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Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Boardwalk Empire : Season 2

11-08-2011 , 07:27 PM
breaking bad is a total snoozefest compared to boardwalk empire
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by Conz
if Van Alden and Lucy get 1 more scene im gonna flip out, they bring the show to a screeching hault
maybe they should be replaced in the cast by The Amazing Kreskin!

(poor quality, but w/e)
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
I think during owens bathroom fight I made out him saying something about " Wild goose chase for 5 months "

I'm pretty sure owen had been looking for this trader. Like someone else said might even be the whole reason he stayed behind in the US.

Be patience you tard buckets. I'm sure it'll all be explained in the next couple episodes.

Originally Posted by Dominic
Amazing. This very well could be the best show on TV since The Sopranos. Hell, it could be a top ton show of all-time if it keeps up this kind of quality.

Whoever the casting agent for this show deserves a raise. Everyone is pitch-perfect. I'm blown away at how operatic, involving, and literary this show is. This has some of the best writing in a TV show, ever.

Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
he still held back that he is spying for nucky
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by nath
I liked the episode but anyone going on about best hour of TV ever and best show ever really needs to watch Breaking Bad.
I've seen every second of BB and BE and while the former is a very good show, it's not in the same league as the latter imo.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 07:54 PM
Having both Boardwalk Empire and Homeland to watch on a Monday evening is pretty awesome.

If you haven't seen or heard of Homeland, definitely check it out.


I like BE a lot better than BB but people have different tastes lets not turn this into a debate about which is better. Horses for courses.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by kevin21
Having both Boardwalk Empire and Homeland to watch on a Monday evening is pretty awesome.

If you haven't seen or heard of Homeland, definitely check it out.


I like BE a lot better than BB but people have different tastes lets not turn this into a debate about which is better. Horses for courses.
I now attempt to DVR or watch 7 different things from the hours of 8pm-11pm EST on Sunday nights. (SNF,OUAT,BE,Dex,WD,HL,HOW)
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by TheGameAu
Why would he spy for Nucky and give evidence to the assistant AG to help convict him? It appears he chose not to be bribed by Nucky.
he has no choice but to spy for nucky, he has been taking money from bootleggers and is in too deep. if he would have come clean to the agent, he would have confessed everything and told her that nucky was blackmailing him.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
he has no choice but to spy for nucky, he has been taking money from bootleggers and is in too deep. if he would have come clean to the agent, he would have confessed everything and told her that nucky was blackmailing him.
Yea I kind of agree. He needs a way to get the DA to trust him if he is going to actually get information. This seems like a good way to do that.
Before they were closing the door and keeping him out of everything.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by nath
I liked the episode but anyone going on about best hour of TV ever and best show ever really needs to watch Breaking Bad.

Seriously no breaking bad failing it up ITT please. Last thing we need is for the terribad posters from that thread in here saying its the best show ever and then talking about how fat lucy got for 15 pages.
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Oh shut up english nazi, I was tired and high
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Oh shut up english nazi, I was tired and high
I think his point is "don't call other people ******s if you aren't at least going to get your own words right".
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 09:06 PM
And I'm not gonna start a debate here but Boardwalk Empire has a long way to go to compete for BEST SHOW EVAR. I used Breaking Bad just to demonstrate it's not even the best show currently on TV. The Wire and The Sopranos also quickly come to mind.

And no matter what you think of the two shows, this

Originally Posted by pageh656
breaking bad is a total snoozefest compared to boardwalk empire
is pretty LOL.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by StimAbuser
Yea I kind of agree. He needs a way to get the DA to trust him if he is going to actually get information. This seems like a good way to do that.
Before they were closing the door and keeping him out of everything.
I don't know. Somehow I don't think this was what Nucky had in mind. It was already shown that Van Alden could hear everything through the door and thin wall. This definitely looks like he's rejected Nucky's offer.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 09:32 PM
I really feel bad for those who gave up on BE after the first season and while I enjoyed the first season more than most this season has been absolutely amazing. I love how expansive it all is, the characters and the set designs are freaking great (just that street in Brooklyn was pretty cool). If feels like the entire first season was your typical 3-4 ep's of most shows first season setting up for this season.

Agree with the poster about watching this and Homeland is a pretty great 2 hours of TV - seriously check out Homeland if you haven't - excellent show, easily the best new show on TV.

Agreed about turning this into a BB vs BE war. BE is still in its infancy and could be better if it keeps this pace up but until then lets just keep jerking off to all these amazing shows.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-08-2011 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by demon102
The sex scene with Margerat and Nucky felt like I was watching my parents get it on, just wrong.
Doesn't that scene help you understand her decision to sleep with Nucky's driver? I mean, the danger she is putting herself in wouldn't make sense if Nucky was making her cry out like the maid did.

Last edited by ShabbyChick; 11-08-2011 at 10:39 PM.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-09-2011 , 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by nath
I liked the episode but anyone going on about best hour of TV ever and best show ever really needs to watch Breaking Bad.
I felt this week was one of the weaker BE offerings this season. Everything with Margaret in Brooklyn bombed and was spelled out within the first 90 seconds of her at her brother's apartment. I like BE a lot, but I think some of the love in this thread is really unwarranted, the first 2 seasons are much closer in quality to say Rescue Me than Sopranos/MM/The Wire.

Last edited by Pudge714; 11-09-2011 at 03:43 AM. Reason: Only not including BB in here, because S3 and S4 are when they really pick up
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-09-2011 , 08:13 AM
Originally Posted by pageh656
breaking bad is a total snoozefest compared to boardwalk empire
Im just gonna assume this is a joke.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-09-2011 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Pudge714
I felt this week was one of the weaker BE offerings this season. Everything with Margaret in Brooklyn bombed and was spelled out within the first 90 seconds of her at her brother's apartment. I like BE a lot, but I think some of the love in this thread is really unwarranted, the first 2 seasons are much closer in quality to say Rescue Me than Sopranos/MM/The Wire.
I have a question I'm confused about. Why is her brother disowning her? I know she left the family but I guess I missed the reason why.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-09-2011 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by CheckDaQuads
I have a question I'm confused about. Why is her brother disowning her? I know she left the family but I guess I missed the reason why.
Basically I think he was originally upset/disappointed with her because she got preggers out of wedlock, stole money which was for him to come to America and ran away. He's super religious and family orientated so that wasn't ok with him.

I think the reason he disowned her now though is because she is kind of a kept whore. She had a husband, who died. Now she is with a man very soon after who takes care of her and gives her a bunch of money but won't marry her. The brother being old school and very religious is not ok with that as well as probably having his pride being hurt that he's working so hard and is poor and she's being kept and rich.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-09-2011 , 07:12 PM
I feel like Lucy left town, and thus van alden rejected Nucky's offer. They spent a weird scene with the maid describing Lucy "going for formula even though we had plenty of milk." I guess they could go either way. Nucky can still blackmail him so maybe he was doing that to get close but I took it as him rejected Nucky. I don't think its answered though so who knows.

Margarets character is getting pretty interesting

oh an

Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-09-2011 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by nath
I think his point is "don't call other people ******s if you aren't at least going to get your own words right".

How long before Eli gets it? I hope his death is excruciating.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-10-2011 , 12:38 AM
Ugh I hate what they've done with Margaret. The season started out excellent with her becoming a bigger part of Nucky's life. My interest in her peaked at the fireplace conversation. But now it's like instant dislike...the Irish guy sucks and I like Nucky so it sucks that he's getting chumped. At least The Sopranos had the discipline to never let Carmela go full ******. I hope the Irish guy dies...any other resolution will leave me unhappy.

On a related note I really hate that Jimmy's mom gives it up to Luciano.

I think I'm just protective over my women. They don't ALL have to be sloots.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-10-2011 , 01:43 AM
This is my fault for not paying full attention, but who was the hot chick with the black bobbed hair in the scene where Nucky gets shot?
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-10-2011 , 03:14 AM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
This is my fault for not paying full attention, but who was the hot chick with the black bobbed hair in the scene where Nucky gets shot?
they never explained it , just rando hot chick eyeballing nucky .
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-10-2011 , 03:16 AM
Originally Posted by MikeyPatriot
This is my fault for not paying full attention, but who was the hot chick with the black bobbed hair in the scene where Nucky gets shot?
Don't think we know yet.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
11-10-2011 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by traz
Ugh I hate what they've done with Margaret. The season started out excellent with her becoming a bigger part of Nucky's life. My interest in her peaked at the fireplace conversation. But now it's like instant dislike...the Irish guy sucks and I like Nucky so it sucks that he's getting chumped. At least The Sopranos had the discipline to never let Carmela go full ******. I hope the Irish guy dies...any other resolution will leave me unhappy.

On a related note I really hate that Jimmy's mom gives it up to Luciano.

I think I'm just protective over my women. They don't ALL have to be sloots.
ahahahaha niice. Agree with entire paragraph about Margaret. She peaked at fireplace for sure agree. Now I kinda hope they kill her off with young irish & Nucky starts banging hot chick in the last scene.
Boardwalk Empire : Season 2 Quote
