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Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End.

08-17-2013 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by theginger45
That post above has just got to be a level. I think the giveaway was Walt marrying Lydia, lol.
I'm rooting for Walt as well but yeah it's gotta be a level. A+ for Walt marrying Lydia.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 08:11 PM
Was hoping Jesse would've banged her last season, but it was obvious quick that wasn't gonna happen.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 08:32 PM
Am I the only one who's grown to despise Jesse Pinkman?

I loved him seasons 1 and 2 but since then I can't wait for him to die. He is such an imbecile it's unreal. Wah Wah Wah all he does is cry about the 2 or 3 people he is directly responsible for killing. WTF? How about the thousands of lives he's ruining by making/dealing the blue meth? How many teens and young kids lives are going to be ruined because of that meth? How many meth head kids are going to end up like that poor kid whose father's head got crushed by the ATM?

Jesse is an effing moron and needs to die asap. I really want to see Skyler and Hank dead as well, preferably all three at the hands of Walt.

And Lydia (and her daughter) would love Heisenberg for who he truly is. THEY are worthy of his ingenuity, love and money... whereas his real family are worthless, ungrateful pukes. The story MUST conclude with a Walter/Lydia drug empire (and romantic partnership) to be satisfactory. It's the only logical conclusion to Walt's journey. He DESERVES a happy ending with Lydia. She's the kind of woman for him. Not that uber witch Skyler. Good god, I'd rather suck off a black guy in prison than be stuck in a marriage with that wench.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by Ahutz
I don't understand the obsession with trying to figure out how Breaking Bad ends. I get it's a slow time for TV and this is the internet.... But, it's not like Breaking Bad is Lost or something. The show is a masterclass in suspense, but, it's not a mystery type show. There aren't really any "big questions", there isn't any real mythos to the universe of the show either. I don't get all the speculating. You look all over the internet and like this obsession with solving Breaking Bad is gross. People are making a mystery out of nothing. I understand to some extend the flash-forwards invite this type of speculating. But, why don't we all just chill and enjoy the ride. I don't understand the fascination with predicting how this will end, it just isn't that type of show.

For the most part Breaking Bad is grounded in reality. Some suspension of disbelief is required obviously. But at the end of the day, we're talking about a drug dealer and the trappings of that life. This can only end a few ways, all the theorizing is just running in circles.

EDIT: Used 400 words to say one-sentence. I'm worse than everyone in this thread.
But this was well put, I never thought about the difference between this and Lost in terms of mythology/mysteries. "What's in the hatch?" is a mystery, "What happens to Walt?" is the plot. It's very weird that the internet does this with pretty much every show, especially given how pretty much every showrunner is pretty upfront about how they have to make **** up to fill time and radically change the plot because of real world personnel decisions and ****. Like Tuco was supposed to be a much more important character in season 2 but the actor had some other time commitment so they wrote him out earlier, stories like that happen with every show constantly.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 08:39 PM
On the other hand, at least the mysteries in this show, such as they are, are guaranteed to have answers that aren't totally ******ed.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 08:41 PM
Regarding Gilligan's influence, I dunno. Breaking Bad owes an enormous debt to The Sopranos and (especially) The Shield. IMO it's arguably better than either of those, but that's just because it's more tightly scripted and better acted and technically superior.

The Shield was about a morally bankrupt antihero making money to support his disabled child, whose illegal activities snowballed into bigger and bigger predicaments each season, punctuated by huge "WTF" moments and the eventual transition where a sidekick becomes an enemy.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 09:01 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
On the other hand, at least the mysteries in this show, such as they are, are guaranteed to have answers that aren't totally ******ed.
On that note, watching BB and then Dexter right afterwards is hilarious.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Regarding Gilligan's influence, I dunno. Breaking Bad owes an enormous debt to The Sopranos and (especially) The Shield. IMO it's arguably better than either of those, but that's just because it's more tightly scripted and better acted and technically superior.

The Shield was about a morally bankrupt antihero making money to support his disabled child, whose illegal activities snowballed into bigger and bigger predicaments each season, punctuated by huge "WTF" moments and the eventual transition where a sidekick becomes an enemy.
I could see Jesse turning on Walter. I'd hope Jesse dies though. The emo whiny depressing schtick is getting old and boring.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 09:21 PM
You can really tell how populair this show has gotten by how terrible this topic has become.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 10:43 PM
Sorry if this has already been posted itt.

Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Omahahahahah
Am I the only one who's grown to despise Jesse Pinkman?

I loved him seasons 1 and 2 but since then I can't wait for him to die.
Jesse was an insecure, useless, whiny bitch in Seasons 1 and 2. Then his girlfriend died and he went emo. He became somewhat more useful/endearing/tolerable in the latter seasons--also, inexplicably, started to not be a total moran.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 10:55 PM
Did anyone notice in the opening of the episode Walt in front of his house with a full head of hair rockin' a beard? My guess, he pretends the cancer comes back, fakes his death with the help of Saul- who weirdly mentions "I can help you disappear" in S5. That scene was obv after ***t goes down (Tarantinoesque). He sees his neighbor Carol again and this time she drops her bags of groceries allowing the oranges to roll into the street. At first I wondered why they spent longer on this shot than they should've until I realized it's "keeping the ball (or orange in this case) rolling" and Walt will live.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 11:02 PM
i have finally caught up on this show, and can't wait to see what happens tomorrow!
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-17-2013 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by bbfg
You can really tell how populair this show has gotten by how terrible this topic has become.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 01:11 AM
Originally Posted by Omahahahahah
I can't believe that Hank is going to want to take down Walt after talking things out and finding out what really happened since Walt got cancer. Hank would have to be a heartless person.

Remember there is, or at least there should be, a HUGE difference between how you treat strange people and YOUR family. Walt has killed a lot and ruined countless lives with his "blue meth" but he's still family. I wouldn't hate my father (or anyone in my family) if I found out he was a drug dealer, I would still love him the same. The way I'd rationalize the situation is that if he wasn't dealing then somebody else would step into the role, and it's the drug addicts own damn fault they became addicted.

Walt has not killed ANYONE unless it was self defense or the person presented a threat to his family. Some people may have died as collateral damage (the spider kid) but that is not Walter's fault. Mike may not have been a threat to Walter in season 5, but remember he tried to kill Walt in season 3 and he might have come back after finding out what Walt did to his jail friends, so he posed a threat.

I think that Walt getting the cancer put his family in serious jeopardy and he needed to make money by any means necessary. Now that he has earned so much money to launder it appears he is willingly leaving the business. Why does Hank even care at this point? Who the F does he think he is? He wants to ruin Walt's family? Skyler will be implicated for the money laundering. So Hank wants his infant niece to grow up without her parents? Walt is 100 percent right when he tells Hank "what purpose would it serve??"

IMHO Hank is the real a-hole in this situation. And so is Jesse Pinkman for that matter, what a hypocrite. I really hate that guy. Boo hoo all that little "bitch" does is whine and cry about what happened to his corrupt GF (season 2) and that boy. I understand being upset about the boy, but FFS Walt is right when he said "what are we supposed to do, curl up and die with him?" STFU already and just die.

I'm sure I'm in the minority here but I fail to see how Walt has done anything truly wrong over the course of this show. He only gives back to people what they give him. I hope he kills hank and Jesse if they turn on him, because he has saved their asses time and time again and now they want to betray him? F those jerks. Skyler too, she better fall in line or I hope she gets whacked. I also hope Walt kills his old GF and the people who own Gray Matter. They deserve to die for using his genius to set up the billion dollar empire and then giving him nothing.

How I hope the show ends -

-Walt kills the Board of Directors of Gray Matter
-Walt kills Skyler, Hank and Jesse
-Walt's cancer goes away for good
-Marie keeps the kids and Walt gives them a ton of money
-Heisenberg marries Lydia and they start a new family somewhere else with their millions
-Heisenberg and Lydia run a drug empire in Europe

Nice post! A few are a bit extreme i think, but agree with the general attitude you have. Especially bout Jesse being a whiny bump on a log for how many seasons now? Wtf? And is it even Walt's fault Jesse has this dark journey? Everyone including just put the blame on Walt for everything. "Hey Jesse! You decided to get into the meth business too right? Oh and didn't you bring 2 killers(crazy 8 and cousin) out to the desert in the beginning? You didn't think there might be a chance something bad might happen? Is way out in the desert meeting a new drug distributor(who trains his dog to attack people) the place to meet? You almost got Walt and yourself killed. But for the first (OF MANY) time Walt saved your life putting him into a situation of having to murder people. So you are just as to blame for this world you're in. He didn't put a gun to your head to get into this world, in fact you were already in this world before Walt started.

Show some friggin gratitude to a man you have alot of history with. That has saved your life many many times. As Omaha has said he killed to save his own life and that of his family and friends. I know he has lied to you Jesse, but he did it for your own good because you're not man enough to hear the hard truth of what needed to be done for survival. Grow a pair before the end and have a heart to heart with Walt and say "Hey buddy, i know you did some bad stuff(i did too), but i know this is a bad world and bad things go down. But i appreciate always having my back. Let's end this friggin thing together in a blaze of glory and take all these drug lords scum out and save your family!

These dudes have been through alot together. Is there no sense kinship/blood brothers to man you been through so much with? And not once has he tried to kill or betray you. Seriously, before the show ends i'd like to see at least a small comment from Jesse to Walt that "hey i know alot of people hate you, but i get how this happened to you. I don't hate you. It coulda happened to many other decent people given the right formula." Hank should also sympathize with Walt some as well after hearing out Walt about how all this started, and how it all got out of hand. He doesn't have to like all of it knowing may have had chances to get out, but understand that it all started on a good intention of trying to help the family. And how he had Hanks back throughout as the drug kingpins kept trying to kill him.

p.s. to the trolls, keep wasting replies on asking how to ignore. Then wasting another reply on saying thank you. The thread really needs you to let us know you thank him for showing you how to ignore. How bout you guys start talking about breaking bad instead of me? What a novel idea.

Last edited by observer1; 08-18-2013 at 01:30 AM.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by Paul McSwizzle
nice post, observer
Which one? You didn't quote the post so i have no idea which you are referring to? Do you mean the color theory page i posted? Thank you. Yeah it is a very interesting thing this show has decided to do. I don't get others on here who don't like to discuss it? I mean it's kinda one of the most significant things to talk about right now from the show.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 01:18 AM
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 01:20 AM
Walt saves Jesse's life multiple times when he had virtually no incentive to do so. Jesse continues to complain and be useless and demand half of Walt's money after losing his half by keeping it all in one place (his car: lol) for doing basically no work (Walt cooked and brokered deal with Tuco after Jesse got bitchmade).
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by theginger45
I think it's equal parts a product of the show's intelligent audience, and the show's quality.

On the one hand, predicting the way Breaking Bad ends is a way for smart people who watch the show to prove to other smart people who watch the show how smart they are. On the other hand, people are so ****ing excited for each new episode that they can't help but endlessly generate scenarios for future episodes, in an attempt to recreate the buzz that a new episode brings.

I do think the flash forwards have contributed to it hugely, though. Without those, we might just be enjoying the ride - as it is, there are now so many questions without answers.
BTW did anyone predict the outcome of the burned teddy-bear flash forwards in S2 correctly? "Oh yeah that's probably the fallout from a plane crash Walt indirectly caused!"
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 02:42 AM
Ok I only just watched last week´s episode and I just assume there has to be some serious backlash from the whole Lydia thing. I mean, here´s a multi million dollar drug operation, things are going badly and they desperately want Walt back cooking/supervising. Pretty sure the only way they would get him to do that is by threatening to do/actually do some serious damage to his family. To those saying that Walt will kill Skylar: I´m basically rooting for them to take Skylar as a hostage maybe, things don´t go well and bam! she´s dead (finally).

Can´t believe how they treated Lydia. For all the money they have made, they still act like bloody amateurs. I mean, I get how they think they are safe now and done with the business, but how in hell didn´t they come up with a way of saying "no" in a non-confrontative manner or "maybe" or something like that (or better yet "yes, but only this one last time"). By doing things the Skylar way, they must have provoked for some serious violence to come their way.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 03:03 AM
Lydia spooks easy, but she seems as ruthless and ambitious as anyone on the show. I think if "no" presents a serious problem for her it's not going to matter how nicely or rudely you phrase it. Remains to be seen how dumb/smart she is but she doesn't come across as irrational or petty, such as both Walt and Jesse routinely do. Just a pretty cold businesswoman.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 04:16 AM
Really hoping Todd kills someone tomorrow.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 04:30 AM
Todd does seem pretty likable, especially for a child-murdering meth cook with no demonstrated sense of humor.

Funny how virtually every significant character on the show has committed a criminal act at some point. Even Hank beat down Jesse and did some illegal tracking a couple times. I can't think of anything for Walt Jr but that's about the only one off the top of my head unless you go into more obscure characters.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 04:33 AM
Walt Jr could be cited for reckless driving IMO.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-18-2013 , 04:49 AM
Yeah, but I'm talking more than minor stuff. Seems like just about everyone has committed a felony-level offense of some kind. The kindest two people are Gale and Marie probably.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
