Originally Posted by YeahYou
Swaggy is Devin levels of bad. Tyler is impressing me so far. He's handling this "meeting" in the HOH about the veto well.
Totally agree on both players.
Swaggy is going to go down hard as he is trying to take on the role of alpha male of the house and wants everyone to know it. Like Paulie Califore. Tyler says to him "dude be careful I hear from everyone that they think you're the leader. Everyone saying it." Swaggy "That's what they're saying? Well yeah it's true. If they want a war i'll give them a war." Also like Paulie did to his woman seems as swaggy going to do to his woman as well. As he's already talking about how he didn't want get involved in a showmance. This while she is sweet on him and wondering why he's cold sometimes. Swaggy is best chance for good drama this year. Not that there won't be drama with the women at some point as well. Winston giving off a lord of the flies vibe as well.
Agree Tyler the most impressive right now. Everyone thinks they can trust him with his chill vibe and how he feeds bits of info to both sides. Plus all the women love him. If I had to pick an early favorite I would say it's him.
Scottie was my pregame pick and it sounds like he's doing it a little like Tyler as well.
Last edited by DarkCheck; 06-30-2018 at 05:35 AM.