Originally Posted by DarkCheck
I think Janelle, Kaysar, Keesha, and Ian are in trouble this week. They're playing comp for safety plus 1 right now and i think Keesha and Janelle are playing. Not sure who else. If one of them win they may save each other as they already talking about making an alliance with Kaysar and maybe Memphis. If they pull each other off Kaysar and Ian are next ups for Cody i think unless Nicole F talks him down off Ian. She tried to talk him off Ian earlier today.
Yep as of now one of those 4 in that order are probably most likely to go home.
I'm most impressed with Memphis so far this season. He's well liked by everyone and he seems to be the only old schooler who fits in well with the new school players besides Enzo. I think Enzo could also be in a good spot but I'm afraid he'll be similar to a BB 21 Sam where everyone realizes that everyone loves him and is the funny guy and he goes home because of it.
Kaysar, Janelle and Keesha won't even have a conversation with Cody which is ridiculously bad game play.
I would love a Cody Enzo Memphis Tyler alliance. I think it's very likely to happen but we'll see how it plays out. David could possibly be included.They could include some women or they could all have their own side alliances with women. Cody with Nicole F and Dani D because of Nicole, Tyler/Cody with Bayleigh and Davonne, Memphis with Keesha/Janelle and similar to the Brigade, Enzo would be left out but he gets along with everyone so well he could have a side alliance with anyone.