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Celebrity Rehab 3 Celebrity Rehab 3

02-20-2010 , 12:09 AM
lol i like how every third pic during the song is either tom or dennis cuz none of the others actually had a career. i can easily see why tom was crushed, some of those pics he was probably late 20's early 30's with an insanely bright future and now hes hugging it out with mike starr.

"who are you listening to"

"my singer, lets put it that way"

Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-25-2010 , 11:27 PM
This stuff in group where they're all arguing with each other is ****ing fantastic. Watching addicts pass judgment and project their problems and feelings on each other is hilarious.

They ask Mike Starr why he painted Keri Ann's tits and he says he has feelings for her hahahaha. That's a match made in heaven. Mike's got the 1000 yard stare. He's probably got bodies in his crawlspace.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-27-2010 , 03:16 AM
I've only watched bits and pieces of this out of curiousity. I've never heard of Kari Anne before this show. I would have guessed she was a former pornstar. I can't even grasp why she's there other than to create drama for the cameras.

I like Heidi and that's the only reason I've been watching.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-27-2010 , 06:19 AM
kerri not being thrown out after that crap basically gives this show 0 credibility in terms of bring a wise option for treatment. i think the show could work as a serious rehab facility AND entertainment without much trouble as there will always be washed up b-d listers with addiction issues. allowing kerri to do the crap she has done is ridiculous though. even the heidi situation was seems it was handled wrong. once she leaves the facility like that she should lose her peers. start over with normal people in the other wing or somehting.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-27-2010 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by sublime
kerri not being thrown out after that crap basically gives this show 0 credibility in terms of bring a wise option for treatment. i think the show could work as a serious rehab facility AND entertainment without much trouble as there will always be washed up b-d listers with addiction issues. allowing kerri to do the crap she has done is ridiculous though. even the heidi situation was seems it was handled wrong. once she leaves the facility like that she should lose her peers. start over with normal people in the other wing or somehting.
Kerri makes me ill. She seems like someone that's got away with anything and everything her entire life because of her looks or her "poor me" or "I didn't know" attitude. When Dr. Drew said one would have to go but I don't have a place I can send Starr. Ok well what about Queen SOB?

I don't know what's worse her doing what she did or lying saying "I didn't know it was wrong". I mean seriously she's such a POS.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-27-2010 , 09:40 PM
Kari Anne is the only patient I've actually rooted for to have a relapse
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-27-2010 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by juttelstud
Kari Anne is the only patient I've actually rooted for to have a relapse
this this this this this. what really sucks is that she's coming back for this season of Sober House. damn you dr. drew!
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-28-2010 , 07:34 AM
totally want to rail shelly
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-28-2010 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by NhlNut
totally want to rail shelly

Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
02-28-2010 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by kinda
this this this this this. what really sucks is that she's coming back for this season of Sober House. damn you dr. drew!
lol really? didnt she just leave treatment last episode?
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-01-2010 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by sublime
lol really? didnt she just leave treatment last episode?
They teased it for next weeks show.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-01-2010 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by JRock7997
They teased it for next weeks show.
ah, ok.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-01-2010 , 09:37 AM
Anyone know a place i can watch ep8? Pm me
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-01-2010 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by ZwiFT
Anyone know a place i can watch ep8? Pm me
click the link in the op?
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-01-2010 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by sublime
my vote for most 'stable' member? i suppose it really depends on the definition of stable in this situation. like least likely to use? or just whos with it, reality wise. that muscle kid probably wins. all the females are ****ing insane, like mike starr insane and worse..
you must not have seen joey (muscle dude) when he was on the real world. he's pretty crazy. also did you see their anger therapy session when he was attacking the car - that kind of rage is pretty terrifying.

heidi seems pretty cool. i feel bad for her. especially being stuck in treatment with the guy that abused her... :/
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 04:09 AM
no real world and did see the car smashing episode. he did in fact look like a madman, otoh thats exactly what they asked him to do. is it possible for that guy to smash anything and not look like a complete maniac?

few weeks later and tom looks a lot more 'with it'. hard to pick whos most on the ball as only whacky behavior really gets shown.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 01:21 PM
I think it's pretty obvious that dennis is the most with it
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 07:11 PM
Dennis is obviously more than addicted to something - he's insane and the least "with it" personality on the show
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 08:45 PM
you cannot be serious dom. Of course he has a problem with something, but we're comparing him to the other crazies on the show, not to the rest of society.

This is my crazy list, from least to most:

1. dennis
2. tom
3. lisa
4. mindy
5. heidi
6. joey
7. mac
8. kari ann
9. mike

at first I thought heidi was surprisingly mentally sharp despite looking like hell and using meth right up until the first day of rehab, but after the bird/car crash incident she's obv super crazy. Mike is just completely out of it, I don't see how anyone could even come close to him. After rehab, they shouldn't send him to a sober house, he needs to go to a mental institution. I put lisa #3 because I'm impressed with how uncrazy she is considering her childhood trauma and the way she acted on Top Model, which I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I watched.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ron Burgundy
you cannot be serious dom. Of course he has a problem with something, but we're comparing him to the other crazies on the show, not to the rest of society.

This is my crazy list, from least to most:

1. dennis
2. tom
3. lisa
4. mindy
5. heidi
6. joey
7. mac
8. kari ann
9. mike

at first I thought heidi was surprisingly mentally sharp despite looking like hell and using meth right up until the first day of rehab, but after the bird/car crash incident she's obv super crazy. Mike is just completely out of it, I don't see how anyone could even come close to him. After rehab, they shouldn't send him to a sober house, he needs to go to a mental institution. I put lisa #3 because I'm impressed with how uncrazy she is considering her childhood trauma and the way she acted on Top Model, which I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I watched.
I guess we have to decide what 'with it" means. I havn't focused all my attention to the show when it's on. But wasn't there an episode where rodmans wife says he never sees the kids? he was also instigating the muscular guy saying it wasn't any of his fiances business when money is coming in etc.

If by "with it" we mean most likely to be able to stay alive in society then ya, he's up there. Starrs mom needs to just talk him into comminting himself into a 24/7 rehab. I mean some people like that setting and he seems to have no chance of doing it on the outside.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:12 PM
There is clearly something wrong with Dennis. I have no idea what personality disorder makes you interact that way, but wtf
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:13 PM
I find Dennis to be the least likely to get anything out of rehab, and the least likely to turn his life around. He shows serious symptoms of autism or Aspergers or some other kind of anti-social condition. Did you see him on the Celebrity Apprentice? The man cannot function in normal society. There is something seriously wrong with him, and drinking too much is the least of it.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 09:28 PM
I should note that part of my judgement of dennis' with-it-ness is based on dr. drew's most recent appearance on adam carolla's podcast saying something to the effect of how proud he was of dennis' progress in the later part of the season. They showed him finally willing to admit he was an alcoholic in the 6th or 7th ep, so maybe there's more that the producers decided not to show. I didn't see him on celebrity apprentice, but I imagine he would be lolbad at running a business.

Dennis not talking to his kids is just general d-baggery/poor parenting and I don't think it's closely related to his alcoholism.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Ron Burgundy
I should note that part of my judgement of dennis' with-it-ness is based on dr. drew's most recent appearance on adam carolla's podcast saying something to the effect of how proud he was of dennis' progress in the later part of the season. They showed him finally willing to admit he was an alcoholic in the 6th or 7th ep, so maybe there's more that the producers decided not to show. I didn't see him on celebrity apprentice, but I imagine he would be lolbad at running a business.

Dennis not talking to his kids is just general d-baggery/poor parenting and I don't think it's closely related to his alcoholism.
I think that alcohol is what Dennis uses as instant personality. I've seen it and experienced it. I hope he stays clean but I could see him being very happy if he's just able to get it under control. But from what I've seen of him that's just not happening.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
03-02-2010 , 10:22 PM
rodman's certifiable

Back when he was with the pistons, they found him in a parking lot (I think the Silverdome lot) with a gun. He said something about planning to commit suicide but changing his mind and deciding instead to kill off the "old Dennis." Right after that is when he started with all the tats, crazy hair, partying, etc. There's no way Dennis Rodman even knows who Dennis Rodman is anymore.
Celebrity Rehab 3 Quote
