Originally Posted by [Phill]
You are wrong about that continuity error. The line "something's off" was before the error. It was just a normal CE.
Whether the line was before or after the cut, it still brings your attention to it. It could have been a normal CE but I think it's more like 90% that it wasn't. It's not like a glass that was 3/4 full in one take and 1/4 full in the next. This was the actors having to smack hands with cash in one take and without them in the close-up. They don't just randomly forget if they were holding paper money or not. And the script supervisor realizes it too. These guys are sharp, and it all makes perfect sense for Abed's character too. Also, after dozens of Community episodes making this kind of meta-commentary, what makes you so skeptical?
EDIT: Okay, watched it again. Abed says: "Something's off," (calling you to pay attention) then they do the shake with the obvious continuity switch. I think that makes it even more clearly intentional.
Last edited by private joker; 05-01-2011 at 12:20 AM.