Originally Posted by Thug Bubbles
I see where you're coming from but it kills the premise of the show. They'll have to save that part of the story until the last season. To give a practical answer, he'd have more tools at his disposal. Think about the difference in trying to help people as a sub-citizen in Florida and running around the world saving the day with the full might of the Federal government behind you.
Yeah, but on the other hand I think part of Micheal's arc is coming to grips with the.. ambiguity.. that came with his old job and no longer being able to live with the moral compromises. And big part of what he's doing now is that there is no ambiguity in protecting some family being muscled by local hoods.
Originally Posted by Jack Bando
2)Wouldn't him not trying being against the whole premise of the show, him getting his Burn Notice undone?
Yeah but Burn Notice is one of those shows, like The X-Files, where they can never really resolve anything without fundamentally changing the show. The hero can only have small victories but when it comes to the big picture must always fail.
So eventually either Micheal gets his old job back and the show is completely changed. Or Micheal accepts that he's never getting his old job back and the show is completely changed...
I'm just saying that the solution seems pretty obvious though it's not surprising that Micheal wouldn't be able to see it. A little surprising that nobody (especially Fiona but maybe even his mother or perhaps even Sam) has pointed it out to him yet.