogue, and I tend to be a huge Deadwood snob to the point that I consider people dumb if I find out they didn't like the show.

One of my favorite scenes:

"Did you hurt her?"
"No. No, Doc. But she's better than you thought. Her eyes are open."
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-18-2012 , 04:36 PM
just had s1 ep 9 on, No other Sons or Daughters, and the dialogue about Doc being a grave robber I missed on the first few viewings. 7 times lol
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
06-21-2012 , 06:52 PM
Garrett Dillahunt signed up Tuesday night, he posted a few thoughts from Requiem for Gleet:

I thought this was tremendous:

Joanie, though...she is dangerous for Wolcott. When she steps in for the as-yet-unarrived Carrie, he likes her an awful lot. Too much. And he can't love. No no. That would mess everything up. His true self must not be seen.
and I thought this was funny:

I had originally thought Wolcott would have a gentlemanly southern drawl, but right before we began shooting in the previous episode (Wolcott's stagecoach arrival was my first appearance as the geologist) David approached me and said, "I think we should lose the accent. I think it places him too much. We don't wanna know where he's from." Wha...? Aaaaaand, "Action!" THAT was flying blind. (And of course David was right. )
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
07-10-2012 , 06:05 PM
from this week's Deadwood Rewind. Mr Wu is talking about how he felt when left out of episodes and relates the following interaction with Ian McShane:

So you can imagine in the following episodes when Wu was called back in to be a part of the Hearst story. I was relieved and overjoyed. I was in a large dark empty room with Ian. He looked so beat from long work days and many monologues sprung upon him in Milch fashion.

We sat together as the lighting and camera crew did their thing. We were waiting to go in the next scene. I jumped up and said “So whats been happening since I been gone” Now that I see the scenes with EB I understood the look Ian had on his face. But I didn’t then. He mumbled something.

I then anxiously continued without thinking. “Well whats happening with the story line”. Ian turned and looked out the window. Then I followed up with “You know……..

He then proceeded to tell me every detail about Bullock this and Trixie did that and Hearst is going to do this….and Wolcott….that and this and that in a loud Shakesperean voice. It went on for what seemed like an hour. I was stunned….
And he looked at me with that Sweggin’ stare.

Thanks Ian I said. And never bothered him again.
I laughed so hard with that scene with Billy S. That was me an Ian.

"That scene with Billy S." You mean where Al snapped and blew his top and called Farnum "a pain in my balls, who can't desist from inquiry!"? That's hilarious that you'd compare a conversation you had with Ian to that.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
07-10-2012 , 06:23 PM
If you're a fan of this show and you're not following those blog posts Amplify quoted above, I don't know what to tell you. Every time Jim Beaver, Garrett Dillahunt, or Keone Young post a story, finding it on the page is like seeing presents under the tree on Christmas morning.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
07-10-2012 , 09:40 PM
**** me like I need another blog to read

But yeah Deadwood being the GOAT show and all I'm gonna have to. Thanks for the heads up
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-06-2012 , 05:19 PM
This week's awesome behind-the-scenes tidbit, posted by Keone Young (Mr Wu):

At lunch one day he met the mother of the young actor who played William Bullock during the time they were filming the kid's last scenes. She said she had requested that his character be written out, because even though she was grateful for the opportunity, she felt that it was probably a bad idea to have her 13-year-old kid hanging around all that profanity.

Stage mothers.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 12:26 AM
After seeing Deadwood appear in so many GOAT lists I downloaded the first season. Started watching it Friday night with my gf, next thing we know its 3 am. Amazing show, loving it so far.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-19-2012 , 01:46 PM
Just started to rewatch, only finished S1 ep1 and forgot so many things, a lot of stuff in the first episode. I remember reading someone thinking Ep1 was slow, don't know how they came to that conclusion.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-20-2012 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by electricladylnd
Just started to rewatch, only finished S1 ep1 and forgot so many things, a lot of stuff in the first episode. I remember reading someone thinking Ep1 was slow, don't know how they came to that conclusion.
I just fired up my bluray set the other day s1e1 and had the exact same reaction. So much **** happens in that one episode it seemed like the first season was going to be over haha.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-20-2012 , 05:44 PM
S1e1 pro tip: the actor who plays Tim Driscoll returns in Season Three as Shaunessy, the "no disarray!" hotelier who rents to Joanie and argues with Langrishe.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
08-20-2012 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
S1e1 pro tip: the actor who plays Tim Driscoll returns in Season Three as Shaunessy, the "no disarray!" hotelier who rents to Joanie and argues with Langrishe.
lol,deadwood has the GOAT cast. Just so many amazing characters. Maybe the wire is better because there's just so many quality characters but ~90% of deadwood characters are arguably on par with any top 10 tv character list you could make.
Deadwood Appreciation Thread Quote
