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Breaking Bad: season 5 Breaking Bad: season 5

08-08-2012 , 06:40 PM
Re: the $100 tip.

I rewatched the scene a couple of times. Can't be sure but it looked like that was the only bill in his wallet -- might have tipped her his last $100.
08-08-2012 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by Costanza
Re: the $100 tip.

I rewatched the scene a couple of times. Can't be sure but it looked like that was the only bill in his wallet -- might have tipped her his last $100.
I thought it was doing it so he would be certainly recalled by waitress. She may forget his name/bday, but no way does she forget now that there is a tip.
08-08-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by nath
Is Walt more likely to fake Skyler's suicide or to have her disappeared?
Much more likely to fake her suicide as that would arouse a lot less suspicion given how she's been acting likely. It would also serve as a final **** you to Skyler in a similar fashion to what Walt did when he told Marie she was cheating with Ted.
08-08-2012 , 07:17 PM
Well, I think part of disappearing Skyler would be to make it look like she took off in the middle of the night, which is also in line with how she's been acting.
08-08-2012 , 07:19 PM
No has mentioned Skylar just outright killing Walt have they? I'll say that just to be unique. I in no way think it will happen but f**k it.
08-08-2012 , 07:26 PM
Yeah that's true. But her family would expect her to contact them eventually. I think if Walt reached the point where he wanted her dead, he'd get extra satisfaction by making it look like a suicide.
08-08-2012 , 07:54 PM
This is my first post in this thread, just some ideas I wanted to toss out, be gentle.

I feel like Hank will figure out Walter is Heisenberg without Skylar ratting him out, if for no other reason than Hank deserves to figure it out on his own.

The ricin in the wall will kill someone, it's not a red herring, it WILL be used. I'm not entirely sure who will get it, my initial idea is Benneke. Skylar might trust him, but Walter is not stupid enough to let Ted Benneke live, and also Walt isn't a cuckold. If Walt does kill Benneke, it would have to be with ricin so as to not arouse suspicion from Skylar.

I could also see Walt attempting to poison Skylar with the ricin, but messing up and putting it in breakfast food which will obviously be eaten by Walt Jr. After this happens the internet will absolutely explode (with appreciation and laughter). Can you imagine, all that breakfast being eaten by Junior was actually leading to something? Brilliant.

I have predicted for a while now that Walt will kill Jesse. I'm not sure how we get to that point, but I see it happening. This season has enforced that idea. In Scarface, not only does EVERYONE DIE, but Tony (Walt) murders Manny (Jesse).

I also predict that the opening to the season premiere is also the opening to series finale. I don't know who Walt is protecting, but I'm guessing either himself or Holly who he has taken on the run with him

These are just some ideas that have come to me over the last few weeks, and months. I know it's real messy, but I legitimately don't know exactly which way they're gonna run with this.
08-08-2012 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
No has mentioned Skylar just outright killing Walt have they? I'll say that just to be unique. I in no way think it will happen but f**k it.
That is highly unlikely with the flash forward we've seen. An attempt is possible though.

We've been predicting so much this season, almost impossible for nobody to be right .
08-08-2012 , 08:44 PM
Lol the ricin has been a plot point since season 2. It would be hilarious if it never gets used.
08-08-2012 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by #cmonson
This is my first post in this thread, just some ideas I wanted to toss out, be gentle.

I feel like Hank will figure out Walter is Heisenberg without Skylar ratting him out, if for no other reason than Hank deserves to figure it out on his own.

The ricin in the wall will kill someone, it's not a red herring, it WILL be used. I'm not entirely sure who will get it, my initial idea is Benneke. Skylar might trust him, but Walter is not stupid enough to let Ted Benneke live, and also Walt isn't a cuckold. If Walt does kill Benneke, it would have to be with ricin so as to not arouse suspicion from Skylar.

I could also see Walt attempting to poison Skylar with the ricin, but messing up and putting it in breakfast food which will obviously be eaten by Walt Jr. After this happens the internet will absolutely explode (with appreciation and laughter). Can you imagine, all that breakfast being eaten by Junior was actually leading to something? Brilliant.

I have predicted for a while now that Walt will kill Jesse. I'm not sure how we get to that point, but I see it happening. This season has enforced that idea. In Scarface, not only does EVERYONE DIE, but Tony (Walt) murders Manny (Jesse).

I also predict that the opening to the season premiere is also the opening to series finale. I don't know who Walt is protecting, but I'm guessing either himself or Holly who he has taken on the run with him

These are just some ideas that have come to me over the last few weeks, and months. I know it's real messy, but I legitimately don't know exactly which way they're gonna run with this.
Agree that Hank should find it out on his own, would be even cooler if Skyler would go confess to Hank and obviously she's a complete mess and before she says anything Hank goes "I know, go home and keep strong, I'm working on it."

I also think Walt will kill Jesse but still kind of hope it will be the other way around. I'll make another wild guess: In the flash forward, both Mike and Jesse are no longer alive.
08-08-2012 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
Agree that Hank should find it out on his own, would be even cooler if Skyler would go confess to Hank and obviously she's a complete mess and before she says anything Hank goes "I know, go home and keep strong, I'm working on it."

I also think Walt will kill Jesse but still kind of hope it will be the other way around. I'll make another wild guess: In the flash forward, both Mike and Jesse are no longer alive.
Mike will definitely be dead by then. If it happens when I think it will (beginning of final episode) then I I believe Jesse will be dead as well. I see Jesse dying in the penultimate episode, with the finale being entirely about Walt, whether it's his death or his imprisonment.
08-09-2012 , 03:33 AM
Originally Posted by nath
Well, I think part of disappearing Skyler would be to make it look like she took off in the middle of the night, which is also in line with how she's been acting.
This seems like it would be extra suspicious since Walt recently (in show time) did exactly the same thing.
08-09-2012 , 10:13 AM
Anyone else wondering how the hell we are gonna get from where the show currently is to the opening of episode 1 given how slow this show moves?

5 seasons = one year real time now it's gonna be ~10 episodes = one year real time.
08-09-2012 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
Anyone else wondering how the hell we are gonna get from where the show currently is to the opening of episode 1 given how slow this show moves?

5 seasons = one year real time now it's gonna be ~10 episodes = one year real time.
Yeah I've been wondering about that as well. Assuming that it was in fact Walt's 52nd birthday in the season's opening scene, then there will have to be a time jump at some point.

After thinking about it and what I posted yesterday, I think it will turn out that Walt legitimately moved to NH for whatever reason since that would most easily explain the issue w/r/t whether it was actually Walt's birthday.
08-09-2012 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by nath
I think it was just the watch.
Not sure if spoiler but this was asked on the official breaking bad podcast or w/e and they confirm that the end of the sound episode was in fact:

a gun

08-09-2012 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
I read the $100 a lot more as "I'm going out in a blaze of glory and don't need money" than anything else.
If he's about to leave the diner and go on some sort of suicide mission then why would he bother taking medicine. I'm not saying he's not about to go wreak some havoc but I don't think he intends to die.
08-09-2012 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by imjoshsizemore
Not sure if spoiler but this was asked on the official breaking bad podcast or w/e and they confirm that the end of the sound episode was in fact:

a gun

I'm so glad Vince Gilligan isn't a pretentious douche like some other show creators and will actually confirm/clarify stuff that happens on the show
08-09-2012 , 10:59 AM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
Anyone else wondering how the hell we are gonna get from where the show currently is to the opening of episode 1 given how slow this show moves?

5 seasons = one year real time now it's gonna be ~10 episodes = one year real time.
the machine gun will probably come into play next season.
08-09-2012 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by imjoshsizemore
Great podcast with Anna Gunn, too. Among other things, she explains that she understands at least some of where the Skyler haters are coming from: earlier in the series, Walt was the sympathetic anti-hero, and Skyler was the one voice saying that he can't just do whatever he wants.
08-09-2012 , 11:13 AM
Correct me if I got this wrong or look back and confirm if anyone still has the episode, but wasn't the ricin hidden in Walt Jr.'s room?

The scenario I can definitely see is the ricin killing Walt Jr. And that sends Skahlyer on tilt so that she goes to Hank with the truth, forcing Walt to flee to New Hampshire.
08-09-2012 , 11:15 AM
so walt jr is just going to start tearing out electrical sockets and consuming the mysterious powders contained behind them?
08-09-2012 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by vaya
Yeah I've been wondering about that as well. Assuming that it was in fact Walt's 52nd birthday in the season's opening scene, then there will have to be a time jump at some point.

After thinking about it and what I posted yesterday, I think it will turn out that Walt legitimately moved to NH for whatever reason since that would most easily explain the issue w/r/t whether it was actually Walt's birthday.
I mean with the hair and beard we know its at least a couple months away in show time. Maybe he killed x and now y is tracking him down and he knows y is coming for him so he got the gun to defend himself.
08-09-2012 , 11:23 AM
Originally Posted by The Hate Machine
so walt jr is just going to start tearing out electrical sockets and consuming the mysterious powders contained behind them?
Not to mention that he'd also have to put it into a cigarette first.
08-09-2012 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by vaya
If he's about to leave the diner and go on some sort of suicide mission then why would he bother taking medicine. I'm not saying he's not about to go wreak some havoc but I don't think he intends to die.
could be a pill to prevent violent diarrhea or something
08-09-2012 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by The Hate Machine
could be a pill to prevent violent diarrhea or something
Good call that's probably exactly what it is
