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Big Brother 21 (2019) Big Brother 21 (2019)

08-06-2020 , 01:10 PM
I haven't watched a season of BB in forever but I've committed to watching this. Who out of the newer people (like post season 14) make for good TV/would be good to watch?

Also unlike everyone here I always hated Ian, he just inherently annoys me and was mad when he initially won. Hope he's an early out lol. I always did like Dani and Memphis
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:43 PM
The Nicoles are pretty much the only moderately interesting people from post-BB14. And they both are kind of annoying
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by HUstylez
I haven't watched a season of BB in forever but I've committed to watching this. Who out of the newer people (like post season 14) make for good TV/would be good to watch?

Also unlike everyone here I always hated Ian, he just inherently annoys me and was mad when he initially won. Hope he's an early out lol. I always did like Dani and Memphis
Davonne is super smart. If she can control her mouth, she is a sniper and someone who can go deep.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:19 PM
Lol. Saving that “super smart” message for future use
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:21 PM
Cody might have a pregame alliance with Memphis because of dan/Derrick. He told Nicole f that if Memphis had a good time in the HOH comp he would’ve thrown it. Cody also told Nicole he is thinking of nominating Janelle and kaysar or Keesha and kaysar. Nicole wants to start an all girls alliance and wants Cody to start an all guys alliance but have each other’s backs.

Memphis has been hilarious on the feeds. Enzo also but I was expecting that.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 02:30 PM
If anyone doesn’t know the original bbviewer doesn’t work but it’s now a chrome extension. It’s not finalized yet but you can still install and use it. It’s a much better way to watch the feeds.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 03:30 PM
Safety suite appears that you can choose to compete or not. I’m assuming only once. If you win you choose a +1 to also be safe.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 06:41 PM
I think Janelle, Kaysar, Keesha, and Ian are in trouble this week. They're playing comp for safety plus 1 right now and i think Keesha and Janelle are playing. Not sure who else. If one of them win they may save each other as they already talking about making an alliance with Kaysar and maybe Memphis. If they pull each other off Kaysar and Ian are next ups for Cody i think unless Nicole F talks him down off Ian. She tried to talk him off Ian earlier today.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by DarkCheck
I think Janelle, Kaysar, Keesha, and Ian are in trouble this week. They're playing comp for safety plus 1 right now and i think Keesha and Janelle are playing. Not sure who else. If one of them win they may save each other as they already talking about making an alliance with Kaysar and maybe Memphis. If they pull each other off Kaysar and Ian are next ups for Cody i think unless Nicole F talks him down off Ian. She tried to talk him off Ian earlier today.
Yep as of now one of those 4 in that order are probably most likely to go home.

I'm most impressed with Memphis so far this season. He's well liked by everyone and he seems to be the only old schooler who fits in well with the new school players besides Enzo. I think Enzo could also be in a good spot but I'm afraid he'll be similar to a BB 21 Sam where everyone realizes that everyone loves him and is the funny guy and he goes home because of it.

Kaysar, Janelle and Keesha won't even have a conversation with Cody which is ridiculously bad game play.

I would love a Cody Enzo Memphis Tyler alliance. I think it's very likely to happen but we'll see how it plays out. David could possibly be included.They could include some women or they could all have their own side alliances with women. Cody with Nicole F and Dani D because of Nicole, Tyler/Cody with Bayleigh and Davonne, Memphis with Keesha/Janelle and similar to the Brigade, Enzo would be left out but he gets along with everyone so well he could have a side alliance with anyone.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 10:05 PM
Sounds like Janelle won. While i'm rooting for her but i worry Ian is in alot of trouble. I hope Nicole F talks Cody down off Ian but he looks like a huge target now. Don't know who Janelle pulled off but i'm guessing Keesha or Kaysar.

Last edited by DarkCheck; 08-06-2020 at 10:10 PM.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 10:07 PM
Taran brought up that Cody could also just target Nicole A since he said he wants to get a house consensus and she has no real allies. This is just speculation but it makes sense.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 10:17 PM
Now looks like Kaysar won and gave plus 1 to Janelle.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-06-2020 , 10:55 PM
Seems like Cody wants to target keesha with probably Kevin as the pawn. He hasn’t talked to everyone yet though.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 12:06 AM
Pretty sure my 5 favorites and Nicole F just made an alliance. Cody/Enzo/Nicole F/Dani with Tyler and Memphis. Cody and Dani came up with it but she doesn't want to tell Tyler and Memphis yet. Pretty sure Cody will immediately tell at least Tyler.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 04:54 AM
Kaysar has a pretty good read on the house. Explaining to Janelle and Nicole A how Cody wants to run things and that tyler is his right hand man. Enzo is with them. Janelle asked how you know that he said he saw the special handshake they had. That he watches everything. Said he's not sure with Dani but he thinks their team is 5 or 6. Then he told them he now has to slaughter them.

He said he doesn't know where Ian's head's at. I hope Nicole A helps bring him into this group. I'd be so on board on this alliance. Wish Dani be with them but looks like she's on the other side now. Kaysar thinks Kevin might be with them but once he sees Kevin get nominated he will realize they can bring him in to.

Memphis might be a problem for the Kaysar team as they think he's more on their said while it looks like he's going to be the other side. Kaysar thinks Memphis will be nominated.

Kaysar... "I think what people don't understand about me is i'm savage. And they should be very afraid."

Quickly becoming one of my favorites.

Last edited by DarkCheck; 08-07-2020 at 05:19 AM.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 04:54 AM
Somehow this potential alliance of 6 that has never had more than 3 people in a room together and 3 of the potential members don’t even know about yet has already been discovered by Janelle kaysar and Nicole A.

They just think David is the 6th not Memphis.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by DarkCheck
Kaysar has a pretty good read on the house. Explaining to Janelle and Nicole A how Cody wants to run things and that tyler and Enzo are with him. Said he's not sure with Dani but he thinks their team is 5 or 6.
He does but he is also saying some absurd things. He keeps throwing **** against the wall and some of it is correct but some of it is wild. His reasoning for why he thinks certain people are in the alliance is dumb but he’s correct in the end. For example he’s most sure David is in over Enzo and Dani because David looked at a clock. He also thinks he tricked Tyler and David into not playing in the safety comp. He thinks they were going to use their one chance in the comp to block Kaysar/Janelle from winning. That is absurd.

Janelle is also right that Enzo hates Nicole F. Enzo doesn’t know Tyler and Cody want her in their alliance so who knows how he’ll react.

Last edited by YeahYou; 08-07-2020 at 05:09 AM.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 05:03 AM
The worst move of the season may not be topped. Whoever was the second one of Janelle or Kaysar to swipe their card to play in the safety suite competition literally swiped it to knowingly give up their one chance to compete against only the other one. I will say this is based on my understanding of how the comp works so I may not have heard the details correctly.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 05:43 AM
I'm not saying Kaysar is a mastermind. More his vibes about people seem good but his theories may be off on why they're together. But i love that he's thinking this hard and wanting to crush the other side right off the bat. This team needs to bring in Ian as he can be the mastermind of this team. I think it will happen. Kaysar asked Nicole A about Ian as Kaysar unsure about him. He wondered if they brought him in would he rat them out at first sign of trouble. Nicole A said she doesn't think so.

Btw Janelle has confirmed that Nicole F did sabotage Derrick to not be on this season. She said i don't know what she did but Derrick most certainly was going to play then Nicole did something to stop him from playing. Janelle said she's good friends with Dan. And Dan and Derrick are friends. Maybe that's where she got the info.

Last edited by DarkCheck; 08-07-2020 at 05:49 AM.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 05:50 AM
I agree with what you’re saying about kaysar. I think I’m just too hard on him because of how overrated he is.

Janelle said she specifically heard from dan. I still highly doubt it. She also said Josh and kaycee got covid so they’re not on. It’s been confirmed the cast had their phones for a lot of sequester so I would bet she read all these things and talked to so many people that she’s mixing up where she heard things.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 06:07 AM
Nicole A doing a lone talk to the feeders about her head right now in the game. She says she's in a pickle on which side to choose right now as she's be recruited by 3 or 4 different parties. Cody tyler side, Kaysar Janelle side, Day and Bay i think she said, and Ian wants to work with her. She said Kaysar is savage, and she loves it, but thinks he may play too hard too fast. She's probably right. But he's entertaining to watch.

She is an underrated player. She is good.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 02:51 PM
Do we not do feeds talk in spoiler tags anymore?

I'll start a first watch of S6 or S10 - which should it be to get more context? Leaning towards 10; I already know Kaysar and Janelle some from S7.

There's a LOT of F2/F3 people here, and some of those winners were rumored to be on this season previously. Twist coming?
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Do we not do feeds talk in spoiler tags anymore?

I'll start a first watch of S6 or S10 - which should it be to get more context? Leaning towards 10; I already know Kaysar and Janelle some from S7.

There's a LOT of F2/F3 people here, and some of those winners were rumored to be on this season previously. Twist coming?
Watch S10

Maybe you can figure out how Keesha won AFP
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 07:20 PM
Kaysar is awesome. He's so savage. I think he even intimidates people he's telling he wants to work with. He's talking to Keesha about how he wants to work with her. And that him and janelle are not against her. But while he's talking he looks like he wants to crush her. He doesn't mean to be intimidating i don't think, just how he talks when talking game. Like Enzo said about him "he's like Count Dracula." Someone walked by while he's talking to her and she said shh or someting and he says i don't give a shi* lol. He then asks her if she has side alliances and she's says no. He says it doesn't matter if you do anyway as we're your best option.

His insctincts are still spot on as he told Keesha he thinks her and Kevin will go up.

Last edited by DarkCheck; 08-07-2020 at 07:40 PM.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
08-07-2020 , 08:01 PM
Kaysar is the Big Brother GOAT at being the obvious head of the minority alliance. Well I guess there's a chance if his side wins HOH next week they can gather numbers but it won't be easy.
Big Brother 21 (2019) Quote
