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Breaking Bad: season 5 Breaking Bad: season 5

07-02-2012 , 11:19 PM
Just watched both back to back.

I contend that Crawl Space is the best. In that episode, we see Jesse's loyalty tested to its fullest extent. Even though Mike is practically left for dead, he chooses to go with Gus with only going as far as to say "Don't kill Walt". The last 10 minutes are just pitch perfect. Walt gets his final rejection from Jesse, immediately thinks he is left for dead. Then he realizes that he has some tiny bit of leverage over Gus, sees his chance to just erase the last year or so of his life, and has that snatched away from him by his wife who flushed their only escape route down to the dude she cheated with. He is then forced past his breaking point, left lying in the empty location which once housed his only positive results from his entire operation, out of options, and essentially buried beneath what he has done.
07-03-2012 , 03:57 AM
I don't remember the other ep, but Crawl Space was probably the episode of the series for me. Walt's hysterical laughter left quite an impression. Despite how violent this show is, how many horrible things people have done, for me, that was the darkest scene in the series. We saw Walt lose his mind. Cranston deserves to be showered with Oscars for that scene alone.

Anyone care to recap Salud for me?
07-03-2012 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
Debate with roommate right now.

Better episode from S4: Salud or Crawl Space?
salud. it's def close, but jesse's ownage in the mexican lab was too awesome. while i always preferred his character over walt's, for me this episode was the tipping point in the series where the writers make it clear that the show has a new protagonist.

Since this episode, the effect has been exacerbated from such things as:

- walt begging and practically in tears at jesse's house (especially powerful considering walt's "you're gonna die in a bucket" comment when jesse was in need of help)

- walt going as far as putting an innocent child in ER

- jesse still denying gus the right to kill walt and putting his own life at risk by doing so
07-03-2012 , 05:50 AM
good to see the baboons have finally given up discussing whether or not walt actually poisoned brock. most of us had it figured out before the finale but when you guys still kept trying to convince us otherwise AFTER THE FINALE WHEN THEY SHOWED THE PLANT i could do nothing but facepalm
07-03-2012 , 05:59 AM
re season 5, with the plot sort of at a dead end, i wouldnt be surprised if they start bringing back old characters.

bringing jesse's family back on the scene could be dope, i think the scene where he buys his parents' house and the subsequent look on their faces when they realized they've been conned by their junkie son is pure gold and one of the best parts of the entire series period. we've seen jesse act as an older brother for brock so i wouldn't be surprised if we see him and his real brother start to hang out a bit in the upcoming season. i recall there was an episode where the little brother had a joint and that was probably a year or two ago so maybe he starts to experiment with harder drugs (ie. heisenberg's stuff) and jesse steps in to try to keep him clean. i dunno how relevant that would be, tbh it would probably be a bit of an annoyance given all the intense drama that's going to be happening from the main plot (wouldn't want to have to sit through another hank recovery type thing for 1/3 of each episode). but any type of situation where jesse's folks get inadvertently owned would be welcomed by me.

maybe walt's old lab partner could be brought back in, not gale but the guy he went to school with. dunno how or why they'd do that, but i wouldn't be surprised.

oh yeah, seeing JR on the blue would be pretty awesome and i almost feel mandatory for the story to really come full circle...would be very ironic considering walt began cooking to help his family...
07-03-2012 , 06:02 AM
hey just thought of something

since gus has been exposed, guaranteed the DEA is going to dissect Los Pollos very closely to see if the business can connect them to the cartel or anyone else involved in the operation. guaranteed they're going to look at the videotapes and walt/jesse spent a ton of time there having meetings with gus at the beginning of season 3...
07-03-2012 , 08:55 AM
Gus had control of the cctv in Los Pollos, and I doubt he'd be careless enough to leave his own business meetings on record.

Though there's surely going to be a lightbulb-above-head moment for Hank that links everything to Walt, I'm still constantly arguing with myself as to what the big clue will be.
07-03-2012 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by GambleLifeAway
hey just thought of something

since gus has been exposed, guaranteed the DEA is going to dissect Los Pollos very closely to see if the business can connect them to the cartel or anyone else involved in the operation. guaranteed they're going to look at the videotapes and walt/jesse spent a ton of time there having meetings with gus at the beginning of season 3...
Tapes are usually kept for less than a week at most details stores/restaurants and then reused unless there's a reason to keep it.
07-03-2012 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
I'm still constantly arguing with myself as to what the big clue will be.
Walt's hubris is sure to have a lot to do with this.
07-03-2012 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by GambleLifeAway
good to see the baboons have finally given up discussing whether or not walt actually poisoned brock.
what are you talking about
Originally Posted by GambleLifeAway
most of us had it figured out before the finale
what are you talking about
Originally Posted by GambleLifeAway
but when you guys still kept trying to convince us otherwise AFTER THE FINALE WHEN THEY SHOWED THE PLANT i could do nothing but facepalm
what are you talking about
07-03-2012 , 11:44 AM
i'm just confused that someone is complaining that a conversation that ended eight months ago and six months before he registered is "finally" over

especially the part where people kept arguing about it after the finale, because that didn't actually happen

and the part where "most of us" had it figured out didn't happen either, especially not a guy who wasn't even participating in the conversation
07-03-2012 , 11:50 AM
Yeah, that was a weird few posts.
07-03-2012 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by nath
i'm just confused that someone is complaining that a conversation that ended eight months ago and six months before he registered is "finally" over

especially the part where people kept arguing about it after the finale, because that didn't actually happen

and the part where "most of us" had it figured out didn't happen either, especially not a guy who wasn't even participating in the conversation
He's still a knob, but I'm guessing he had a previous account that he lost access to after the hacking.
07-03-2012 , 05:08 PM
That crawl space laughter makes me wanna see Bryan Cranston play the joker
07-03-2012 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by nath
An internet search for "Homeless Dad: I just want my kids back" brought me here.

Some interesting (and surprisingly dramatic) discussion about my other favorite show lead me to register.

And now boredom and alcohol have lead me to post.

So this is my introduction intended to be buried in the 'not quite pre-season' section of the thread.

Forgive me in advance for my contributions.
07-03-2012 , 08:50 PM
We could use more Eagleheart-themed posting. We don't even have a thread for the show!
07-03-2012 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by nath
We could use more Eagleheart-themed posting. We don't even have a thread for the show!
Seriously, yeah. But this is consistent with the general appreciation for Chris Elliott.

(it's a fun exercise to rearrange the punctuation of the post above to say different things. try!)
07-03-2012 , 11:33 PM

Two minutes of first episode if anyone is so inclined, not really anything shocking in video but I didn't embed because it has the episode name in title and I know some really try to avoid any and all spoilers
07-04-2012 , 12:44 AM
must... not... click...
07-04-2012 , 12:53 AM
It's fine to watch. It only sucks cause it'll make you fiend that much more, but as a clip goes, it's absolutely nothing.
07-04-2012 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by TheRempel
He's still a knob, but I'm guessing he had a previous account that he lost access to after the hacking.
07-04-2012 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by nath
i'm just confused that someone is complaining that a conversation that ended eight months ago and six months before he registered is "finally" over

especially the part where people kept arguing about it after the finale, because that didn't actually happen

and the part where "most of us" had it figured out didn't happen either, especially not a guy who wasn't even participating in the conversation
ummm lots of ppl had it pegged from the moment walt was spinning the gun on the table, in fact somebody even posted all the details on the plant etc
07-04-2012 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
Gus had control of the cctv in Los Pollos, and I doubt he'd be careless enough to leave his own business meetings on record.

Though there's surely going to be a lightbulb-above-head moment for Hank that links everything to Walt, I'm still constantly arguing with myself as to what the big clue will be.
yeah pretty stupid prediction on my part

anybody have a guess as to how hank's going to connect the dots once and for all?
07-04-2012 , 08:22 AM
Been rewatching season 4, I'm at ep3 so far and I gotta admit I enjoy the rewatching much more than the first time. Crazy how Jesse goes down to hell the first few episodes with people crashing all over his house sort of things. Looking forward to season 5.



Last edited by babar86; 07-04-2012 at 08:35 AM. Reason: added pic
07-04-2012 , 09:50 AM
Originally Posted by GambleLifeAway
ummm lots of ppl had it pegged from the moment walt was spinning the gun on the table, in fact somebody even posted all the details on the plant etc
Well, he actually posted the details of a *different* poisonous plant, so even he was wrong!
