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Breaking Bad: season 5 Breaking Bad: season 5

07-29-2012 , 03:06 PM
07-29-2012 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by trinityfc
Seriously and this goes for a lot of people in here talking about realism and it not being real enough or nearly real etc. etc. etc.. Its all absolute fantasy. I absolutely adore this show and think it will go down as the GOAT after season 5. PURE FANTASY. Planes falling out of the sky, Giant scrapyard magnet in the back of a truck, Poisoning children, 3 men flying into mexico and wiping out an entire cartel with a bottle of tequila and escaping, Giant underground meth labs, bombs going off in nursing homes, Jessie having week long parties in a nice housing area with every hobo junkie in a 5 mile radius and no police ever showing up once, Let alone the house actually not being stripped bare when he comes home and that flashing sound system would be first to go! I mean I could go on and on.

Nitpickers gonna nitpick I guess but there should be way more love for this show in here. It is a big hot steaming pile of awesomeness and should be celebrated. Look at this enthralling world these writers, directors and actors have created.

Awesome magnet truck should be mobilised and sent to some of your homes!
Originally Posted by Clunker
Mike is so awesome.

go episode 3
07-29-2012 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
it irrelevant.

I know you are making the point that Walt dealing Meth is also irrelevant to Ted, but it's not.

If Walt isn't dealing meth, he never meets Saul, and Saul never sends goons into Ted's house.

bad analogy
I was only attacking your argument, which was terrible. It was not meant to be an analogy to the situation.

And again you make your same terrible argument. If not for X, then not Y. Therefore X is responsible for Y. That argument is an awful one when dealing with morality.
07-29-2012 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
Where between

"Walt deals meth -> Ted gets hurt" -> Walt (partially) responsible = true


"Butterfly flaps wings -> Ted gets hurt" -> Butterfly (partially) responsible = false

do we draw the line?

This is a serious question. If we assume a causal chain that goes all the way from "butterfly flapping" to "Ted getting hurt", we have to draw a line somewhere where we still assign a certain amount of responsibility.

because if a butterfly flaps its wings, you can not draw a direct line to ted getting hurt.

with Walt, if he is a teacher, how does Ted get hurt?

Ted still commits fraud. Skylar assists in that fraud. Then they get caught. Sklyar doesn't have 600,000 lying around to bribe Ted with. Then Ted doesn't have money he could give to the government. If he doesn't have the money to give to the government, then Saul doesn't put his goons on him. If he doesn't sick goons on him, he doesn't run from said goons and smash his face into a table.

Therefore, If Walt was still a teacher, then Ted would never be in a position to be running from the goons that caused him to slip and hit his head.

what part of this logic is difficult to ascertain?

of course Ted's, Skylar's, and Saul's actions contributed to his demise, but without Walt's original decision to start the Meth business, Ted/Saul/Skylar would not have had the chance to commit their actions.

To answer your question, I think you draw the line when it goes from actual causation to a ******ed hypothetical
07-29-2012 , 03:28 PM
OK, so how much responsibility does Jesse have? Or to take it even further how much responsibility does Walt have for becoming a teacher in the first place (and then you could go on to Gretchen and Elliot).

Walt becomes teacher - teaches Jesse - Jesse ****s up school - becomes meth head - cooks meth with chili pepper - gets caught by Hank - climbs out of window - gets seen by Walt - etc. etc.

You get the point, which is pretty much:

Originally Posted by TomCollins
That argument is an awful one when dealing with morality.
07-29-2012 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Youngblood23
so I've got a question. Just went to DVR tonight's episode, and in the info it says
"Walt confesses to Marie." is it THE confession, or am I just missing something?
Originally Posted by Clovis8
God I hate people! Use a f*cking spoiler tag!
Originally Posted by DC11GTR
Yeah, that was deliberate too.
really, the episode title/description is considered a spoiler?
so no one cries:
it says "walt shares a secret with marie". i highly doubt he's telling her he is heisenberg.
more likely possibilities:
-he's broke
-he's still "playing blackjack"
-his cancer is back
etc etc, some lie, probably something dumb

Last edited by private joker; 07-29-2012 at 03:38 PM.
07-29-2012 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Sugar Nut
OK, so how much responsibility does Jesse have? ... Jesse ****s up school - becomes meth head - cooks meth with chili pepper
I blame Jesse's parents. They clearly ****ed up.
07-29-2012 , 03:34 PM
A lot of people on this forum go out of their way not to watch previews, promos or read that type of stuff. That's been the case for multiple seasons and multiple shows.
07-29-2012 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by rponeal
really, the episode title/description is considered a spoiler?
so no one cries:
it says "walt shares a secret with marie". i highly doubt he's telling her he is heisenberg.
more likely possibilities:
-he's broke
-he's still "playing blackjack"
-his cancer is back
etc etc, some lie, probably something dumb
I dont have cable so i do not look at listings spoilers info etc. I come to this thread to discuss the previous episodes and what we hypothesise may be coming up. Im not the only one who stays away from all information til the episode airs
07-29-2012 , 03:38 PM
I've edited his posts to put spoiler tags in it.

Please, people, use common sense.
07-29-2012 , 03:39 PM
PJ = the man. Thank you sir
07-29-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by TheHip41
because if a butterfly flaps its wings, you can not draw a direct line to ted getting hurt.

with Walt, if he is a teacher, how does Ted get hurt?

Ted still commits fraud. Skylar assists in that fraud. Then they get caught. Sklyar doesn't have 600,000 lying around to bribe Ted with. Then Ted doesn't have money he could give to the government. If he doesn't have the money to give to the government, then Saul doesn't put his goons on him. If he doesn't sick goons on him, he doesn't run from said goons and smash his face into a table.

Therefore, If Walt was still a teacher, then Ted would never be in a position to be running from the goons that caused him to slip and hit his head.

what part of this logic is difficult to ascertain?

of course Ted's, Skylar's, and Saul's actions contributed to his demise, but without Walt's original decision to start the Meth business, Ted/Saul/Skylar would not have had the chance to commit their actions.

To answer your question, I think you draw the line when it goes from actual causation to a ******ed hypothetical
When dealing with morality, I already gave a pretty good explanation on how to assess responsibility. It basically comes down to someone being able to reasonably predict the outcome and having other reasonable options.

If someone kidnaps my kids and says I must kill someone or else my kids die, I certainly could move a huge amount of moral responsibility on the kidnapper. I probably would have some, but much less. This is the arugment Walt uses when he blames Gus for Gale's death. Walt has no options but to kill Gale. This is true, but Walt also bears a huge amount of responsibility for Gus having no options but to kill Walt. But Gus certainly has a great deal of responsibility for it. I would say Jesse, who actually pulled the trigger, has the least of the three men.

Now it comes down to, sure, Walt got Skyler into a bad spot. Skyler has had enormous amount of opportunities to correct this. She could have divorced Walt. She could have told Hank and Marie. She could have consulted with Walt before taking on such a dumb plan. She could have not committed fraud with Ted. She could have not given him the money. She could have used a plan other than using thugs to get him to send the money. Ted could have not committed fraud. Ted could have used the money to pay off the IRS. There are a lot of options here. A lot of choices and dumb decisions made. Sure, in response to Walt. But let's say that Walt's cancer came from some negligent person at a lab he worked at. Does this now make that person responsible for all of Walt's wrongdoings, Ted's Death, Gus's death, Tuco's death, Jane's death, the plane crash? I would say there is a minor amount of responsibility, but it still comes down to individuals making very bad choices. And Walt isn't the only person on the show who makes terrible choices. Pretty much every character we see does.
07-29-2012 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by Isitdur?
Is that Eugene Levy?
Yeah. I usually find most comedies to be crap, but this movie was great. Levy, John Candy, Robert Loggia, a few "that guy" guys, like "that bald guy who told Maverick and Goose, "I'm giving you your dream shot, I'm sending you to Top Gun," and this was the first time I saw (fell in love with) a young Meg Ryan.

But it's mostly Candy and Levy, and they're awesome together, with a side order of Jonathan Banks as hired muscle.
07-29-2012 , 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
If someone kidnaps my kids and says I must kill someone or else my kids die, I certainly could move a huge amount of moral responsibility on the kidnapper. I probably would have some, but much less. This is the arugment Walt uses when he blames Gus for Gale's death. Walt has no options but to kill Gale. This is true, but Walt also bears a huge amount of responsibility for Gus having no options but to kill Walt. But Gus certainly has a great deal of responsibility for it. I would say Jesse, who actually pulled the trigger, has the least of the three men.
If all he did was pull the trigger I'd agree with you. But he almost single-handedly created the situation where his and Walt's life was in danger, and tje results of his actions were completely foreseeable. So Jesse has a huge amount of responsibility there.
07-29-2012 , 06:20 PM
Walt is going to confess and ask Marie to be part of the crew LDO
07-29-2012 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by crzyjoedavola
Walt is going to confess and ask Marie to be part of the crew LDO
Fits with my tuna theory.
07-29-2012 , 06:26 PM
she'd be gank, for obv reasons. jesse = dutch, walt = fischman
07-29-2012 , 06:27 PM
What about the store manager at Los Pollos?
07-29-2012 , 07:41 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Yeah. I usually find most comedies to be crap, but this movie was great. Levy, John Candy, Robert Loggia, a few "that guy" guys, like "that bald guy who told Maverick and Goose, "I'm giving you your dream shot, I'm sending you to Top Gun," and this was the first time I saw (fell in love with) a young Meg Ryan.
Wait a sec, you just quoted Top Gun, but then said Armed & Dangerous was the first time you saw Meg Ryan? Did you close your eyes during her scenes in Top Gun?
07-29-2012 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Wait a sec, you just quoted Top Gun, but then said Armed & Dangerous was the first time you saw Meg Ryan? Did you close your eyes during her scenes in Top Gun?
Top Gun opened in May of 1986. Armed and Dangerous opened in August of 1986. While Top Gun did open a few months earlier, that hardly means that everyone who has seen both movies saw Top Gun first, or that they will even remember which one they saw first. It was 26 years ago ffs. Stop being a supernit pls.
07-29-2012 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by crzyjoedavola
What about the store manager at Los Pollos?
To me she's a huge loose end and I'm surprised they haven't addressed it yet. Is there any chance that she's one of the "Los Pollos Once", or "Los Pollos Doce" if you include Mike?

Given that they were so specific about the number and that it was mentioned in multiple places (Mike / Lydia, and Hank / Gomez both reference it) I am kind of thinking that it's going to be part of the structure of the season. A slow reveal of "Los Pollos Doce" could be a very cool piece of the story if they let the wick burn from both ends (Mike keeping them quiet, Hank investigating).

Who do we know so far...?
1. Mike
2. Chris
3. Chow
4. Dennis (laundry manager)
5. Distribution manager ?? -- have we met him yet?
6. Tyrus ??
7. Victor ?? -- how quickly would Gus close one of these accounts?
8. Gale ?? -- same comment
9. Los Pollos manager ??
10. ??
11. ??
12. ??

We know Walt's not on the list because of the way Lydia states "and I haven't even met the chemist yet". Jessie is an extremely unlikely candidate given that he was so new in Gus's inner-circle, and that it's questionable whether Gus wanted to keep him around forever anyway.

So who else?

Maybe the two guys that Walt killed in the Super-lab after killing Gus? If you buy my list above, that leaves one spot.

Not sure what I'd think if it turned out to be Elliott or Gretchen.

Last edited by Eagleheart; 07-29-2012 at 08:28 PM. Reason: bored and drinking
07-29-2012 , 08:41 PM
Also --- Is Walt Jr. on the meth?

(sorry if this has been discussed, and this is not a troll post)

Here's my line of thought:
-Walt Jr. has been established as a big-time eater of breakfast
-But he left a full bowl of Raisin Bran Crunch (TM) at the breakfast table
-Crystal meth reduces one's appetite (Google it)
-He finished his milk (does meth make you thirsty?)
-He did some weird handshake thing with Holly

Just a thought.

Maybe he was just upset about the lack of pancakes due to his mother's crippling depression.
07-29-2012 , 08:46 PM
didn't participate in previous season threads. was there a lengthy discussion of the plausibility of a bunch of balloons disabling a transformer?
07-29-2012 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Eagleheart
Maybe he was just upset about the lack of pancakes due to his mother's crippling depression.
Ohhhhhh....wait did you do something there? DYDST?
07-29-2012 , 08:51 PM
I cant believe I have to sit through a whole hour of this crap just so I don't miss the first few minutes of the new episode of small town security.
