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Breaking Bad: season 5 Breaking Bad: season 5

07-16-2012 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by J0hny
I'm getting leveled here i guess , but srsly, i didn't get that :/
I have watched all the seasons 2 times.
Maybe a third time is in order?
07-16-2012 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by DB21
Magnet discussion might have been worse than the Gale dead/Ted dead/Brock poison discussions combined.
That's not even close to true. The camera-work on Gale did make it ambiguous. Ted twitching on the floor was a cliff-hanger. Brock poison discussion could have gone either way (it was the first time Walt did something major that we didn't see).

The magnet/laptop is just poor writing. They were clearly trying to make it seem like the magnet 'wiped' the hard drive but as others have pointed out, in the real world that probably wouldn't work.

The funny thing is that the physical destruction (a side effect of the crappy writing) would actually be more likely to keep them safe than the attempt at wiping of the HDD. The laptop is just a murder victim's laptop. The chances of the cops even looking at it that closely are small in the first place. Once it is damaged and the HDD would have to go to an expert to retrieve the data from it, it becomes even less likely the cops would care enough to look into it.
07-16-2012 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieKelly

-If Walt is infact now in Gus' role, or at least sees himself in Gus' role, is it unreasonable to think that he can die the same way as Gus did? Possibly at the hands of Jesse or maybe even Hank. Hank could get the drop that Walt is coming to kill him and take him down.


Nah, i doubt Walt's character ever dies.
Probably ends like the sopranos with a nothing telling nice dinner scene with a family.

Originally Posted by Dominic
Maybe a third time is in order?
If it gets more confusing then probably yeah.
07-16-2012 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by Imaginary F(r)iend
I bet they did that all for nothing. Person like Gus probably had the whole hard drive encrypted with the strongest encryption available
Confirmed that Gus uses TrueCrypt.
07-16-2012 , 08:12 PM
Originally Posted by Cydonia
I bet my money on product placement there.
if it was product placement, they'd probably use newer models (see: cars from the future in thewalkingdead).

Originally Posted by Dids

And I feel like after Walt saw that- he wanted to add more power to things so he could really **** **** up just to **** **** up- which he did later on when he cranked the magnet up to 11.
07-16-2012 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by WalterS
That's not even close to true. The camera-work on Gale did make it ambiguous. Ted twitching on the floor was a cliff-hanger. Brock poison discussion could have gone either way (it was the first time Walt did something major that we didn't see).

The magnet/laptop is just poor writing. They were clearly trying to make it seem like the magnet 'wiped' the hard drive but as others have pointed out, in the real world that probably wouldn't work.

The funny thing is that the physical destruction (a side effect of the crappy writing) would actually be more likely to keep them safe than the attempt at wiping of the HDD. The laptop is just a murder victim's laptop. The chances of the cops even looking at it that closely are small in the first place. Once it is damaged and the HDD would have to go to an expert to retrieve the data from it, it becomes even less likely the cops would care enough to look into it.
Is this a serious post? Because I can't find in it one thing I can agree with.
07-16-2012 , 08:18 PM
Did anyone else notice Saul's voice to be either hoarse or raspy?
Maybe Saul is coming down with the cancer as well?
07-16-2012 , 08:20 PM
Yeah Gus, who they think is the biggest meth dealer around, has a laptop but no one will bother looking at it! Why do you think they took it in to evidence if not to look at it?
07-16-2012 , 08:30 PM
The magnet is "plausible" science fiction.

And a huge LOL to everyone who thinks the whole plot was not about degaussing.
07-16-2012 , 08:37 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
My dad used to have a powered one specifically for erasing reel to reel tape in his radio days, it was kinda awesome.

Probably the magnet used on the show would not be strong enough, considering the distance:
07-16-2012 , 08:40 PM
Anyone know what Walt's last birthday or at least age is, which Im pretty sure we saw in season one? Is there a timeframe we can attach to that flashforward of his 52nd?
07-16-2012 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by WalterS
The laptop is just a murder victim's laptop. The chances of the cops even looking at it that closely are small in the first place. Once it is damaged and the HDD would have to go to an expert to retrieve the data from it, it becomes even less likely the cops would care enough to look into it.
07-16-2012 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Anyone know what Walt's last birthday or at least age is, which Im pretty sure we saw in season one? Is there a timeframe we can attach to that flashforward of his 52nd?
he is 2 episodes away from 51
07-16-2012 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by WalterS
That's not even close to true. The camera-work on Gale did make it ambiguous. Ted twitching on the floor was a cliff-hanger. Brock poison discussion could have gone either way (it was the first time Walt did something major that we didn't see).
The fact it was so obvious and didn't warrant any discussion is what makes it the worst.
07-16-2012 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by WalterS
That's not even close to true. The camera-work on Gale did make it ambiguous. Ted twitching on the floor was a cliff-hanger. Brock poison discussion could have gone either way (it was the first time Walt did something major that we didn't see).

The magnet/laptop is just poor writing. They were clearly trying to make it seem like the magnet 'wiped' the hard drive but as others have pointed out, in the real world that probably wouldn't work.
Yes, the camera-work on Gale made it reasonably to suggest there might be ambiguity but it really was unlikely.

Everyone thought the oranges made Ted's scene unambiguous but apparently Gilligan was just messing with us. edit. The thought was if he didn't die outright the dudes would have to kill him because how could they risk him staying alive.

There is ~0 ambiguity with the laptop and it's no worse then any of the other times we've had to suspend disbelief for this series. It just isn't a realistic series. There's realistic elements, that's it.
07-16-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by Imaginary F(r)iend
I bet they did that all for nothing. Person like Gus probably had the whole hard drive encrypted with the strongest encryption available that would take decades to open. Even then he might have deleted and written over the files right after watching.
he probably didnt do any of that to the most recent footage, seeing as he was dead
07-16-2012 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by J0hny
Nah, i doubt Walt's character ever dies.
Probably ends like the sopranos with a nothing telling nice dinner scene with a family.

you mean that nice dinner where Tony gets shot in the back of the head in front of his family?
07-16-2012 , 09:01 PM
i finally caught up to the live show

great series
07-16-2012 , 09:03 PM
so wiki is telling me that the S5 premiere last got got a series high 2.9m viewers, is that pretty good for AMC or what?

...The high rating is especially surprising considering that AMC was not carried by Dish Network on Sunday night due to a fee dispute. That was 14 million potential viewers without AMC...

(2nd looks to be the S4 premiere "Box Cutter" at 2.58m)

07-16-2012 , 09:08 PM

Hmm, yeah I guess I agree with you. There was 0 ambiguity about the laptop, that's for sure. I still think it deserves some discussion because of how bad it is.

The sentiment that Breaking Bad is not a realistic series is definitely right but a little saddening. It is so close to being based in reality that it really bothers me when they include something like the magnet, or Gus storing the videos at all, or any of the other minor unrealistic plot holes.

The realisim factor definitely isn't a huge deal, but it is what keeps Breaking Bad in the middle or bottom of the top 5 shows of all time instead of #1 like it could be IMO.

Originally Posted by Dominic
Is this a serious post? Because I can't find in it one thing I can agree with.
I'm disappointed in you, Dominic. I'd be happy to argue any point I made in that post.
07-16-2012 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by CharlieKelly
Did anyone else notice Saul's voice to be either hoarse or raspy?
Maybe Saul is coming down with the cancer as well?
When will Walt's reign of terror end? Now he's giving Saul cancer

Semi-grunching here but Ted being alive bothered me a lot. The oranges tumbling down when he slipped really make me think he was intended to be dead but Gilligan changed his mind after that episode. That or the oranges were meant as a mislead, which I can't say I'm a fan of either.

Anyway I hope Ted he won't feature much in the rest of the series, if at all. The one scene was at least pretty powerful, seeing Skyler have to look at this guy she completely destroyed.

But anyway, I liked the premiere a lot. Mother****in' magnets yo
07-16-2012 , 09:25 PM
oranges are the absolute nut worst symbol in film/TV, so glad that morons thought ted was dead because of their presence

(tbf i didn't know whether or not he was dead, but i wouldn't invest in goddamn overused oranges as a reason why)
07-16-2012 , 09:26 PM
I can't believe I am going to ask this after a year but wtf are people talking about when they say the oranges meant Ted was dead. Some oranges fell on him! Is that some deep symbolism I don't know about?
07-16-2012 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by Isitdur?
Mike confirmed the greatest.
Originally Posted by Dominic
Mike is awesome.
Yeah, great character.

I met him about 25 years ago. He was very nice.
07-16-2012 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
so wiki is telling me that the S5 premiere last got got a series high 2.9m viewers, is that pretty good for AMC or what?

...The high rating is especially surprising considering that AMC was not carried by Dish Network on Sunday night due to a fee dispute. That was 14 million potential viewers without AMC...

(2nd looks to be the S4 premiere "Box Cutter" at 2.58m)

Almost 3 million US viewers for season 5 episode 1. Thats their highest ratings yet. Around 500k more than season 4 premier
It shows a growth so yes that is obv good. However if you compare it to the walking dead the numbers dont look the greatest. They have between 6-9 million for their second season
