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Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End.

08-12-2013 , 02:54 AM
Wow. I'm floored.

Poor Chekov.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 03:00 AM
if jesse gets caught throwing the wads it'll be via security cameras.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 03:18 AM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
Do you need a warrant to put a GPS on car or was that personal?
obv personal, doesn't want to involve anyone else before he's 100% certain Walter = Heisenberg

Why put the GPS on car anyway...unnecessary and gave Hank away.
You're being results oriented.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 03:18 AM
Does walt ever tell Jesse he saw Jane die poisoned the boy and killed mike?
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 03:19 AM
no to all 3

walt, now expecting to die within 12 months, wants jesse to remember him as a caring mentor.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 03:28 AM
I was really looking forward to the cat and mouse game, but we'll see what happens.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 04:01 AM
Skyler confronting Lydia has made me about 95% sure that the former is going to die. Just a feelin'
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 04:04 AM
don't see how lydia killing skylar would make walt wanna start cooking again, if that's what you're saying
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 04:13 AM
I'd just like to chime in here and say I think it's really unlikely that it's Jessie who causes Walt's demise (at least intentionally anyways). Decent chance he helps it through doing something careless, but as far as cooperating with Hank, just seems pretty implausible as doing so would be completely inconsistent with what we've seen in his character in prior seasons. Every time there has been police involvement, it's been pretty clear that Jessie has had no interest in playing ball with them. If Jessie does seek some sort of moral redemption against Walt, it wont be through Hank.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 04:43 AM
I'm surprised that Hank hasn't shown any reservations about moving forward with the case against Walt. That Walt was able to operate right under his nose for so long at the same time that he was working the case has to make him look absurdly incompetent to the point of being a DEA laughingstock, or even perhaps in on it.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 05:01 AM
Originally Posted by vaya
I'm pretty sure Skinny Pete's comment about transporters making a copy of you was a hint that it was really Lydia's twin
Partial derail: transporters killing/cloning discussion reminds me of a 90s short story about that specific thing, Think Like a Dinosaur. Later made in an episode of The Outer Limits (the newer version obv). Link to Hulu. Obviously The Prestige also relevant.

Back on rail: Jesse is pretty boring when he's in super depressed and self-destructive mode. It's been done. He's got 7 episodes to go, and his character needs to progress to somewhere after 5 seasons. I don't care where, so long as he doesn't go out a sniveling little humorless bitch.

Nit: Watched in HD, and the closeups of Hank's beard in the showdown looked like Cartman when he glued pubes to his face. Bad makeup.

Lydia annoys me. So do her sunglasses.

Carol dropping the oranges gave me deja vu, but I can't remember from what.

I'm kind of glad the confrontation happened this episode, because Walt needs an enemy or somebody to mix it up with. There aren't a lot of great characters left alive, and Walt, Hank, Jesse and Saul need something to do. Hoping from more than 7 episodes of family drama while Hank tries to do it all himself.

Would have been happy to see the ricin forgotten. Walt can make poison, he doesn't need to return to his house and risk whatever for old stuff.

Good to see BB back but when a couple days go by I think people will see this ep as just a typical one.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 05:05 AM
Actually I hope to see this become a Jesse vs Walt showdown in the end. Student vs teacher. Jesse has shown himself to be extremely competent when he gets it together and applies himself, like Walt is always telling him to. If would be great to see him do that, and if he does then I think it's a solid matchup. Especially if he uses science.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 05:24 AM
Watched the episode a second time since I got crap for saying it was meh earlier itt. My opinion is still the same.

- Jesse knowing that Mike is dead (he didn't look convinced after the convo with Walt) was pretty shocking

- The meth quality is going to crap after Walt left is ldo. It's not like he left everything to Jesse

Idk, I really enjoyed Breaking Bad for it's plot twists and unparalleled implementation of small details into imperative parts of the story, as well as the questions it raises. Maybe the 2.5 minute discussion about Star Trek just pissed me off for the entire episode. I guess it was prolonged just to give the viewers an idea what Jesse has been going through (annoying nerd talk no one cares about) but it was still a bit much.

To me, the biggest question is still what will Walt do with the poison...the fact that he went back to his house to get it is a big deal, and FFS he has a rifle (or shotgun, forgot) in his trunk. Even "Heisenberg" was tagged on his wall. There's so many ways the story can go with that. As for everything else that happened throughout the episode, I think everything will play out in a relatively predictable way.

I will obv watch episode 10, but I'm about a fifth as excited for it as I was for this episode
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Carol looking petrified and dropping the bag and spewing oranges was a pretty strong start.

Hank was outstanding in every scene.

Skylar getting tough with Lydia... weak.
Emo Jesse... weak.

What an ending.

Fairly weak episode except for Hank and the ending.

Also, I strongly want to bang Lydia for some reason.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 05:41 AM
Because she's the most attractive woman throughout the entire series, probably.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 06:11 AM
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 07:05 AM
Originally Posted by SirRawrsALot
Lol Jesse GOAT

And why did I need to hear Badger babble on about Star Trek for eternity?
I think the rant was something to do with the ricin, a reference to 'checkovs gun' where if there is a 'gun' in a scene in a show it will go off sometime, or there is no reason for it to be there.

Or could just be a reference to all the 'checkovs guns' in BB.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 07:21 AM
I did some searching on all the color theme's of the show. On Mike's fridge it said Blue is good, yellow is bad, and green is nice.....

Yellow- Gus colors- which symbolize danger ahead. People wearing these colors are in danger. Jesse and Jane wore all yellow together in one episode, and their sheets were yellow. Jane dies, but he lives. Might be because writers changed mind on writing him off the show. Or because Walt saved Jesse from dying(the danger) in the crackhouse after she died. Maybe yellow doesn't mean death but warning you you may die if not careful. The cousins wore yellow. Season 4 promos are Walt and Jesse standing together wearing yellow hazard uniforms meaning it would be them vs Gus/danger ahead in season 4. Gus takes his yellow shirt off and put purple suit on to go see hector. He was ignoring his danger warning(yellow) and feeling self important(purple)? Letting his ego of wanting to kill Hector cloud his judgement and ignore the danger warning? Now Marie and Walt wearing yellow shirts in last episode(Marie didn't take the yellow off though, she put her purple jacket over the yellow shirt when she went home with Hank. Walt also has a yellow shirt on when he kills mike's guys. Prolly symbolized Walt is now Gus by wearing Gus colors. Tuco was asked by Gomez(Hank's partner) what planet are you from Mars or Saturn. Mars is red and Saturn is yellow. A killer whose in danger.

Black and red- symbolize conflict and transformation(transforms into killer i think for Jesse) respectively- Jesse's theme colors. His house is filled with it. His car, his phone, everything. His last name is Pinkman(red mixed with Walter WHITE equal pink). The black is the conflict Jesse feels with Walt and himself.

Beige- i think it symbolizes normalcy/safeness/boring. Gretchen and Elliot's color- last name is Schwartz's, Shwarz is german for black. Walter WHITE and Gretchen/Elliot BLACK equal GRAY, GRAY matter. And remember Skyler mentioning when she went to Gretchen's party that she didn't get the beige memo. Walt and Skyler both wore blue at the party, as at that time they were both still good. Early on Walt wore beige, so this is symbolizing Walt used to be with them when he wore beige, the 3 of them together made gray. He lived a safe and normal boring life, but then he went green and went into a whole new world where he would lose his blue(goodness).

Green- Walt's color- symbolizing new beginning/alive, purposely ironic considering he just got diagnosed with cancer. The theme colors of this show are predominantly green and yellow. Because Walt is the center point of the show(green) and danger is everywhere(yellow).

Blue- symbolizes good. Skyler's color, her nickname is Sky. She wore blue the whole 1st season. In season 3 she starts to wear green symbolizing starting a new life of crime with Walt(Walt's green).

Hank- Orange- symbol of fire, but also of safety and caution. Good colors for law enforcement. Hank wears alot of orange. Maybe Walt and Jesse start wearing orange hazard suits means at that short time period they were safe. I bet Hank wasn't wearing orange the day the cousins came after him, i bet it was a yellow shirt. Most of the time he wears orange.

Marie-color is purple- can mean royalty or a sense of self-importance.

Saul- wears all the colors that usually clash- this is because he plays for all the teams colors that clash when together. He works for everyone.

All these people wear their colors all the time. So when they aren't wearing their normal colors i think it might be time to wonder why? And whose colors are they wearing to decide how safe or unsafe they are.

Last edited by observer1; 08-12-2013 at 07:28 AM.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 07:32 AM
Originally Posted by TensRUs
Because she's the most attractive woman throughout the entire series, probably.
the principal
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by Chrizza
Also, I strongly want to bang Lydia for some reason.

Originally Posted by TensRUs
Because she's the most attractive woman throughout the entire series, probably.
She's not that attractive to want to bang on looks alone imo. There is something about the contradiction of how she is very strong yet vulnerable that I find alluring.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 07:44 AM
My u verse shut down right when Walt climbed into bed. Fml
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 08:16 AM
Amazing, just amazing. Consistently surprised by how great this show can be.

For the record, the people saying Walt's cancer is (obviously) back are (obviously) right, but the people believing Walt is bluffing Hank are probably correct too. Walt has a full head of hair in the flash forward at the beginning of the episode, and it's doubtful that it takes place any less than 6 months after the Hank/Walt confrontation, since it's his 52nd birthday, and at this point we're maybe 4-5 months removed from the events of Fifty-One (three months that the kids were at Hank and Marie's, one month that Walt is 'out'). This would indicate a few potential scenarios:

1. He was bluffing and although his cancer is back, him having six months to live was a lie he told in order to attempt to gain Hank's sympathy.
2. He wasn't bluffing and did have six months to live, and the flash-forward occurs right as his time is running out - his hair growth is explained by him voluntarily stopping his chemo treatments.
3. He wasn't bluffing and did have six months to live, but he simply did better than his doctor expected.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 08:40 AM
I had it set to record +30 minutes yesterday, I figured I did it last season to avoid missing the end, but then I remembered it was to catch the previews buried in the next show. Still almost didn't make it, lol.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 09:02 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
BTW, for everyone's amazing string of predictions, did ANYONE see the Walt/Hank confrontation happening in the very first episode? I've read a lot of tremendously ******ed reddit threads and recap comments, but didn't see that one laid out. Most people expected either part of or the whole season to be Walt vs. Hank in a cat and mouse game of investigation. And like, then they'd weirdly argue with each other about whether they thought Hank would win or Walt would win. Like arguing the strengths and weaknesses of the characters as if they were actually going to match wits instead of "whatever Vince Gilligan wants to happen" happening.
A post I made a year ago:

Re: Hank finally figuring it out, we've seen that he's a pretty sharp detective. Once he starts to suspect Walt, I think he'll revisit all the previous hints and figure most of it out on his own, maybe needing one more minor piece of evidence to fully convince him. So far we have:

-The chemistry equipment being stolen from the lab at Walt's school.
-Walt's early connection with Jesse, which eventually led him to Tuco.
-**Someone calling his personal cellphone with the fake news that Marie had been hospitalized, just when he was about to get into the trailer.
-The security cam tape of Walt and Jesse stealing the drum of methylamine.
-Walt showing up and distracting Hank when they're doing the sting with Badger.
-Walt crashing the car when they're about to check out the laundromat, which he now knows hid a meth lab.
-The dubious blackjack story.
-Walt's occasional ramblings that make him look even more suspicious, like the recent one about how Gale was someone's student.

What else am I missing? Definitely enough for him to finally figure it out.
So he ought to put it together once he finds Leaves of Grass, glad they had Hank revisit all this evidence and figure it out quick.

Only gripe isn't with Walt showing the GPS, but with Hank planting it in the first place. Either: Walt is nobody and the GPS won't find any evidence, or Walt is a criminal mastermind and probably knows about checking his car for bugs, so the GPS isn't gonna help anyway.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
08-12-2013 , 09:07 AM
Man I hope this show sticks the landing. Could be the undisputed GOAT.
Breaking Bad: All Bad Things Must Come to an End. Quote
