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Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End.

08-14-2013 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by nek777
Has anyone mentioned that Carol drops oranges?

Carol dies in series finale. Book it
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 02:39 PM,6451208.story

Aaron Paul answering questions
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 02:49 PM
Because everyone likes to use the spoiler boxes as reveals for their funny, funny jokes , I'd like to suggest that if you're going to post actual spoilers in them (like, "I know a certain character is going to still be alive going into the final episode, because that episode's IMDb page is already up and he's listed in the credits..."), maybe warn the reader at the start of the post that there's an actual spoiler in the box. Sad that I even had to say this.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
Wow. Clovis Slovis?

Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
puuuuuhhhleeeassssseeeeeeee. That would get laughed out of court.
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
Hank has no actual evidence.
Originally Posted by Henrik Sedin
he has plenty of hearsay and conjecture, those are kinds of evidence
You guys just pulled the string on the YTF Windup Doll. You know, you pull the string, and I repeat the same handful of phrases over and over and over. So let's all skip this next paragraph, where YTF gives his "television has poisoned the minds of the average American juror."

Evidence and proof are not synonyms, and should not be used as such. Every piece of the puzzle is called evidence; the assembled pieces, the mosaic they form, result in proof. Hank has a garage full of puzzle pieces, and it's clear to him that Walt is the piece he's been missing. Every piece he picks up, fits perfectly with Walt. Guy in the ski mask video has Walt's height/build/gait, and uses Thermite? Fits. Pencil sketch? Fits perfectly! Bad guy had Hank's cell phone number and knew Hank's wife's name? Another perfectly clean fit. Gale admires W.W., and his stuff is found in Walt's house? How can you guys think, "That doesn't prove anything! It's not enough!" I'll tell you how: you've spent your life watching television, where they don't ask a viewer to put together the pieces--they always give you a nice, neat, Smoking Gun piece of evidence that is all the proof you need, no puzzle assembly required. That's why we can't convict OJ, or Casey Anthony, or countless others, despite mountains of evidence against them--if the case doesn't include that one puzzle piece that a juror can hold in their hand and leave them no doubt about what happened, they aren't capable of putting together lesser pieces to reach the same conclusion.

Oh, and by the way, despite what you may have "learned" on Matlock, circumstantial evidence is NOT inferior to physical evidence. It's only viewed that way for the exact reasons I describe above: it requires a modicum of thought, and for that reason, it usually bounces off idiot jurors.

Originally Posted by observer1
Sorry if you were spoiled by the song. But its not really a spoiler since i have no knowledge if they will even use the song,
WHAT? Then why did you mention it? Why are we talking about it?

You wrote that they were using that song to close out the show, I figured you saw that on IMDb or something. Seriously, what prompted you to bring it up, if you "have no knowledge" of anything?

Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
That's why she looked so scared; she thought Walt was a ghost.
I said, "Wow, she looks like she's seen a ghost!" during her closeup, and I never use that expression. So yeah, count me in with the "She was under the impression that Walt was dead" crowd. And again, that has no bearing on whether or not she was under the impression that he was a murderous drug lord--she could have believed one, or the other, or both, or neither, but in any case, her thoughts on one matter do not affect her thoughts on the other.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
Because everyone likes to use the spoiler boxes as reveals for their funny, funny jokes , I'd like to suggest that if you're going to post actual spoilers in them (like, "I know a certain character is going to still be alive going into the final episode, because that episode's IMDb page is already up and he's listed in the credits..."), maybe warn the reader at the start of the post that there's an actual spoiler in the box. Sad that I even had to say this.
my solution to this is simply to never click spoilers in a tv show thread. If I miss out on a few jokes, so be it.

You're dead right about the evidence though. "Hank has no evidence" is a strong competitor for most objectively wrong statement itt, and that's quite an achievement!
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 04:24 PM

it's a simpson's quote ffs
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 04:32 PM
"Uh, hey, everybody! I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt."
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by bottomset

it's a simpson's quote ffs
What is? There's so much wrong with this thread, I don't know which wrong you're trying to right.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 05:53 PM
Where is the nh license etc.. seen?

Did I miss something?

Also there is no way Walter is a fugitive the way he communicated with carrol

A beta like Walt on the run would geak out after getting made
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 06:01 PM
Guys, I think Walt is Heisenberg.

Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 06:09 PM
Yeah right. And Capn' Cook is Jesse.

WTF show are you watching?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by pokerbrah
Where is the nh license etc.. seen?

Did I miss something?

Also there is no way Walter is a fugitive the way he communicated with carrol

A beta like Walt on the run would geak out after getting made
tread lightly
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 06:42 PM
Carol was scared because she knew what the colour of the shirt Walt was wearing symbolised.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 06:47 PM
Thread Lightly?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 06:55 PM
Every piece he picks up, fits perfectly with Walt. Guy in the ski mask video has Walt's height/build/gait, and uses Thermite? Fits. Pencil sketch? Fits perfectly! Bad guy had Hank's cell phone number and knew Hank's wife's name? Another perfectly clean fit. Gale admires W.W., and his stuff is found in Walt's house? How can you guys think, "That doesn't prove anything! It's not enough!" I'll tell you how: you've spent your life watching television,
No, actually it's an opinion very much grounded in reality which anyone with a basic understanding of the American legal system would agree with. While maybe "no evidence" is a bit much, he certainly doesn't have much.

There's a video of a guy who has an average height and built AND Walt has an average height and built?

There's a vague pencil sketch with few features on it that COULD look like Walt could look if he covered his head and eyes too?

The book that Hank gave to Walt is in Walt's house?

Those criminals use Thermite and Walt COULD use thermite too?

Basically what you've done with this "evidence" is narrowed it down to about 1/3 of Albuquerque's population, and most of that is due to the video. You're also closest to proving that Walt stole the barrel, you're miles away from being close to proving that he was responsible for providing millions of dollars worth of meth.

Look up the phrase "reasonable doubt"
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:03 PM
They have enough to pursue the investigation, which would reveal a lot more.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:09 PM
Interesting that Walt thinks that if even if Hank could prove it, that he is confident he wouldn't see a jail cell. I guess he thinks he would make bail. Not a lawyer, but I think that the court could ask to see proof of source of money came from if there was a large bail amount (which there would be in this case.) If bail was $5MM, he can't just show up with a bundle of cash, especially since his only job was a teacher.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
No, actually it's an opinion very much grounded in reality which anyone with a basic understanding of the American legal system would agree with. While maybe "no evidence" is a bit much, he certainly doesn't have much.

There's a video of a guy who has an average height and built AND Walt has an average height and built?

There's a vague pencil sketch with few features on it that COULD look like Walt could look if he covered his head and eyes too?

The book that Hank gave to Walt is in Walt's house?

Those criminals use Thermite and Walt COULD use thermite too?

Basically what you've done with this "evidence" is narrowed it down to about 1/3 of Albuquerque's population, and most of that is due to the video. You're also closest to proving that Walt stole the barrel, you're miles away from being close to proving that he was responsible for providing millions of dollars worth of meth.

Look up the phrase "reasonable doubt"

What about the gas masks they found in season 1 that led back to Walt's High school chemistry lockup? And Hank didn't give him that Walt Whitman book (lol) that was a separate copy Gale gave to Walt with a private inscription.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:13 PM
If I were hank I would be most pissed about the magnet

**** was cold blooded
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:14 PM
I guess I just don't understand why some of you insist on trying to predict future outcomes when you know the clues you've been given are definitively ambiguous. Like, maybe flash-forward Walt is presumed dead for whatever reason; maybe he's been demonized by the DEA and is on a most wanted list. There's no evidence to say either of those theories is more "correct" atm.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:15 PM
He could put up is house or car wash. He means that he would get off because with the cancer desperation line
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by pokerbrah
Where is the nh license etc.. seen?

Did I miss something?

Also there is no way Walter is a fugitive the way he communicated with carrol

A beta like Walt on the run would geak out after getting made
First ep of 5a when he buys the m60
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:18 PM
Oh I misunderstood that part about the book.

So two gas masks were stolen from a high school chemistry lab, not exact the most secure of places, and then could have been given to anyone in Albuquerque... how does that prove it was Walt?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by darthwager
He could put up is house or car wash. He means that he would get off because with the cancer desperation line
If Walt actually has 6 months to live, he'd die before the trial even started as well.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Brian O'Nolan
I guess I just don't understand why some of you insist on trying to predict future outcomes when you know the clues you've been given are definitively ambiguous. Like, maybe flash-forward Walt is presumed dead for whatever reason; maybe he's been demonized by the DEA and is on a most wanted list. There's no evidence to say either of those theories is more "correct" atm.
Yeah, this. People stating things categorically based on obviously ambiguous information is part of what's making this thread so terrible right now - can't everyone just accept that right now, anything could happen, and while it's fun to try to predict what might happen, there's no secret way to find out the truth based on the clues we already have?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-14-2013 , 07:23 PM
It doesn't prove it, just another piece on evidence that would be perceived as astronomically coincidental. And how does a defense attorney explain the motives of hero DEA agent Hank pursuing this investigation? He is trying to put his brother-in-law in prison, a guy that paid for his rehabilitation. Schizophrenia?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
