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British comedy: IT crowd British comedy: IT crowd

07-29-2010 , 04:24 AM
I'v been watching this comdey series over the past few weeks with my IRL friends and I can safely say it's hilarious. I just felt the need to point this show out to all non English people who have'nt seen it before. is the link to the youtube channel to watch this show. Also if this link doens't work i'd recommend trying here| as long as you don't mind stealing a policemans helmet. You should try from series 1 so u can get the inside jokes from the show, also comment below on what you think of this hilarious show.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 04:43 AM
Ya good show, takes a bit of getting used to at first tho.

I Love the homeless episode.

I'd also love it if this was in youtube containment thread.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 05:01 AM
What is the youtube contanment thread?
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 06:30 AM
In before move to the OOTV subforum

Yeah, very good show and the new season is quite possibly the best.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 06:38 AM
If you think the knew series is the ebst then you obv havn't seen series 2 and 3. although 1 and the newest(4) are still pretty lolworthy.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 07:53 AM
Jen the Fredo had an amazing payoff with the D&D scene and the rest was solid

Final Coundown is the best ep they have ever done.

Something Happened is in the top half and was a solid ep.

Italian for Beginners is EASILY top 5 and probably vying for 2nd overall with Moss and the German.

Last week's Bad Boys wasnt amazing but i was drunk and might be misrembering some of it. Certainly wasnt terrible.


5 out of the 6 episodes this season and its extremely good - the 6th ep will probably be the decider on whether it is best or second best season (so far). Season 2 is the more consistent season but even Moss and the German cant bring up the average to beat the current season. 3 cant compare, though The Speech is top 5.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 08:19 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Jen the Fredo had an amazing payoff with the D&D scene and the rest was solid

Final Coundown is the best ep they have ever done.

Something Happened is in the top half and was a solid ep.

Italian for Beginners is EASILY top 5 and probably vying for 2nd overall with Moss and the German.

Last week's Bad Boys wasnt amazing but i was drunk and might be misrembering some of it. Certainly wasnt terrible.


5 out of the 6 episodes this season and its extremely good - the 6th ep will probably be the decider on whether it is best or second best season (so far). Season 2 is the more consistent season but even Moss and the German cant bring up the average to beat the current season. 3 cant compare, though The Speech is top 5.
I'd have to say the final countdown was my favourite in season 4 so far. 'It actually already is a word, tnetennba, good morning that's a nice tnetennba.'
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 08:20 AM
Countdown groupies are the best kind of groupies.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Countdown groupies are the best kind of groupies.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 09:25 PM
I've seen the first 3 seasons on Instant Netflix here in the states. Show is hilarious.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 09:38 PM
i've only seen one episode and it was hilarious. the two IT guys skipped some meeting and at the end they ran into a bomb disposal unit.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 11:12 PM
I set my DVR to pick them up off IFC. It looks like they are on Saturdays at 7:30 pm.
I love this show, my wife whoever can't understand a word they are saying.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-29-2010 , 11:32 PM
I <3 IT crowd so very much.
god bless channel 4 for bringing back a new series!
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-30-2010 , 03:14 AM
How can I watch season 4 in the USA?

Must have.

Show is too good.

Edit: Found it on Itunes for 10 bucks. Money well spent.
Double Edit: nevermind. They aren't available yet. fml

Last edited by Quadstriker; 07-30-2010 at 03:20 AM.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-30-2010 , 04:31 PM
I'm disabled.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-30-2010 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by xenthebrain
I'm disabled.
Jesus that was a funny episode.

I am not a massive fan, although I am watching it now as it happens.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-30-2010 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Quadstriker
How can I watch season 4 in the USA?

Must have.

Show is too good.

Edit: Found it on Itunes for 10 bucks. Money well spent.
Double Edit: nevermind. They aren't available yet. fml
You can find it on the torrent sites but otherwise there's no way AFAIK.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-30-2010 , 10:17 PM
I've seen the first 3 seasons from netflix instant, and can solidly recommend this show.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-31-2010 , 02:43 PM
If you can access the 4 on demand site you can watch them from America, or hear about them by 'proxy'.

Last night's ep kinda dipped the season's average, but not a terrible ep. The Star Trek parody sex tape was another top joke for the show, shame it was inserted in a rather poor ep. The reference to the transexual chick was high quality too.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-31-2010 , 08:05 PM
I love this show.

I've got the first 3 seasons on DVD. Just one of those shows that's awesome.

The piracy parody a season or so ago was hilarious.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-31-2010 , 08:57 PM
I managed to use a version of that joke a couple of weeks ago and all the people i was with got it
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
07-31-2010 , 09:49 PM
Very funny show.

It's also crazy how in the first 2 seasons almost every episode is better than the previous one.
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
08-01-2010 , 08:45 PM
I have been pimping this show in the Netflix threads since I saw it.

The gay musical/disabled episode nearly killed me.

Characters are all awesome. Main chick is hot but plays pathetic pretty well.

Love this show, can't wait for season 4 to come out on Netflix!
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
08-02-2010 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by DeezNuts
The gay musical/disabled episode nearly killed me.
That episode was amazing
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
08-02-2010 , 01:39 AM
wow. US version (pilot) was made but never aired....Joel McHale + Original Moss??? Thank jeebus it didnt get picked up
British comedy: IT crowd Quote
