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Black Mirror Black Mirror

01-04-2017 , 01:13 AM
my list:

Entire History
Hated in the Nation
White Xmas
San Junipero
Men Against Fire
Be Right Back
National Anthem
Nose Dive
White Bear
Shut Up

I give a lot of weight to the technological concept involved in each episode- i.e. simple blackmailing form collecting web data in Shut Up not so good, eye chips that record everything you see, very good.
Black Mirror Quote
01-23-2017 , 12:20 AM
watched season 2 today

white bear
white xmas
be right back


white bear was the only one where an end twist just caught me completely by surprise. great stuff.
Black Mirror Quote
01-23-2017 , 12:45 AM
I need to re-watch the Christmas episode. Watched whitebear 3 times.
Black Mirror Quote
02-04-2017 , 11:32 PM
not sure how this slipped by me for so long. Always heard it described as a modern twilight zone.

It didnt really register that 'modern' actually meant high-tech near futuristic.

Much better than i had always thought it would be.
Black Mirror Quote
02-05-2017 , 01:39 AM
Episode rankings?
Black Mirror Quote
02-05-2017 , 08:16 AM
Finally caught up on all S3 episodes. My rankings:

Entire History of You
White Bear
White Christmas
15 Million Merits
National Anthem
Men Against Fire
San Junipero
Be Right Back
Shut Up and Dance
Hated in the Nation
Waldo Moment

I think I must be easy to please, as the only one I downright don't like is Waldo. I could watch any of the others repeatedly.
Black Mirror Quote
02-05-2017 , 12:15 PM
The reason I asked is because I searched for Black Mirror Episode Rankings and it seems the lists are utterly random, with the only ones not appearing in the top 5 ever being Playtest and Waldo.
Black Mirror Quote
02-05-2017 , 12:49 PM
That's one of the things about Black Mirror that I love. If you go through this thread there is nowhere near a consensus on episode rankings. Each episode is interpreted differently by different people.
Black Mirror Quote
02-06-2017 , 12:17 PM
Episode Rankings

white christmas
fifteen million merits
san junipero
Men Against Fire
white bear
entire history of you
shut up and dance
national anthem
hated in the nation
Be right back
waldo moment
Black Mirror Quote
02-10-2017 , 02:06 AM
Just finished Season 3! Good season overall but only one episode I would call a true classic. From best to worst:

San Junipero - brilliant in every way, the best BM episode
Men Against Fire - very good. the military's use of their tech, man.. hauntingly insidious
Nosedive - depressing and extremely plausible scenario, great lead performance, fun ending
Hated in the Nation - tough one to grade, some great concepts but some of it very hokey as well
Shut Up and Dance - entertaining for sure, but why it is a BM episode? people getting blackmailed into doing ridiculous stuff has been done by Hollywood before, and getting blackmailed via webcam spying is not sci-fi, it's literally happening in the world today
Playtest - Forgettable. The idea of a program accessing your worst fears is something, but they never went anywhere with it.
Black Mirror Quote
02-20-2017 , 04:04 AM
Just watched 3 episodes.

Nosedive: Loved it. Seemed very realistic and believable and f'd up.

Playtest: Meh.

National Anthem: WOW. Very bold plot and well executed. Only thing that pissed me off was the finger thing. How am I supposed to believe that the experts couldn't tell the difference between a man's finger and the princesses finger? It also seemed to serve no purpose. The finger should've just been hers. Anyways, loved the sick dilemna the prime minister got stuck with.

Last edited by Carnivore; 02-20-2017 at 04:17 AM.
Black Mirror Quote
02-21-2017 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
And now with Trump winning the election, The Waldo Moment is looking pretty damn prescient.
Just finished the series and thought it was great. But dammit reading this thread and seeing these posts from 2013 and 2014

Originally Posted by ESKiMO-SiCKNE5S
Hmm one was an attack on media and consumer oriented-culture, well the world in general really, the other was a really focussed attack on politics but I can definitely see the similarities in the '**** you' aspect =P. Both were built around a very similar speech for sure.

I would say the overall message was:

Waldo: When we live in a world that has people totally sick of the status quo and all politics, the most successful politicians of the future will be those who can effectively market themselves as anti-politics and pushing for positive change, regardless of their actual policies. The "Hope" next to Waldo at the end and the inclusion of the American I thought was a direct attack on the first Obama campaign.

15: Well, basically the speech that the protagonist made word for word regarding the direction we are headed as a society, with the addition that we are all contributing to the problem because even those that bitch aren't actually willing to do much, if anything, to change it.

Maybe I'm way off base. Fwiw I'm anti-political and really liked 15 Waldo for the marketing aspects rather than anything else, but I liked the way the messages were delivered.
Originally Posted by [Phill]
The funny thing is he isn't anti tech, he is a massive gamer and loves gadgets, but the future of society is technological and as a societal satirist it's impossible to avoid this overlap and the high possibility of things getting worse. Even the tech heavy episodes aren't about tech itself being bad instead they are just the catalysts of the show, fifteen million merits (based in a beautifully shot uber futuristic environment) is about celebrity culture, reality & competition TV and the strive that being famous is a worthy goal in itself.

Btw for all the hate it gets as being subpar The Waldo Moment is the most important if least well executed episodes as it a commentary on how people turning away from democracy leads us down a very dark path as an elite literally control the world - but also that the political elites led by their own goals are forcing the situation as no one has any faith in the politicians anymore, making them equally culpable. If Brooker did a Political Wipe show he would absolutely ravage both the politicians and the voters to such a crazy degree.
Black Mirror Quote
02-21-2017 , 08:52 PM
That's crazy
Black Mirror Quote
03-03-2017 , 03:24 PM
Completely and utterly blown away by Black Mirror. Spent the last week watching the entire series. Cannot wait until it returns later this year.

Here's my ranking of episodes:

San Junipero
Be Right Back
Entire History of You
Hated in the Nation
National Anthem
15 Million Merits
Shut Up and Dance
White Bear
The Waldo Moment
White Christmas
Men Against Fire

Maybe it's because I'm most definitely a child of the 80's or because of my lust for Belinda Carlisle (& love of all 80's music), but I consider San Junipero one of the greatest episodes I've seen of anything. Really moved me.

Really hoping they somehow retouch San Junipero in Season 4. It definitely appears to be the episode that resonated most with viewers globally.

Charlie Brooker is a genius. That is all.
Black Mirror Quote
03-10-2017 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by BrosefStalin75
Completely and utterly blown away by Black Mirror. Spent the last week watching the entire series. Cannot wait until it returns later this year.

Here's my ranking of episodes:

San Junipero
Be Right Back
Entire History of You
Hated in the Nation
National Anthem
15 Million Merits
Shut Up and Dance
White Bear
The Waldo Moment
White Christmas
Men Against Fire

Maybe it's because I'm most definitely a child of the 80's or because of my lust for Belinda Carlisle (& love of all 80's music), but I consider San Junipero one of the greatest episodes I've seen of anything. Really moved me.

Really hoping they somehow retouch San Junipero in Season 4. It definitely appears to be the episode that resonated most with viewers globally.

Charlie Brooker is a genius. That is all.
Crazy. Just watched season 3 yesterday and I felt the same about San Junipero. So great. Really stuck with me afterwards.
Black Mirror Quote
03-29-2017 , 02:11 PM
I couldn't even finish the waldo episode tbh.

15mil merits #1 in my opinion. I'd need a refresher on all the episodes before I could do a full power ranking though
Black Mirror Quote
03-29-2017 , 08:39 PM
Waldo pre-Trump I thought was great.

It could certainly come off differently now
Black Mirror Quote
03-30-2017 , 01:46 PM
San Junipero is my #1 as well, doesn't hurt that it's the only episode with a "happy" ending. Black bear was wild. I like how shut up and dance had you feeling bad for the main character right up until the call from his mom at the end and how the entire history of you had you feeling like the main character was an ***hole until the truth came out. What a great series.
Black Mirror Quote
03-30-2017 , 01:56 PM
Entire history of you was fantastic. So was San Junipero.
Black Mirror Quote
03-30-2017 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by umphreys who
San Junipero is my #1 as well, doesn't hurt that it's the only episode with a "happy" ending. Black bear was wild. I like how shut up and dance had you feeling bad for the main character right up until the call from his mom at the end and how the entire history of you had you feeling like the main character was an ***hole until the truth came out. What a great series.
Yeah Shut Up and Dance definitely had me fooled until the fight in the forest that the main character had just jerked off to some normal porn. Not sure how obvious it was to others early on that it was dodgier than that. Good ep imo.
Black Mirror Quote
03-30-2017 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by sumey
Yeah Shut Up and Dance definitely had me fooled until the fight in the forest that the main character had just jerked off to some normal porn. Not sure how obvious it was to others early on that it was dodgier than that. Good ep imo.
Upon a second watch there was definitely clues littered throughout, when the little kid left the toy on the diner table and he gave it to her he made basically no eye contact or conversation with the mom and watched them walk out with a creepy smile, his boss was semi hitting on him and he couldn't care less, etc.
Black Mirror Quote
04-02-2017 , 02:03 AM
Yeah San Junipero was the best episode. I've seen all the episodes and to this day all I still think about is San Junipero. It was perfect and it will be tough for Booker to top that .

It probably strikes a stronger connection with Gen Xers.
Black Mirror Quote
04-10-2017 , 05:42 PM
Just watched the National Anthem, wow. What a ****ty spot to be put into.
Black Mirror Quote
04-10-2017 , 05:53 PM
The best thing about National Anthem was the revelation of Piggate a few years later.

Brooker had to quickly come out saying he had no prior knowledge to it. Scary how close his satire gets to real though...
Black Mirror Quote
04-10-2017 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe
The best thing about National Anthem was the revelation of Piggate a few years later.

Brooker had to quickly come out saying he had no prior knowledge to it. Scary how close his satire gets to real though...
Wow wtf lol?
Black Mirror Quote
