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Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End.

08-15-2013 , 12:25 AM
My prediction

Walt flips and gives up the other drug lords and then goes into witness protection program... And that is the beginning of Malcolm in the Middle.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 12:56 AM
aaron paul's wife is absolutely gorgeous
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by observer1
I did some searching on all the color theme's of the show. On Mike's fridge it said Blue is good, yellow is bad, and green is nice.....

Yellow- Gus colors- which symbolize danger ahead. People wearing these colors are in danger. Jesse and Jane wore all yellow together in one episode, and their sheets were yellow. Jane dies, but he lives. Might be because writers changed mind on writing him off the show. Or because Walt saved Jesse from dying(the danger) in the crackhouse after she died. Maybe yellow doesn't mean death but warning you you may die if not careful. The cousins wore yellow. Season 4 promos are Walt and Jesse standing together wearing yellow hazard uniforms meaning it would be them vs Gus/danger ahead in season 4. Gus takes his yellow shirt off and put purple suit on to go see hector. He was ignoring his danger warning(yellow) and feeling self important(purple)? Letting his ego of wanting to kill Hector cloud his judgement and ignore the danger warning? Now Marie and Walt wearing yellow shirts in last episode(Marie didn't take the yellow off though, she put her purple jacket over the yellow shirt when she went home with Hank. Walt also has a yellow shirt on when he kills mike's guys. Prolly symbolized Walt is now Gus by wearing Gus colors. Tuco was asked by Gomez(Hank's partner) what planet are you from Mars or Saturn. Mars is red and Saturn is yellow. A killer whose in danger.

Black and red- symbolize conflict and transformation(transforms into killer i think for Jesse) respectively- Jesse's theme colors. His house is filled with it. His car, his phone, everything. His last name is Pinkman(red mixed with Walter WHITE equal pink). The black is the conflict Jesse feels with Walt and himself.

Beige- i think it symbolizes normalcy/safeness/boring. Gretchen and Elliot's color- last name is Schwartz's, Shwarz is german for black. Walter WHITE and Gretchen/Elliot BLACK equal GRAY, GRAY matter. And remember Skyler mentioning when she went to Gretchen's party that she didn't get the beige memo. Walt and Skyler both wore blue at the party, as at that time they were both still good. Early on Walt wore beige, so this is symbolizing Walt used to be with them when he wore beige, the 3 of them together made gray. He lived a safe and normal boring life, but then he went green and went into a whole new world where he would lose his blue(goodness).

Green- Walt's color- symbolizing new beginning/alive, purposely ironic considering he just got diagnosed with cancer. The theme colors of this show are predominantly green and yellow. Because Walt is the center point of the show(green) and danger is everywhere(yellow).

Blue- symbolizes good. Skyler's color, her nickname is Sky. She wore blue the whole 1st season. In season 3 she starts to wear green symbolizing starting a new life of crime with Walt(Walt's green).

Hank- Orange- symbol of fire, but also of safety and caution. Good colors for law enforcement. Hank wears alot of orange. Maybe Walt and Jesse start wearing orange hazard suits means at that short time period they were safe. I bet Hank wasn't wearing orange the day the cousins came after him, i bet it was a yellow shirt. Most of the time he wears orange.

Marie-color is purple- can mean royalty or a sense of self-importance.

Saul- wears all the colors that usually clash- this is because he plays for all the teams colors that clash when together. He works for everyone.

All these people wear their colors all the time. So when they aren't wearing their normal colors i think it might be time to wonder why? And whose colors are they wearing to decide how safe or unsafe they are.
Some other symbolism that hasn't been discussed in season 5b ep 1. And a hypothesis what they could mean?.....

GUY WITH TIE DYE GIANT EYBALL SHIRT ON- guy with neck brace on in Saul's waiting room is wearing a giant eyeball on his chest. He goes and sits down across from Huell and Jesse. What does it symbolize?

a) its an eye of morality looking at jesse for being involved in all this. Just like an big eye was staring at Walt from the teddy bear in the pool.

b)The eye again represents the teddy bear but is actually looking at Huell. That it is telling us Huell will die. The only other dark skinned man who wore purple on the show was Gus and he got murdered. And we know the bear symbolized Gus. Huell's wearing a purple shirt.

c)its a multi colored eye. maybe this means Saul will watch Jesse for Walt? The reason i say this is Saul is known for multi colors, and in this episode he's wearing a big bright green shirt which is Walt's color. They even made a point to show only Saul's big green sleeve wave Jesse in to his office.

CAROL DROPPING THE ORANGES- in Godfather when Vito Corleone drops the oranges while being shot but doesn't die. Does this represent an attempt on Walt's life will be made before the actual end of the show? Maybe this is why Carol is surprised, as people thought he was killed(gonna guess by Hank), but he survives and goes into hiding. Though i don't doubt Carol would be frightened seeing Pablo Escobar return home even if not thought dead. Also let's not forget Ted! When Ted thought dead at his house oranges fell. But he did not die, just like Godfather. And notice Carol wearing a pink(the color of innocence) sweater.

WALT'S FACE BLURRED IN MIRROR WHEN AT HIS HOUSE- it is showing him to be Ozymandias. An egyptian leader whose empire crumbles. Its a shattered visage. A broken face..... I won't say the last part of that sentence to avoid possible spoiler in case the producers use it very literally. Its the poem Walt recites in the promos for the start of season 5b. Also the title of episode 6.

LYDIA SAYING "YOU'RE PUTTING ME IN A BOX HERE"- obviously it looks like Lydia will be put in a box and buried next episode. Although Gilligan hinted that would happen on talking bad. I'm wonder if it won't happen to her since he alludes it will. Maybe Skyler gets put in the box since she was standing closely to the convo? Maybe not this episode but down the road. Someone or something else will be buried this next episode is my guess.

STAR TREK STORY- someone should be able to figure this out. At least who the character are. I'm going for Walt to be KIRK since Badger says he throws up(Walt throws up later in the episode, and he's the captain of this show). OHURA- gotta be skyler with the big pointies. SPOCK-not sure, if Walt isn't kirk he's spock. CHEKOV-? Maybe Lydia since says he like to cheat? She's a sneaky person cheating her way to riches. Maybe this is a story about Lydia(or marie being she's a kleptomaniac) being murdered(or more likely accidentally killed by SCOTTY- maybe Jesse, both have E sounding last syllable of name, Scott-E and Jess-E? His hands being sweaty seems to mean something. And frozen TOLLburries. Something happens at a tollbooth? Frozen? Does Walt use nitric acid on her or something?(is that the one that freezes, thought i saw that on Whodunnit last episode) Which leads me to my last possible symbolism.....

LYDIA SAYING POTENCY OF THE METH THEY ARE MAKING IS 68 PERCENT- I did a google on nitric acid and it says most commercially available nitric acid has a concentration of 68 percent?? Also older samples tend to acquire a YELLOW(lol) cast due to decomposition.

Please excuse the last 2 theories as my blue meth is kicking in, just taking a wild shot on those. But the others seem plausible?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 02:15 AM
Also, In Star Trek analogy.....

Badger says "Dude, i'm not dead. I'm on yomanran(first line before going into star trek analogy saying he's on planet yomanran)!" He is telling us Walt didn't die that he's in hiding. Which also goes with my theory of the falling oranges. That an attempt on his life was made but survives it.

Yo-I, man-Walt, Ran- Walt ran into hiding to New Hampshire after everyone thought he died in some incident that prolly happens in episode 6 when the empire falls. Yo man i ran!

Also forgot bout Walt saying "you and i both know i'll never see the inside of a jail cell" That is an easy one Gilligan saying Walt won't go to jail.

Last edited by observer1; 08-15-2013 at 02:29 AM.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by observer1
this is the most interesting one for me, by far. i mean either it means something (see: Chekhov's gun) given that they dedicated a couple minutes to it, and it seemed bad/pointless otherwise. or Vince is screwing with us again and it's a complete red herring, like Ted's oranges, and maybe Carol's oranges too. or maybe the 2nd oranges means something because it was a swerve the first time, and the show ends shortly after the most recent flash forward?

anyway, back to Chekhov's gun. given the episode, and the series, the repeated callbacks and references, it is Walt's ricin. someone gets the ricin, hence the part in the story to Scotty screwing up and Chekov's guts being sprayed everywhere. and we also got Walt puking from the chemo in this episode, so maybe Walt gets a taste of his own poison? is this what Badger's story is telling us? or is this what we're supposed to think, and something else will happen? or is Vince just screwing with us, and there's something that we can't predict, or will only make sense later? (see: Schrödinger's Gun? hmm, Schrödinger ... Schrader?)

Werner Heisenberg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932, and Erwin Schrödinger won it in 1933 with Paul Dirac (Paul/Pinkman). one of Schrödinger's areas of work was in COLOUR THEORY. alright, probably getting way off track now...
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Look up the phrase "reasonable doubt"
You are *SO* making my point for me! Cops don't need to "prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt" to make an arrest. They can haul him in now, and it doesn't take much to KEEP him in. And they can continue to build their case while the suspect is in custody.

HANK: I just captured Heisenberg.

BOSS: (skeptical) Oh, you think everybody's Heisenberg! (sees Walt in handcuffs) Your brother-in-law??? What makes you think this is your guy?

HANK: He's a prize-winning chemist, a real world-class talent for it, and the lab guys say that who ever is cooking this Blue would have to be precisely that--they tell me they couldn't make meth that pure if you spotted them the first half of the cookbook. Gale Beddicker's notes tell us that his boss' initials are W.W., and I found a book in White's house with a handwritten inscription, in Beddicker's handwriting and signed by Beddicker, addressed to his dear friend W.W.--Walter White!

BOSS: You got anything else?

HANK: What, that ain't enough? The guy disappears for days at a time, and when he turns back up and his wife asks him where he's been, he says, 'I can't remember"! Then all of a sudden, he's rich! He goes from low-paid school teacher to car wash mogul, in no time flat! Guy couldn't afford to fix the windshield on his car six months ago, now he's rolling in dough, buying flashy jewelry and cars, planning trips to Europe...says he won the money gambling! Yeah, right. And look at this sketch we found...

BOSS: Enough! I no longer want to know if we have enough to hold him--instead, I want to know why you waited so long to bring him in!

Last edited by youtalkfunny; 08-15-2013 at 03:58 AM.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 03:48 AM
Arresting and convicting a criminal are two very different things. Reasonable doubt has nothing to do with arresting someone, so no I'm not making your case for you, although even if it did have to do with arresting someone I don't really see your point either.

So after 24 hours what are you telling Saul you are charging Walt with?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 03:52 AM
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
this is the most interesting one for me, by far. i mean either it means something (see: Chekhov's gun) given that they dedicated a couple minutes to it, and it seemed bad/pointless otherwise. or Vince is screwing with us again and it's a complete red herring, like Ted's oranges, and maybe Carol's oranges too. or maybe the 2nd oranges means something because it was a swerve the first time, and the show ends shortly after the most recent flash forward?

anyway, back to Chekhov's gun. given the episode, and the series, the repeated callbacks and references, it is Walt's ricin. someone gets the ricin, hence the part in the story to Scotty screwing up and Chekov's guts being sprayed everywhere. and we also got Walt puking from the chemo in this episode, so maybe Walt gets a taste of his own poison? is this what Badger's story is telling us? or is this what we're supposed to think, and something else will happen? or is Vince just screwing with us, and there's something that we can't predict, or will only make sense later? (see: Schrödinger's Gun? hmm, Schrödinger ... Schrader?)

Werner Heisenberg was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1932, and Erwin Schrödinger won it in 1933 with Paul Dirac (Paul/Pinkman). one of Schrödinger's areas of work was in COLOUR THEORY. alright, probably getting way off track now...
Way off track? It sounds like you're right on the hunt! Thanks for this post.

I'm going with you on Walt getting his own poison. Maybe this is how they think he dies. Then somehow he survives it and goes into hiding? Although they say there is no cure. Maybe he pukes it out of his system before it take effect if that possible?

I'm slightly confused on Chekov's gun and Schrodinger's gun- So Chekov's gun is saying they wouldn't have told us the Star Trek story unless it is important and will be used. And Schrodinger's gun is saying that they are only fooling you into thinking this will happen and that they have some other scenario gonna happen you never saw coming?So they say both, so which one is it? Maybe since the year after Heisenberg won the Nobel prize Schrodinger won it is telling us it won't go down like that? Wtf? Gilligan is going on all kinds of levels to **** with us.

One thing is for sure through this Star Trek analogy is that Gilligan is telling us that there are clues through symbolism, titles, and placed objects. Otherwise why would he wasted those minutes on nothing. I guess this proves the doubters wrong when they say we're reading too much into clues through symbolism/wasting our time.

What a great show. Not only do they give us great writing, acting, and cinematography, but they also give us a game of Clue to play. Since i found out bout the symbolism clues i'm even more into the show. It gives you a whole week to try to figure out what Gilligan is saying to us.

Last edited by observer1; 08-15-2013 at 04:13 AM.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by observer1
Why can't we do both? That's why you can rewatch episodes to see the clues we missed.

Why did the creators take so much friggin time putting the clues in there if they didn't think it important and want people to try and find them? Whenever someone asks Gilligan about these foreshadowing moments he always says "i really appreciate your attention to detail, that was a great question, you're a real fan". And we know he has great attention to detail from the actors who always speak about what a nut he is about it. Do you realize how much extra work it must have taken them to do all this foreshadowing? If they didn't think it worthy/important they wouldn't have done it. Maybe they don't agree with you guys that think we're being dumb searching them. Those creators are pretty smart guys, i think i'll take their advice and keep looking for clues, even if you guys think we're wasting our time.

Feleena/el paso by Marty Robbins will be the closing song. Don't listen to it beforehand unless you want to know the end imo. Felina also means finale. Found out a new possible play on the word too. Fe-li-na Iron, Lithium, Sodium. Blood, Meth, and Tears. So cool how they make these titles to have so much meaning/clues.

I wish all shows would give these clues, its so cool and fun to try and figure out the puzzles. Maybe its the wave of the future for shows.

p.s. If the colors were only for mood then why do people who wear yellow find danger? They didn't know they were in danger so their mood shouldn't have been worried. Its a warning sign Gilligan is telling us this character is in danger. Star Trek is relevant, we just have to figure out what Gilligan is telling us.
Oh, I see. When you wrote the bolded words above, that wasn't a fact you passing on to us, that was a prediction! Oh yes, of course, that's plain to see, clearly indicated "it's something you pulled out of your ass, and it's so ridiculous that I was supposed to presume it was made up out of whole cloth"???

Wow, I WAS wrong to call you a SpoilerTard, or whatever it was I said. I should have called you something worse.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 04:23 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Arresting and convicting a criminal are two very different things. Reasonable doubt has nothing to do with arresting someone,
Then why, when I posted that Hank has sufficient evidence to arrest Walt, did you tell me to "go look up Reasonable Doubt"?

So after 24 hours what are you telling Saul you are charging Walt with?
Obstruction. Racketeering. Money Laundering. That's just for openers, so I can keep him behind bars while I build my case. I didn't want to do it this way, but my cover was blown, and my hand was forced. I know I have only the flimsiest of cases, as I haven't had the opportunity to focus my investigation on this suspect yet--but Your Honor, this guy is a murdering monster, look at how he fits into this case file at every with me on this, Judgie-Wudgie...
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 04:51 AM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Evidence and proof are not synonyms, and should not be used as such. Every piece of the puzzle is called evidence; the assembled pieces, the mosaic they form, result in proof. Hank has a garage full of puzzle pieces, and it's clear to him that Walt is the piece he's been missing. Every piece he picks up, fits perfectly with Walt. Guy in the ski mask video has Walt's height/build/gait, and uses Thermite? Fits. Pencil sketch? Fits perfectly! Bad guy had Hank's cell phone number and knew Hank's wife's name? Another perfectly clean fit. Gale admires W.W., and his stuff is found in Walt's house? How can you guys think, "That doesn't prove anything! It's not enough!" I'll tell you how: you've spent your life watching television, where they don't ask a viewer to put together the pieces--they always give you a nice, neat, Smoking Gun piece of evidence that is all the proof you need, no puzzle assembly required. That's why we can't convict OJ, or Casey Anthony, or countless others, despite mountains of evidence against them--if the case doesn't include that one puzzle piece that a juror can hold in their hand and leave them no doubt about what happened, they aren't capable of putting together lesser pieces to reach the same conclusion.

Oh, and by the way, despite what you may have "learned" on Matlock, circumstantial evidence is NOT inferior to physical evidence. It's only viewed that way for the exact reasons I describe above: it requires a modicum of thought, and for that reason, it usually bounces off idiot jurors.
Nowhere in that post do I see where you said arrest.

For accusing me of having learned my understanding of the legal system from Matlock... you really are using some bad cop drama here:

Hank: God damn it man, I'm telling you this is a slam dunk case, they have matching initials!!!!!

Boss: That's not enough in this day and age, you need to actually be able to prove something.

Hank: You gotta trust me on this!

Boss: Alright lets go for this *******! I don't care about moving up the ladder, I don't care what the press is gonna think, lets go arrest this high school teacher with terminal cancer and get some druglords of the street... even if he is already off the streets, and he's going to die soon.

Judge: You guys for serious?

Hank and Boss: Just trust us judge! We know we don't have a case yet, but you just gotta trust us, just hold him in jail while we make a case please!

Judge: Well that's usually not how we do things and incredibly illegal... but screw it you got it guys!

Thank god that isn't how things actually work.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by brianr
There's very little actual evidence that proves Walt = Heisenberg. His finances are clean, outside of the $150 million in the storage facility - assuming he paid taxes on the money he "won" at the casino - Saul said they'd be happy to create fictitious winnings for him as a way of decreasing their taxable income, so that checks out.
the fact that he has the scummiest criminal lawyer city-wide is not suspicious at all.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 06:03 AM
Hate feeding this awful derail but suspicions aren't ****; Hank knows it's Walt. I'm sure there's a hole somewhere but Walt went through pretty thorough lengths to destroy evidence and kill witnesses. Hank can now make the case to his boss that Walt effectively confirmed that he was Heisenberg, and likely that would allow him reopen the investigation. Maybe they don't have enough to go to a DA with, but it's a lot easier to investigate when you have a real suspect.

Of course Hank's probably going to go solo just for the narrative anyway, so this is probably another meaningless post.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 07:11 AM
Hank isn't going to go completely solo. The promo for next episode had him saying "I can be the man who caught him…the lives he’s destroyed…he’s a monster". He's obviously talking TO someone there. Either Marie or someone at work, probably. Not sure I can see him telling Marie already, but who knows.

Edit: I guess there's no guarantee in that line that he's revealing to the person he's talking to that it's Walt, could just be that he's telling them he's pretty sure he knows who Heisenberg is. More likely to be Marie he's talking to if that's the case.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 07:29 AM
I skimmed and couldn't see if this has already been posted - sorry if it has:

Article: "Sunday's Breaking Bad was dedicated to a teen who died of cancer—and turned down the chance to hear how it ends"
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 08:03 AM
So this might be old news, but apparently the suits were nervous about casting Bryan Cranston as Walt (he was Gilligan's first choice) and one of the actors they approached was Matthew Broderick. Can you even imagine?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by pokerbrah
Strong comment to avi ratio
Lol misc
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 09:05 AM
They were probably thinking about Election and all those high school teacher scenes in the first few scripts.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
So this might be old news, but apparently the suits were nervous about casting Bryan Cranston as Walt (he was Gilligan's first choice) and one of the actors they approached was Matthew Broderick. Can you even imagine?
No, I can't actually. Broderick has looked too young for his age for like 20 years know. He is the one who answers the door imo. Other actors might be interesting but MB's a little too spry. Needs to play an elf or something.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 09:33 AM

Badger and Skinny Pete are two great gifts from Gilligan.

Skinny Pete playing the piano is one of my all time favorite scenes.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 09:50 AM
not sure if observer1 is trolling or serious. the color stuff is real but some people are taking it way to far.

Last edited by d0nk3y; 08-15-2013 at 09:57 AM.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Jake7777
They were probably thinking about Election and all those high school teacher scenes in the first few scripts.
Good film that.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 11:06 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the journal never be seen at court because Hank obtained it without a warrant? And without the journal there is no chance at a conviction?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 11:16 AM
you are wrong.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-15-2013 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by MatteyA28
Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't the journal never be seen at court because Hank obtained it without a warrant? And without the journal there is no chance at a conviction?
Without wishing to actually get involved in this discussion too deeply, Hank got the journal from his friend at APD. APD acquired it from the scene of Gale's murder, so I would assume that with a little bit of co-operation between the two departments, it would pass as evidence.

Leaves of Grass is a little more hazy, since Hank effectively stole it from Walt.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
