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Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm

08-20-2014 , 08:59 PM
confirmed only 1 juror coming back
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 08:59 PM
God I hope Zach comes back and either he or Donnie win HOH.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by wetleg
God I hope Zach comes back and either he or Donnie win HOH.
I heard a rumour that since a juror is coming back next week, there will be NO evictions on Thursday! Kinda like what happened when the coaches came back into the game during BB 14 and there were no evictions that week so Frank was saved. Zach will be saved and a juror is coming back.

Don't quote me on this one, it's just a rumour
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by 4thstreetpete
I heard a rumour that since a juror is coming back next week, there will be NO evictions on Thursday!
Now what do you mean next week? I was under the assumption that it was going to be tomorrow night. They would have a competition in the back yard between the 4 jurors and the winner would immediately come back. Just like when Brendon came back in BB13.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by wetleg
Now what do you mean next week? I was under the assumption that it was going to be tomorrow night. They would have a competition in the back yard between the 4 jurors and the winner would immediately come back. Just like when Brendon came back in BB13.
I think it will be more like last year where the jurors compete in the HoH comp, the last juror standing returns and is also eligible to become HoH. If it is pure endurance I think Hayden would have a great shot considering the person with the best body type for endurance, Frankie, won't be competing.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:34 PM
It's only my second season, but down to the last 8 is pretty boring. It is real fun for me to see the dingalings approach to power and vanity, but it doesn't say much for the game if it gets less enjoyable as it nears the end.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:52 PM
Sounds like Donny did something within the past couple hours that really has Derrick fuming and wanting to vote him out ASAP
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:56 PM
best thing would be 2 weeks of Donnie Zach HOH's.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 09:59 PM
He went to Cody and Christine separately and told them both they are next to go on the pecking order. Did the same to Caleb. He also told Frankie that he wants to make a final 3 just so if Frankie makes final 2 Donny can win fan favorite.

Cody and Christine both told Derrick then Derrick made them go upstairs and all 5 had a group discussion.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 10:36 PM
I can't stand this Brian Lynch guy on RHAP. He is totally wrong about a lot of things he says. Anyone else watch this?
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by 4thstreetpete
I heard a rumour that since a juror is coming back next week, there will be NO evictions on Thursday! Kinda like what happened when the coaches came back into the game during BB 14 and there were no evictions that week so Frank was saved. Zach will be saved and a juror is coming back.

Don't quote me on this one, it's just a rumour
Last week, when Julie said someone would be returning, the graphic they showed had a picture of Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, and a ? in the fourth slot. Figured the ? was whoever gets evicted this week.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
I can't stand this Brian Lynch guy on RHAP. He is totally wrong about a lot of things he says. Anyone else watch this?
I listen to the podcast and do not watch the feeds. While I like Brian Lynch, I think he sees things through the lens of what he wishes would happen sometimes. I don't watch the feeds, mind you, so it's only an impression that I've gotten over hours of listening to the podcast and reading this thread.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by Soncy
Last week, when Julie said someone would be returning, the graphic they showed had a picture of Jocasta, Hayden, Nicole, and a ? in the fourth slot. Figured the ? was whoever gets evicted this week.
I was trying to do a lame Grodner joke. Wasn't meant to be taken seriously
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Soncy
I listen to the podcast and do not watch the feeds. While I like Brian Lynch, I think he sees things through the lens of what he wishes would happen sometimes. I don't watch the feeds, mind you, so it's only an impression that I've gotten over hours of listening to the podcast and reading this thread.
This is exactly my thoughts. He said Frankie just has to flip Christine to get Cody out. And he made it seem like its a possible outcome. He is just saying everything possible to save Zach like they are real options but none of them are feasible.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 10:54 PM
Brian Lynch also doesn't understand that Derrick is lying in the DR because he realized America is against him and for Donny so he needs to lie in case America has avote on something.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 10:58 PM
Now he is saying that Derrick telling people not to talk to Donny about game is
"hypocrisy" I cant stand it.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 11:02 PM
Yeah I couldn't get through Sunday night's RHAP after he started going on a bunch of anti-Derrick rants.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 11:12 PM
Originally Posted by 425kid
Yeah I couldn't get through Sunday night's RHAP after he started going on a bunch of anti-Derrick rants.
Had to turn off todays episode. He literally made up lies about Derrick and put fake quotes in his mouth. The quotes had some merit but he made them way worse than they were.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 11:34 PM
Brian Lynch is so pro Zach this season that anything that seems to be leading to him being voted out is pissing Brian off. He's really starting to let it show too much.

P.S. I don't really care what he says or what his opinion is but it's starting to piss a lot of people off.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-20-2014 , 11:41 PM
Don't follow him on twitter either. I used to have him on a list for all BB related tweets bc he gave a lot of updates and made finding flashback times easy. Had to mute him eventually bc Lynch has been on anti derrick crusade for some time. Some guys just can't admire greatness.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-21-2014 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by YeahYou
Brian Lynch also doesn't understand that Derrick is lying in the DR because he realized America is against him and for Donny so he needs to lie in case America has a vote on something.
Brian and Rob have discussed this very issue in the past. I think they understand what Derrick is up to, but are still non-plussed by it. Brian was saying that Derrick lies in the DR the other day. They don't appreciate him attempting to lie to them...Rob seemed to semi-faux take it personally, like HE didn't like to be lied to. But I can see why someone might attempt to lie to the non-feed watching America in order to gain an advantage. I'm not convinced it's the best idea though given some feed watchers seem annoyed that he's trying to lie to them, AND some non-feed watchers might still read websites which give daily updates and be able to come to the conclusion that Derrick is attempting to lie to them.

I think Derrick's BS is working on my mother-in-law, but she doesn't vote for anything.

Does Derrick gain more votes than he alienates with this strategy? It seemed like CBS has been giving him a favorable edit to help him keep his intentions hidden, but how can he bank on that? If his in house shenanigans run counter to his DR testimony, people who have access to feeds know what he is up to. How can he know CBS won't out his double-speak on the show?
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-21-2014 , 12:12 AM
Derrick obviously playing a great game but has said things about how he wants to break zachs jaw etc and is starting to head that way about Donny.

Game wise I'm curious if Derrick will keep his cool if he runs into some adversity but I'm not sure he's ever going to face any.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-21-2014 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by scratchy1
Derrick obviously playing a great game but has said things about how he wants to break zachs jaw etc and is starting to head that way about Donny.

Game wise I'm curious if Derrick will keep his cool if he runs into some adversity but I'm not sure he's ever going to face any.
See it's things like this that Brian Lynch was saying that aggravated me. Derrick didn't just say he is going to break Zach's jaw all willy nilly. Derrick said if someone talked to his daughter the way Zach talked to Victoria he would break his jaw. Unless there is some other instance of him saying it, which there very well could be, then this is taken way out of context.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-21-2014 , 12:40 AM
Nah it was also when Zach told Victoria about his game when Nicole was still in the house. Before Derrick called Zach, Nicole, Victoria all in to the HOH room Derrick/Caleb/Cody were fuming in the living room while Zach was in the DR.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
08-21-2014 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by scratchy1
Nah it was also when Zach told Victoria about his game when Nicole was still in the house. Before Derrick called Zach, Nicole, Victoria all in to the HOH room Derrick/Caleb/Cody were fuming in the living room while Zach was in the DR.
Was this is part of gameplay if it was said here? Maybe a little extreme but I don't remember what was said.
Big Brother 16 -- Premieres Wednesday June 25th on CBS @ 8pm Quote
