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Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Celebrity Apprentice 2011

04-10-2011 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
so much for mcgrath being smart
Yeah, WTF? Why not make a pitch about how he's done well on other tasks, how he's a stronger player going forward, how he wants to make money for his charity, how Busey is crazy, etc. Trump hates people who don't defend themselves.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-10-2011 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by slickpoppa
Yeah, WTF? Why not make a pitch about how he's done well on other tasks, how he's a stronger player going forward, how he wants to make money for his charity, how Busey is crazy, etc. Trump hates people who don't defend themselves.
it didn't make any sense to say well i'm project manager you can't fire any of these guys. UH GARY. WTF?

also was hilarious when they asked them if they ever used pirates before? and they gave them like a blank stare.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 12:13 AM
This was my favorite episode of celeb apprentice.

Who loses to Gary Busey heads up in the boardroom. Unbelievable.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Steven_Q_Erkel

Who loses to Gary Busey heads up in the boardroom. Unbelievable.
Pretty much anyone who draws worse ratings.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 02:21 AM
When you say "If we lose this challenge because they didn't like the idea then I should be fired" it don't matter what type of repeal you bring after that you've already shot yourself in the foot.

Latoya not letting Hope get in a bathing suit is grounds for firing regardless if they won the task. Sorry, but that is just plain stupidity even though this NeNe is obnoxious in the way she talks to people so I wish she would just gtfo immediately.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 03:03 AM
I think a lot of the celebs really don't wanna be there after more than a handful of episodes. They just get their name back in the spotlight and quit. Some people in the past have just outright quit, but some of them have done the "well I was PM and we lost so I should go, but I don't want to" bit and I think it's really them saying "I wanna get the hell out of here, but don't want to straight out quit so it doesn't look like I'm bailing on my charity. I can't remember one time where the PM accepts all responsibility for a loss in the regular version, but it's seemed to happen quite a bit lately in Celeb Apprentice.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 03:54 AM
How do you to lose to Busey ffs? I think he was #losing the second he opened his mouth and said he would take full responsibility. He's obviously not married.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 04:57 AM
I don't know how long they're out there waiting to return to the boardroom, but I get the feeling that Gary tilted the **** out of MM while they were sitting out there.

If Mark hadn't said the thing about "I'm obviously at fault" earlier, Trump has no choice but to fire Gary imo.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by stu+stu
How do you to lose to Busey ffs? I think he was #losing the second he opened his mouth and said he would take full responsibility. He's obviously not married.
How do you lose to Busey? By being less crazy than him and therefore being worse for the show. No one wants to see McGrath work competently. They want to see Busey piss of Meat Loaf. If McGrath brought in huge money like Rich, then he might have a chance, but Busey will be around until Trump absolutely needs to get rid of him.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:05 AM
Just yet another friendly pragmatic reminder guys, the best person doesn't necessarily stay on the program every time. I know it's common knowledge but I felt like I had to get it out there for the millionth time during the thread. Patting myself on the back now. Also, I'm probably boring in real life.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:16 AM
Latoya must be the most worthless contestant on apprentice ever.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:25 AM
Originally Posted by hemstock
Latoya must be the most worthless contestant on apprentice ever.
Hard to believe you said this when she's on the same team as Hope.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Hard to believe you said this when she's on the same team as Hope.
I'm guessing Hope can actually do things she's told. And we haven't seen much of her which means she's not good tv not that she is necessarily bad.
Latoya is edited as a laughing stock in every shot she is in. I remember watching her in some celebrity big brother a few years back and she was a complete waste of space. She's like a spoiled rich kid who grew up completely isolated from the real world and never had to learn do anything in her life.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by hemstock
She's like a spoiled rich kid who grew up completely isolated from the real world and never had to learn do anything in her life.
This was on full display this episode. It's so funny to watch her literally have no idea what having a budget means or really not having any idea how numbers work.

I can't wait to see the reactions when Busey, and not McGrath, walks back into the room. Everyone is going to have their wtfffff faces on and probably be pissed.

This show has barely any low moments. I wasn't sure if I'd like watching such a long show every week, but I'm really glad it's 2 hours.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by hemstock
I'm guessing Hope can actually do things she's told. And we haven't seen much of her which means she's not good tv not that she is necessarily bad.
Latoya is edited as a laughing stock in every shot she is in. I remember watching her in some celebrity big brother a few years back and she was a complete waste of space. She's like a spoiled rich kid who grew up completely isolated from the real world and never had to learn do anything in her life.
LaToya at least brought her shirt, worth $99k there. Has anyone seen Hope do anything?
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 01:12 PM
Hope looks good. Leave her alone. Although I thought LJ looked pretty hot in that red dress.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 01:58 PM
This episode featured so much fail.

Hated the pirate concept, but figured the guys may have won because - they actually had an idea!

Star: Our budget is $3,500 but what you've ordered is $7000+.
Latoya: I'm the PM, so you have to get what I say.

Hope: I can be painted gold.
LaToya: No. I need you as treasurer.

McGrath: If we lost, I should be sent home. (Oh, by the way, there's no way we gave a good first impression because Busey basically kidnapped the judges and held them hostage.)

All painful to watch.

I know brain injury. It's pretty sad to watch Gary on this show. I understand the frustration of his team members. Repeating the same stories, not remembering what he's done are all typical.

I can actually forgive his actions more than I can the others because he has a medical condition. (Of course, topping it off with drug addiction didn't help, but that's another aspect of TBI. No impulse control.) Still, it feels exploitative to have him on the show.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 04:28 PM
Hope's using the "stay in the background and don't make waves" strategy. I think she'll find out very soon it works better on Survivor than Apprentice.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 07:49 PM
I had a feeling the guys were going to be toast when they neglected to get the Koala bear after the execs kept going on and on about how their Koala bear was so cool that he always has chicks lining up to give him x-rated favors. (The lady talking about him sounded like she might have participated herself.) Plus, they could have stuck Busey in the Koala costume and made it much more difficult for him to hijack the execs.

You never throw yourself under the bus especially when you have ready made goat on your team. Really dumb by McGrath. He's a deserver. Trump's kids obviously hated this result and were trying to throw him lifelines, but it was already too late. (The Trumplings have had to interact with Busey in the field, so they actually have a better idea of what the deal is.)

Nene is kind of a b*, but she is definately funny enough that I can overlook it.

I'd be hard pressed to care less about seeing Hope in a bikini, but I still agree with not having her in one being a fireable offense. Just because I don't care doesn't mean I'm ******ed enough to not realize there is a pretty big market for seeing a scantily clad Hope. Even so, I enjoy the bad beat you all recieved that Latoya was the PM for this task.

Also, mistake by McGrath not bringing a third back to the boardroom as support for leveraging out Busey. He should have brought a back up and took the line that he was more valuable to the team going forward than Busey.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Soncy
I had a feeling the guys were going to be toast when they neglected to get the Koala bear after the execs kept going on and on about how their Koala bear was so cool that he always has chicks lining up to give him x-rated favors. (The lady talking about him sounded like she might have participated herself.) Plus, they could have stuck Busey in the Koala costume and made it much more difficult for him to hijack the execs.

You never throw yourself under the bus especially when you have ready made goat on your team. Really dumb by McGrath. He's a deserver. Trump's kids obviously hated this result and were trying to throw him lifelines, but it was already too late. (The Trumplings have had to interact with Busey in the field, so they actually have a better idea of what the deal is.)

Nene is kind of a b*, but she is definately funny enough that I can overlook it.

I'd be hard pressed to care less about seeing Hope in a bikini, but I still agree with not having her in one being a fireable offense. Just because I don't care doesn't mean I'm ******ed enough to not realize there is a pretty big market for seeing a scantily clad Hope. Even so, I enjoy the bad beat you all recieved that Latoya was the PM for this task.

Also, mistake by McGrath not bringing a third back to the boardroom as support for leveraging out Busey. He should have brought a back up and took the line that he was more valuable to the team going forward than Busey.

That was the huge mistake on his part (obv aside from his original "I take full responsibility" statement). I guess watching the show a bit before you go on would be pretty helpful [in avoiding **** ups like McGrath and Taylor had].
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-11-2011 , 11:38 PM
As hilariously desperate as it seemed when Busey was pitching himself to be the spokesperson for Australian Gold, I can't even imagine a world where the suntanning company would choose GARY BUSEY to represent them.

Seriously, Gary?
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-12-2011 , 12:05 AM
Just the thought of GB pushing sun tan lotion is HILARIOUS. Funnier than if Lil Jon did it
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-12-2011 , 01:31 AM
The slip of "if we lose I should be fired" is overstated and is usually just a cavalier way of saying "the team did a good job and I won't stoop to throwing them under the bus". It's ridiculous that it gets the play it does from Trump, but in this instance as noted it was the ammo that Trump needed to get rid of the less entertaining McGrath and keep trainwreck on wheels Busey around for at least another week (which buys him more weeks each time his team wins). Competent though they may be, a team of Lil Jon, John Rich, Meatloaf, and McGrath just isn't great TV.

Also, lol @ two weeks in a row of all the other team members lining up against Gary and Trump just ignoring all of them and coming up with a narrative to achieve his result.

Finally, whatever result came in, it should have been Latoya getting bounced for the mega ******ed decision to keep Hope out of a bikini. That could be the single worst decision in the show's history and negatively affected us all. Without a doubt that would be the reason cited for her dumb ass to get canned had they lost.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-12-2011 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by stu+stu
Just the thought of GB pushing sun tan lotion is HILARIOUS. Funnier than if Lil Jon did it
Actually, they should have put some bear ears on Lil Jon, and attempted to pass him off as the Koala.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
04-12-2011 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by tuq
The slip of "if we lose I should be fired" is overstated and is usually just a cavalier way of saying "the team did a good job and I won't stoop to throwing them under the bus". It's ridiculous that it gets the play it does from Trump, but in this instance as noted it was the ammo that Trump needed to get rid of the less entertaining McGrath and keep trainwreck on wheels Busey around for at least another week (which buys him more weeks each time his team wins). Competent though they may be, a team of Lil Jon, John Rich, Meatloaf, and McGrath just isn't great TV.

Also, lol @ two weeks in a row of all the other team members lining up against Gary and Trump just ignoring all of them and coming up with a narrative to achieve his result.
Tuq, I would agree with you if McGrath only made those comments before they lost. But he kept repeating it after they lost, and even incorporated the exact reason they lost. He committed suicide.
Celebrity Apprentice 2011 Quote
