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Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS

07-30-2017 , 02:56 PM
Jess: I really gained so much more respect for Matt today.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
His plan is just so dumb because if she could save 2 people and he saved Jess and Mark has safety, Elena and Cody would be saved and he'd lose one of his own. Even though I value social game the most, I could never say someone is a great player who is so bad strategically.
Agreed. Paul is A+ socially and a great salesman, but he needs someone else to come up with better plans for him. If someone actually steps up into that role they could be a great team.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:24 PM
Jess 100% knows Cody said it because of how Matt reacted. And she now trusts Matt more because of it. Just confirmed it to Mark.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:26 PM
When Cody is mad/whiny he sounds just like Owen Wilson.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
Daily Paul fps alert. Pulling Jess down and putting Elena up because he thinks if Jess isn't on the block she can save one person but if she is on the block can save 2 people or something that makes no sense like that. Gonna basically tell Jess save Cody or Elena so he's pretty much losing Elena and Mark for sure.

Maybe his talk with Jess now will clear things up.
Didn't Jess tell Xmas how the Hex worked? IIRC she basically said no one was going home this week. Probably info. Xmas should have passed along to Paul...

Haven't watched the feeds since the blowup; are Mark and Elena still working together?
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by TimTimSalabim
Agreed. Paul is A+ socially and a great salesman, but he needs someone else to come up with better plans for him. If someone actually steps up into that role they could be a great team.
They'd have to bring in a new player for that to happen.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
Didn't Jess tell Xmas how the Hex worked? IIRC she basically said no one was going home this week. Probably info. Xmas should have passed along to Paul...

Haven't watched the feeds since the blowup; are Mark and Elena still working together?
Something must've happened because Paul went from thinking all weird things about the hex to knowing basically exactly what it does in about 20 minutes.

Mark and Elena are always going to work together imo. Elena wants to distance herself though and Mark thinks Elena might turn on him or at least possibly go against Jody.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
They'd have to bring in a new player for that to happen.
lol probably. I'm still holding out hope though that Kevin is smarter than he lets on, and might be a factor later in the game.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
They'd have to bring in a new player for that to happen.
I believe both Matt and Raven are better than Paul strategically. They are by no means great strategically but they both have better reads on the house and where peoples heads are.

Paul thinks everyone follows and believes everything he says so he will basically never realize if anyone has different plans than him. Matt is just too soft and as of now isn't ruthless enough to do what he knows is best for his game. Raven is subtly trying to make him become a ruthless player. He's stated multiple times that once he's in jury he's going to turn it on.

I know he's friends with Alex Kidwell or someone from RHAP and it's basic Rob strategy to sleep till jury so maybe he will "turn it on." I don't expect it though. If he does he will be a really really good player.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:50 PM
Kevin apparently said to jason they gotta get out Paul
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by TimTimSalabim
lol probably. I'm still holding out hope though that Kevin is smarter than he lets on, and might be a factor later in the game.
Kevin is definitely smart. He's just not BB smart. Until he realizes that Alex isn't the best player he just has no idea how the game works. I believe if Kevin watched the show or at least read up on it/studied it before he came in he would have the best game in the house. He constantly reminds people how well liked he is and does other stuff that are just major red flags.

Believe it or not I personally believe similar things about Jason but for different reasons. He is showing he can adapt to situations and is learning big brother quickly. At this point I would almost call him the brains of the Jason/Alex operation but neither of them know it. He's constantly saying way smarter plans than Alex but she shoots him down and he just goes with her because he thinks she knows better than him.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:55 PM
I would love to see jason play without alex
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:55 PM
hahaha as I typed that about Jason and Alex I didn't even see this, this is from Reddit:

Jason to Alex: "we gotta get Paul out!"
Jason: "okay but why?"
Alex: "BECAUSE DUDE!!!!!"
Jason: "yes mam"
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 03:59 PM
Turned on the feeds to hear Paul describing himself.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 04:01 PM
People saying Jason misspoke and meant to say Cody but said Paul by accident. I'll try to go back and watch for myself.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
hahaha as I typed that about Jason and Alex I didn't even see this, this is from Reddit:

Jason to Alex: "we gotta get Paul out!"
Jason: "okay but why?"
Alex: "BECAUSE DUDE!!!!!"
Jason: "yes mam"
Just gonna say I looked back quickly and didn't see this convo happen so it's possibly made up like a lot of things on reddit/jokers.

Jason did say to Kevin we have to get Paul out but he clearly meant to say Cody. Kevin then went on to say some things and the way he said them could've been directed at either Paul or Cody.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 04:17 PM
I've said it before but it happened again so I'll say it again. It really pisses me off that when Paul has secret meetings and talks about production it cuts to fish. With everyone else they say over the loudspeaker "Josh Alex you are not allowed to talk about production" but they don't say that to him and just cut to fish thinking we won't realize what's going on.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 05:14 PM
Can't listen to Paul for more than a minute. Kind of over this season, hope Jess doesn't use the Hex and she's voted out.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 05:15 PM
They really should vote Jess out similar to how on OTT they should've voted Morgan out over Alex because she hadn't received a care package yet. Paul is too emotional to do that though.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 05:34 PM
Voting Jess out would be dumb. Cody is a bigger HoH threat.

if it's the slip n slide, Cody will house
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 05:37 PM
Oh no doubt. Just saying it be pretty hilarious.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by King~of~Diamonds
Voting Jess out would be dumb. Cody is a bigger HoH threat.

if it's the slip n slide, Cody will house
Yeah to Paul but not really to anyone else. Alex Kevin Jason Mark Elena should want Cody in over Jess. I guess with the temptation comp keeping Cody is dumb because he has another chance to keep himself safe. I guess I was wrong and overthinking it.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 05:43 PM
I think the slip and slide has to be with like 8 or less people because the lanes are too wide. Maybe more than 8 but I don't think it works with 11 or whatever amount would be competing this week.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 05:44 PM
Someone pls post cliffs if Mark talks to Cody. He was about to say something about Paul in the kitchen then Alex walked it.
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
07-30-2017 , 05:55 PM
Ahhh, Jess a ****ing moron. Why would she think they would vote out Alex?

We ****ing get it Paul, it's all ****ing Cody's fault. JFC stfu
Big Brother 19 - Premieres Wednesday June 28th at 8PM EST on CBS Quote
