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Big Brother 12 Big Brother 12

08-20-2010 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Steven_Q_Erkel
Pretty blown away Matt couldn't get that HOH question right.
Why does everyone think he was trying? He made it as obvious as possible that he was missing it on purpose.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-20-2010 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
If Matt sticks with the Brigade, then after Brendan, Ragan and Britney are gone he'll be next.
i find it really hard to just throw assumptions like "he'll be next" out there 3 weeks in advance. Look at this past week. 3 days ago everyone itt was all "OMG Britney goes home 100%".

like brigade pretty much has to win HOH each week in order to get down that far (save this week with brendan being the most likely to go). This isn't like Survivor where the advantage of numbers can just pick off everyone else; the HOH truly determines who is at risk of going home. Since the non-matt part of the brigade has sucked at HOH challenges, I don't think it's farfetched to say that there's a good chance that there's at least one week in between now and F4 that has a non [Hayden/Enzo/Lane] HOH, and those people would probably put up brigade vs. brigade depending on who remains.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that despite how strong they are right now, it doesn't take much to get a F4 that isn't entirely comprised of brigade members, and even if that does happen, people negotiate, people's allegiances change, and most importantly, they need to finaggle their way to the F2 without angering anyone in to not voting them to win the game.

If Matt moves over then he loses at least 2 jury votes.

Last edited by thebigeasy59; 08-20-2010 at 05:02 PM. Reason: wow, my pony.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-20-2010 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
There's no reason to assume that if any non-Brigade member wins HoH they'll nominate two Brigade members. That's what they probably should do but I wouldn't count on it.
Of course. That's why I said more likely, not guaranteed. And really only Britney would have been a question mark. Ragan 100% puts up 2 non-Matt brigades and has the 3rd for a replacement, no way he puts up Matt or Britney. I still like this side more than the brigade-1 reeling off 3 perfect weeks. (This is all post-Brendon speculation of course - he's the first target.)
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-20-2010 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by Steven_Q_Erkel
Pretty blown away Matt couldn't get that HOH question right.
comments like this make me wonder if ppl actually watch the show, or have it on in the background while multi-tabling.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:01 PM
at what point is the brigade considered a success. Does it have to be f4 or will 4/6 do?
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by TheCroShow
comments like this make me wonder if ppl actually watch the show, or have it on in the background while multi-tabling.
People think it's okay to watch The Wire and Sopranos while multi-tabling, so they probably take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes while watching BB.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-20-2010 , 10:17 PM
same goes for Mad Men, I tend to skip the thread for Mad Men now, so full of fail.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-20-2010 , 11:13 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
People think it's okay to watch The Wire and Sopranos while multi-tabling, so they probably take Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes while watching BB.
I enjoyed watching the entire series of 24 while I multi-tabled.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-20-2010 , 11:19 PM
nominations and related strat

brendon and enzo

my boy enzo's still lookin good tho

apparently he is 100% safe

if brendon wins veto brit's gonna put up matt

enzo lane and hayden are down with that
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 01:12 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry
nominations and related strat

brendon and enzo

my boy enzo's still lookin good tho

apparently he is 100% safe

if brendon wins veto brit's gonna put up matt

enzo lane and hayden are down with that
im shocked that she would put up matt, did she mention why?
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Kos13
Okay, so why not just put Britney up and stick with the Brigade? Pick a side imo. Yeah, Kathy might have been against him, but SOMEONE is still against him either now or six days from now. The Brigade will either turn on each other or attack Britney/Ragan, so why not make that choice TODAY?

I think he should have put up Enzo or Britney. I see the argument for Kathy, but I just don't think it's the best move.
I'm not in favor of uneccessarily eliminating allies and making oneself public enemy number one at the same time. There is too much game left to purposely paint the bullseye on your own back when there is a decent chance many will still be gunning for Brenda. Eliminating Kathy might not seem very sexy, but I think it was surely his best move this week. Kathy was an enemy and not a potential target for others to train their sights on. Keeping her really does nothing for Matt. He's a target. I believe it behooves him to keep other potential targets around even it they are more dangerous from a control/competetive standpoint than Kathy. And especially if they are also potential allies. If I am a powerful player, I prefer powerful allies to a worthless person whose vote I don't control. Kathy was the anti-Matt. I don't blame him for going that route at all.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by VayaConDios
Matt is still low man on the totem pole in an alliance that is running the house.
If by 'running the house', you mean barely outlasting Kathy in endurance comps and riding Matt's coattails, then carry on. They are the biggest voting block for sure, but they've shown little ability to win anything in order to be in control of who gets nominated...which tends to matter as the game winds down. Matt kept his options open at a time when it seemed like the best thing to do. I find it somewhat strange that he is being faulted for it.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by hemstock
at what point is the brigade considered a success. Does it have to be f4 or will 4/6 do?
They were successful two weeks ago imo.

The Brigade is coming after Matt now, so I still stand by my belief that he should have taken out Enzo over Kathy.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by hemstock
at what point is the brigade considered a success. Does it have to be f4 or will 4/6 do?
Yeah it's already a clear success.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by private joker
Yeah it's already a clear success.
And Enzo is going to have to get a ton of credit for putting it together.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by Soncy
If by 'running the house', you mean barely outlasting Kathy in endurance comps and riding Matt's coattails, then carry on. They are the biggest voting block for sure, but they've shown little ability to win anything in order to be in control of who gets nominated...which tends to matter as the game winds down. Matt kept his options open at a time when it seemed like the best thing to do. I find it somewhat strange that he is being faulted for it.
Nah I'm pretty sure they're running the house
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 04:23 PM
The Brigade is by far the most successful early-formed alliance in bb history. They're already down to the final 7 without anyone suspecting them and without being public enemy number one when a non-brigade wins HoH.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 04:44 PM
Sometimes I feel like Matt can't do anything right according to this thread.

Early in the game he's accused of having FPS by not nominating Brenchel when he was HoH. Now he makes the ABC play of sending Kathy packing and it's not good enough.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by tiltymcfish0
Sometimes I feel like Matt can't do anything right according to this thread.

Early in the game he's accused of having FPS by not nominating Brenchel when he was HoH. Now he makes the ABC play of sending Kathy packing and it's not good enough.
I think the god damn reason why mo fuggas here are ripping him for nominating Kathy is that at some point the brigade (what a pussy name for an alliance. why not "the axis powers" or something) has to turn on itself, cuz only two can make the final two, and it was obvious that they had no problem sending him home when they believed they would have to choose between lane and him. nominating enzo (douchebag) would have sent the message that he is in it to win it.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by tiltymcfish0
Sometimes I feel like Matt can't do anything right according to this thread.

Early in the game he's accused of having FPS by not nominating Brenchel when he was HoH. Now he makes the ABC play of sending Kathy packing and it's not good enough.
FPS does not mean you make a non-standard play, and I think I'm the only person who disagrees with the Kathy boot. However...

Enzo seems pretty dead-set on getting Matt out this week, so I think that pretty much confirms Kathy was not the correct choice. Enzo and Hayden telling Matt he was going home was the point of no return for the Brigade.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Kos13
They were successful two weeks ago imo.

The Brigade is coming after Matt now, so I still stand by my belief that he should have taken out Enzo over Kathy.
I still disagree because he can point to the brigade as a bigger threat than himself. And I'm not sure there is a bigger threat than himself, but it's nice to have some plausible alternatives--which Kathy is not.

I don't put it past Matt to be able to get Enzo targeted if he has to.

Hopefully, he is not so full of hubris that he allows the brigade to be in Brittany's ear more than he is this week so it doesn't come to that. (I say hopefully, from Matt's perspective...I'm fairly ambivalent about the matter.) Might not be in Brit's best interest's to try and get into Matt's spot in the Brigade seeing as she and Matt are actually in similar positions. They can win stuff, Brenda is against them, and the Brigade wants them out.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 07:07 PM
Matt and Brittney need to team up with Ragan this week, and eliminate Hayden/Enzo if possible. (POV used on Brenda by one of their number in order to gain his trust.)

Brenda needs to win POV and try to insert himself in Matt's place in the brigade. If he could get down to competing with the non-Matt members of the Brigade in competitions his chances of winning some control increase dramatically.

Brigade just needs to keep itself intact and secret. If they get blown up, need to try to get rid of Matt or attempt to regain his trust.
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 07:18 PM
PoV results:

looks like brenda won PoV
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by pindawg
PoV results:

looks like brenda won PoV
GG Matt, NH WP
Big Brother 12 Quote
08-21-2010 , 08:38 PM
Lane/brigade have complete control over Britney and I don't see her doing it but if she wants any shot at this game she needs to put up hayden and jump in with matt and ragan telling them everything. If she puts up Matt then Brendon is after her Ragan is after her and the brigade doesnt want her.
Big Brother 12 Quote
