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The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 The Celebrity Apprentice 2012

04-24-2012 , 04:17 PM
I don't understand the draft criteria. Competence? Coolness? Likeability?
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 04:30 PM
Wow just caught the latest episode. Why would he fire one of the strongest players and not one of the weakest??? I have a feeling something else is going on here...
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 04:31 PM
If I were a business owner I think I'd only hire 4 people from the entire list.

maybe Dayana, depending on the capacity.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by tuq
I don't understand the draft criteria. Competence? Coolness? Likeability?
You are on a team with them to compete and want to win as many tasks as possible.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
If I were a business owner I think I'd only hire 4 people from the entire list.

maybe Dayana, depending on the capacity.
Not Adam? Dee?

Hell, even Paul Sr. seems like a good guy to have working for you and is pretty knowledgeable in business.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 05:53 PM
Arsenio way too high and Aubrey too low. I'm not an Aubrey fan but she comes up with a ton of good ideas.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
You are on a team with them to compete and want to win as many tasks as possible.
Ah. Well in that case I will only list a few because beyond them I have virtually no interest.

1) Clay
2) Penn
3) Dee
4) Lisa
5) Patricia
6) Adam
7) Dayana

Arsenio doesn't do anything for me and Aubrey is way, way too into it being all about her and putting down everyone else, that would get old quickly.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Arsenio way too high and Aubrey too low. I'm not an Aubrey fan but she comes up with a ton of good ideas.
Then why doesn't her team win more?
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 09:14 PM
Because all of her teammates are weak. Just ask her. (Although to be fair she is at least partially correct.)
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Arsenio way too high and Aubrey too low. I'm not an Aubrey fan but she comes up with a ton of good ideas.
Still waiting on her good ideas. As someone in the finals, I'd have her a lot higher (heads up she would be a lot better), but what she does to team dynamics and eliminating the ability for anyone else to contribute is absolutely not worth it. It's basically a choice between her and 8 other players contributing, and I'll take 8 people's ideas over 1's almost any time. No one is so good that they can have the ideas of 8 others unless the other 8 are totally worthless.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
More proof that Penn should have played the young husband in that commercial task. Or Lou, who would have given 110%.

An interesting discussion- you are able to draft a Celebrity Apprentice team, what's your draft order look like?

I take the following:
1) Penn
2) Arsenio
3) Clay
4) Adam
5) Lisa
6) Patricia
7) Dee
8) Andretti
9) Paul Sr.
10) Dayana
11) Debbie
12) Aubrey
13) George
14) Tia
15) Teresa
16) Cheryl
17) Lou
18) Victoria
Need to make this across all seasons

1) John Rich
2) Little Jon
3) Annie Duke

The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Didace
Then why doesn't her team win more?
It appears to me that a lot of times its a bit of a toss up and the task could go either way. This week because both groups were not that great. Some other weeks because both groups did pretty well.

Also, there have been a time or two that one group had the much better idea, but didn't execute as well as they could have. That's not really the idea's fault. Ideas are a good thing.

In response to someone ITT (I forget who):
I agree ideas coming from many players are better than ideas coming from one player, but Penn also has a tendency to quash other ideas while steamrolling his own concepts as well. Granted I find Penn's methods to be much more respectful of others and less annoying than Aubrey's, but the issue remains.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by econophile
Need to make this across all seasons

1) John Rich
2) Little Jon
3) Annie Duke

Dunno how many celeb seasons you've seen but Piers Morgan and Trace Adkins probably belong on there somewhere. I'd probably put both of them ahead of all three listed here.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 10:58 PM
I just don't like Piers. Missed Trace's season.

ETA: Looks like I was wrong and Trace was 2nd in Piers' season. Guess he is forgetable to me.

Last edited by econophile; 04-24-2012 at 11:04 PM.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-24-2012 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
but what she does to team dynamics and eliminating the ability for anyone else to contribute is absolutely not worth it.
I agree.

Her entrepreneurial/team-player split is about 100/0.

She's very good at what she does which is bossing people around, being ignorant yet constantly optimistic, taking risks, being creative, and manipulating people.

It's not great for group work and it's not great for anywhere really where you aren't completely autonomous. If Aubrey had autonomy, and some heavyweight investors*, she could build a decent enterprise, easily.

*I assume her net worth isn't too high based on my understanding of her level of celebrity.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-25-2012 , 07:35 AM
Clint Black obv number one pick, ldo
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-25-2012 , 10:15 AM
Joan Rivers is clearly #1 pick since her team clearly is not allowed to lose due to Trump's favoritism.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-25-2012 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Still waiting on her good ideas. As someone in the finals, I'd have her a lot higher (heads up she would be a lot better), but what she does to team dynamics and eliminating the ability for anyone else to contribute is absolutely not worth it. It's basically a choice between her and 8 other players contributing, and I'll take 8 people's ideas over 1's almost any time. No one is so good that they can have the ideas of 8 others unless the other 8 are totally worthless.
She is almost certainly going to the finals at this point. I understand your argument that in the finals she won't win. But if she is so heavy to make the finals then picking her high to outright win it makes sense as she could backdoor the win once she makes it.

Also I like Aubrey because she seems very ambitious, stating a couple of times who she wants to be the celebrity apprentice and also how she was hurt because she wanted the 100k win.

We should do Celebrity Apprentice draft next season.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-25-2012 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by kordoISback
She is almost certainly going to the finals at this point. I understand your argument that in the finals she won't win. But if she is so heavy to make the finals then picking her high to outright win it makes sense as she could backdoor the win once she makes it.

Also I like Aubrey because she seems very ambitious, stating a couple of times who she wants to be the celebrity apprentice and also how she was hurt because she wanted the 100k win.

We should do Celebrity Apprentice draft next season.
I think if she makes the finals, she'd have a decent shot to win, but a less of a chance to even make it there.

Still think Clay, Arsenio, Lisa are more likely than her to win or make the finals, though.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-25-2012 , 12:54 PM
Arsenio makes me sick. Lisa is garbage. Clay is cool. Aubrey is on a different level.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-25-2012 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
There was a metric TONNE of subtext in Penn's taxicab confessional. He stopped just short of saying outright that Trump's firings are completely arbitrary.
He said it more directly (can't remember if it was a tweet or in his blue man group article) when he said something like "the show is not designed to be competition, it's designed to be perverse".
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-26-2012 , 09:03 AM
I'm enjoying Aubrey and think that if she made the finals she might deserve to win based on her finale performance, but there is no shot Trump hires her no matter how well she does. Shes been great for TV this season and on a few occasions it has still felt like Trump was going to try to find a reason to fire her. He doesn't have enough respect for her to let her win. At this point I think shell stick around to be in the rest of the episodes whether that is her being fired in the 2nd last episode and coming back on a team for the finale or making the finale, but shes not winning.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-26-2012 , 11:35 AM
My guess is Arsenio will win. I think he'd crawl further up Trump's ass than anyone else.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-26-2012 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Moneyball16
I'm enjoying Aubrey and think that if she made the finals she might deserve to win based on her finale performance, but there is no shot Trump hires her no matter how well she does. Shes been great for TV this season and on a few occasions it has still felt like Trump was going to try to find a reason to fire her. He doesn't have enough respect for her to let her win. At this point I think shell stick around to be in the rest of the episodes whether that is her being fired in the 2nd last episode and coming back on a team for the finale or making the finale, but shes not winning.
I can't read minds so I have to go on things he's actually said but I recall Aubrey's teammates complaining about her making her own decisions as project manager and Trump saying something like, "That's what a leader does." in kind of an exasperated tone of voice.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
04-26-2012 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by moo buckets
My guess is Arsenio will win. I think he'd crawl further up Trump's ass than anyone else.
I'd figure Clay would be the most likely to be doing anything up someone's ass.
The Celebrity Apprentice 2012 Quote
