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Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS

06-29-2018 , 05:27 PM
Yeah I agree. I never thought I'd say this but I actually like Kaitlyn's social game. She has really good 1 on 1s with everyone and everyone feels like they trust her. Before the feeds went live it must've been much different because the girls on the other side don't like her. Even still, I'm sure she's one of the last in her alliance the other side would target. That being said it's 2 days in so we'll see how she acts when Bayleigh tells her about her convo with Tyler.

Sam hinted to Tyler she won the power and that she can't go home no matter what. This is obviously not confirmed though.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 06:38 PM
I already take back what I said about Kaitlyn. She has Elena vibes in that she thinks she has way more influence than she does.

Also the twitter account that spoils everything confirmed Sam won the power and she can save herself one time in any of the first 4 weeks.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 07:12 PM
seems like BB learned a lot from last season. thats how paul's power shouldve been
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 07:13 PM
although the downside of that being used week 1 is we might not get an eviction until two thursdays from now, which is a crazy amount of time for them in the house with no one leaving
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 07:18 PM
What I read was ambiguous. I took it to mean she'll pull herself off the block at some point presumably during the veto ceremony or during live eviction and a replacement would be made on the spot.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 07:22 PM
Tyler talking to cameras alone. His true alliance is "level 6" and JC which is Tyler Winston Brett Rachel Angela and Kaycee.

Pretty sure Sam would choose their side too.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 08:44 PM
Sam told Tyler she can use it after the eviction even if she gets evicted. If that's true we might not have an eviction for two Thursdays. And she doesn't have to use it on herself.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 08:48 PM
makes sense considering there’s only 16 people and they have to fill 99 days. I’m guessing they’ll bring at least one person back also
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 09:20 PM
I like having two warring sides going at it. It has been a while since we've had that.

When feeds came on, Winston was sh*t talking Kaitlyn. telling the same story to everyone where he "caught" her listening in on the room he was in.

I think it could make for bad feeds if every single moment is one side talking crap about the other
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 09:29 PM
It seems like America loves sam. Is it just because she got the robot punishment? I don’t get the love for her.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-29-2018 , 10:06 PM
Steve seems so uncomfortable. He reminds me of Josh in the first few weeks of BB19. except the people in this house see value in having him as a number and arent shunning him
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
It seems like America loves sam. Is it just because she got the robot punishment? I don’t get the love for her.
They feel sorry for her.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 02:39 AM
I felt sorry for her when she was crying to Tyler lol.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 05:26 AM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
Swaggy is Devin levels of bad. Tyler is impressing me so far. He's handling this "meeting" in the HOH about the veto well.
Totally agree on both players.

Swaggy is going to go down hard as he is trying to take on the role of alpha male of the house and wants everyone to know it. Like Paulie Califore. Tyler says to him "dude be careful I hear from everyone that they think you're the leader. Everyone saying it." Swaggy "That's what they're saying? Well yeah it's true. If they want a war i'll give them a war." Also like Paulie did to his woman seems as swaggy going to do to his woman as well. As he's already talking about how he didn't want get involved in a showmance. This while she is sweet on him and wondering why he's cold sometimes. Swaggy is best chance for good drama this year. Not that there won't be drama with the women at some point as well. Winston giving off a lord of the flies vibe as well.

Agree Tyler the most impressive right now. Everyone thinks they can trust him with his chill vibe and how he feeds bits of info to both sides. Plus all the women love him. If I had to pick an early favorite I would say it's him.

Scottie was my pregame pick and it sounds like he's doing it a little like Tyler as well.

Last edited by DarkCheck; 06-30-2018 at 05:35 AM.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 08:53 AM
I tried giving JC a chance, but I cant handle it
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 01:04 PM
Same thoughts on JC. He's likable as a person so far even though he's been annoying but he's in contention for the worst player in the house. He's not even in any real alliance but thinks he's running the show. He's told Tyler he knows Brett has the power. Tyler told the girls on their side JC knows something so they think he knows who has it (I think they think JC has it) but isn't telling them. When it comes to game talk he completely dismisses the girls. They all love him right now but he acts holier than thou and they're going to be tired of it soon.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 06:43 PM
I still get an error message when I try to go back on the feeds which is annoying. I know it works for some people but not everyone. I've tried on different browsers but nothing works.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 07:22 PM
I really like Steve and Scottie. They're probably my favorite alliance in the house right now. They both love being in the house and playing the game. They could be able to ride the middle for a long time if Steve stays this week.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 08:27 PM
I can't wait for the DR montage of everyone saying Steve is a cop or lawyer after citing Supreme Court cases and laws and telling people he knows Latin.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
06-30-2018 , 11:25 PM
Steve and Scottie game talk is great. They have a great read on the house/situation.

The girls (so far mainly Rachel) in the bros alliance are already onto JC and realized he sucks at the game and thinks he's way more important than he is.

Kaycee sucks at game talk. Told Sam we're trying to get you the votes. Sam asks who is we? Kaycee says I can't tell you.

I am liking Rachel's game the most out of anyone in the bros alliance. She really needs Angela evicted soon though. Angela is hindering Rachel's social game.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-01-2018 , 02:04 PM
Feels like Andrew dice Clay is the most likely to be evicted this week.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-01-2018 , 02:27 PM
Well if someone gets evicted it's gonna be him because Sam can't. He has the 7 votes he needs to stay as of now. It's a long time till Thursday so anything can happen but the only candidates to potentially flip are Kaitlyn or Hayleigh if their love triangle thing causes a rift in their alliance. If I had to guess I'd say about 90% chance Sam gets voted out and uses her power.
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-01-2018 , 02:44 PM
lol theyre gona do so much strategizing over votes. and Big brother is gona pull their pants down.

gotta teach them early that there is no point in strategizing and it's all luck
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-01-2018 , 03:06 PM
maybe it wasnt a secret, but I saw Steve telling people "my closest confidante is Scottie"
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
07-01-2018 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
Well if someone gets evicted it's gonna be him because Sam can't. He has the 7 votes he needs to stay as of now. It's a long time till Thursday so anything can happen but the only candidates to potentially flip are Kaitlyn or Hayleigh if their love triangle thing causes a rift in their alliance. If I had to guess I'd say about 90% chance Sam gets voted out and uses her power.
Yeah that's what I mean. If she didn't have the power I would say she's more likely to go even though very close. Winston didn't want Sam in the house but I think he found out Steve wants him out so he may make a big push to get Steve out.

We don't know yet if she gets evicted will someone else have to go up and an immediate revote against Steve and whoever? Or is it a reset?
Big Brother 20 Premieres June 27 on CBS Quote
