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Buffy the vampire slayer appreciation thread Buffy the vampire slayer appreciation thread

06-14-2012 , 01:10 PM
Who's everyone's favorite and least favorite characters?

Who do you like better, Spike or Angel?
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06-14-2012 , 01:23 PM
I bet it was hard to watch that giz

That Anya speech was absolutely amazing imo. It was so .... appropriate for that character. It like summed up the entire character in one monologue.
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06-14-2012 , 01:25 PM
Like a good number of guys who watched this show, I was dragged in by someone I was dating (my now wife!) and was initially hesitant because it sounded cheesy, was on an also-ran network, and I remembered the horribly bad movie.

But this is a great show that was truly ahead of its time in so many ways, and I've yet to find anyone who watched more than a few episodes who thinks otherwise.

What I really liked is how they treated sci-fi and the supernatural (plots and characters alike) as part of the show. Like oh yeah, that's our buddy Oz who turns into a werewolf sometimes, or check out this guy Clem who just happens to be a demon who eats kittens but basically is a massive dork who likes watching TV.

Emmy's ignored it (sounds familiar.....The Wire anyone??) and the ratings were pretty gawdawful, but seasons 2-6 delivered some of the consistently best quality shows that gave viewers intelligent, touching, exciting TV in an era where that was sorely lacking beyond cable series.
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06-14-2012 , 01:28 PM
Anyone picking Angel over Spike is bad at this

Anya favourite, least is Riley Finn. He was terrible.
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06-14-2012 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Who's everyone's favorite and least favorite characters?

Who do you like better, Spike or Angel?
Angel was better once he had his own series. Spike is better on Buffy. Close though - that season 2 and 3 Buffy/Angel arc is excellent.
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06-14-2012 , 01:29 PM
I finally have something to connect with that [Phill] character with imo
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06-14-2012 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by Rizzeedizzee
Like a good number of guys who watched this show, I was dragged in by someone I was dating (my now wife!) and was initially hesitant because it sounded cheesy, was on an also-ran network, and I remembered the horribly bad movie.

But this is a great show that was truly ahead of its time in so many ways, and I've yet to find anyone who watched more than a few episodes who thinks otherwise.

What I really liked is how they treated sci-fi and the supernatural (plots and characters alike) as part of the show. Like oh yeah, that's our buddy Oz who turns into a werewolf sometimes, or check out this guy Clem who just happens to be a demon who eats kittens but basically is a massive dork who likes watching TV.

Emmy's ignored it (sounds familiar.....The Wire anyone??) and the ratings were pretty gawdawful, but seasons 2-6 delivered some of the consistently best quality shows that gave viewers intelligent, touching, exciting TV in an era where that was sorely lacking beyond cable series.

Not to mention, unlike today, it was a television show that actually had good role models.

Yeah Buffy got the awards shaft, so unjustly so, they named an award 'The Buffy' for underrated and under appreciated shows.
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06-14-2012 , 01:35 PM
I liked Riley imo. Ok guy.

I definitely love Anya. Really great character. Sooooo much more likeable than Cordilia.
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06-14-2012 , 01:38 PM
Here's a good one imo

Excluding Spike and Angel, top five villians? gogogogo
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06-14-2012 , 01:39 PM
Cordy in Buffy was (intentionally) annoying, but she completely won Angel so I cant hate on her.

Riley I probably hate more than justified because he is part of the nut low story arc. Which started off really interesting then went way way through the floor to terrible quickly. Then he ran away and married some other chick for like no reason iirc.
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06-14-2012 , 01:42 PM
Riley didn't bother me and he grew on me more with subsequent viewings.

Tara was usually terrible. When Glory devoured her mind I wasn't sure how the Scoobies could tell the difference.

And Buffy suddenly having a sister at the end of the season 5 premiere was one of the show's great twists but it was mostly downhill for Dawn after that.
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06-14-2012 , 01:43 PM
I'm gonna say mine are, in this order


Top five villains

1. The Mayor
2. Warren
3. Glory
4. Veruca
5. The Gentlemen

Last edited by LirvA; 06-14-2012 at 01:48 PM.
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06-14-2012 , 01:45 PM
Cordilia and Angel are two of my most disliked characters. Cordilia because she was a very good actress, Angel because he was a very bad actor. I just didn't like Boreanaz at all in Buffy. But you're right, Cordilia was purposely annoying, and god DAMN was she effective!
Buffy the vampire slayer appreciation thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Here's a good one imo

Excluding Spike and Angel, top five villians? gogogogo

The Gentlemen
The Trio
Dark Willow
The Mayor
Buffy the vampire slayer appreciation thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA
Who's everyone's favorite and least favorite characters?

Who do you like better, Spike or Angel?
Least favorite are hands down Xander and Willow. They just were... horrible.
Favortie: Giles, gotta be Giles and Buffy herself. And Drusilla was always fantastic. Anya was great. Oz too.

I don't like either Angel or Spike. Or, I liked Spike a lot more than the Spuffy stuff and I really hated him after he tried to rape Buffy. Angel was just boring unless he was evil.
Buffy and Angle foreva though

Top villians in no particular order
1. Drusilla/Spike
2. the mayor
3. Glory
4. the gentlemen
5. Harmony ()

Also, Charisma Carpenter is hot, got a really ****ty deal from Joss when she got pregnant and Cordelia is amazing.
Buffy the vampire slayer appreciation thread Quote
06-14-2012 , 01:52 PM
noooo you can't call Willow a villain.

Buffy was sooooo out of line when she was trying to stop Willow from killing Warren imo. Willing to start a ****ing fight with her? WTF Buffy? Soooo ****ing wrong. Let the Wicca get her justice FFS. ****er deserved to die.
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06-14-2012 , 01:53 PM
Seriously though, Willow and Xander were such ****ty people. Ugh.
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06-14-2012 , 01:53 PM
Spike and Harmony had a really great chemistry together too imo.
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06-14-2012 , 01:56 PM
No way. You're stuck in the past Giz. (the kissing thing between them?)

Willow is my second favorite character. She was amazing in the series imo.

Xander was sort of a utilitarian role, and obviously wasn't one of the prominent characters, but he was effective in his role and I really gotta hand it to Nicholas Brendon because he was a stutterer and overcame it to become an actor. Really great story to see someone overcome a disability like that to not only act, but act in such a prolific television show. Happy for that guy imo.

Xander and Willow at their core were very good people and amazing friends, and without them Buffy wouldn't have been able to succeed.
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06-14-2012 , 01:56 PM
Yeah, Dawn was one of the more annoying ones, but the nut low award goes to the potentials, with their "accents" and all.

Best villains:
- Angelus
- Glory
- The Mayor
- The First, but only like in the first half of S7, (a la "Conversations with Dead People"), before Caleb
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06-14-2012 , 02:04 PM
The beginning of season 7 where Willow is in England rehabilitating and healing, I think that is really one of the true gems of the series. During the series magic was treated as something dark, and was fictionized obviously with the hollywood manner, but during Willow's stay in England they finally touch the roots of Wicca and portray it in not only an accurate manner, but a beautiful manner as well. I wish there were more of that in the series, but obv I am biased, being a Wicca.
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06-14-2012 , 02:06 PM
Oh, my dislike for Willow/Xander has nothing to do with their kissing and everything to do with their evolution as people into extremely self-centered douche bags.
Xander - left Anya at the alter, always had a complex over Buffy/Supermen to the point where he actively, like.. interfered with her relationships, "And Buffy... Willow says... kick his ass!"
Then Willow... oh Willow, she was awesome when she was the smart one, but then she got all possessive and crazy over Tara, then became the shows equivalent to a junkie, THEN along with Xander (and the "potentials") decides it's a good idea to kick Buffy OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE after she saved their lives how many times?
Ungrateful, self-centered pieces of ****.
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06-14-2012 , 02:07 PM
Oh, also an awesome villain was the gnarl (from one of the first few episodes of season 7). the guy that ate its victims flesh while they were alive.
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06-14-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by LirvA

Willow is my second favorite character. She was amazing in the series imo.
Yeah, Willow is a great character.

Willow and Cordelia easily have the most dynamic arcs across the series. Their journeys and where they land at the end of it all is pretty amazing considering their origins.
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06-14-2012 , 02:10 PM
Favorite episodes?
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