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Big Brother 12 Big Brother 12

07-15-2010 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
okay so the "spoiler free" thread is totally dead, no activity at all, so that's just not working. guess i'm part of this thread now. i hope putting spoiler tags on game-related stuff from the live feeds is still standard operating procedure?
I vote no
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
okay so the "spoiler free" thread is totally dead, no activity at all, so that's just not working. guess i'm part of this thread now. i hope putting spoiler tags on game-related stuff from the live feeds is still standard operating procedure?
$15 a month and it's tons of fun... GIVE IN TO YOUR FEELINGS LUKE

Oh and more softcore guaranteed for another week at least !
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 10:28 PM
My early prediction to win this season is Lane.

He has a laid-back personality that seems to take the twist and turns of the game in stride.

He Is part of the early alliance but is easliy the least likely to be targeted if the alliance is discovered.

Even within his alliance he realizes it won't last the entire season and has made contingency plans for when that happens

Is well-liked even by the people he is not aligned with.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 10:28 PM
That tie breaker felt like an easy way to hand power to the only woman out of the 3 that would introduce some tension to the house. They might have plans to bring in a houseguest from previous seasons because a bunch of them have only been available for interviews via email...could mean sequester.

Besides looks I don't see how anyone can think Monet is the most worthless houseguest when Kristen is still sitting quietly in the corner.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 10:37 PM
Was the audio totally effed for anyone else? Also how many times can julie **** up during a live show??
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by JStunna
Trying to make a "power play" the first week = lol.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
okay so the "spoiler free" thread is totally dead, no activity at all, so that's just not working. guess i'm part of this thread now. i hope putting spoiler tags on game-related stuff from the live feeds is still standard operating procedure?
Thats because the spoiler free thread is boring and lifeless as I suggested it would be. Okay now toss me like Brainy smurf.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 11:18 PM
Okay, don't get me wrong. I like Brenden. Cute face. Can't go wrong with a swimmer's body. But somebody needs to check him for a vagina. First, he gets all weepy in the hammock. Then, he tries to cry on his showmance's shoulder about losing Annie when she is clearly having jealousy issues. This guy.

Hayden seems to spread himself around alliance-wise. I'm interested in seeing how that works out for him. That has tradtitionally been a difficult strategy to pull off and he is a significant physical threat.

I vote three way toss up on bitchiest exit speech. I think we are really being robbed on not having Annie, Brittany, and Rachael in the house with each other for a few more weeks.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 11:29 PM
Originally Posted by shriners
Monet is seriously the most useless houseguest in a long time.

Last edited by K.O.S.; 07-15-2010 at 11:30 PM. Reason: get it?! TOKEN BLACK!
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 11:34 PM
pretty sure I saw amanda from survivor in the crowd. right after the first 3 votes-cut to commercial
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-15-2010 , 11:43 PM
Annies legs looked damn good. Id rather lay some pipe with her over Rachel
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:30 AM
Just watched the live-3-hours-ago show:

- I liked Annie about 50x more once they revealed her as the sab.

- I have no clue why we didn't all suspect her. She was walking around when the lights went off and they didn't show any clips of her explaining it. Whoops.

- Her excuse to Julie about having to work twice as hard as the sab and how if it was "just Annie playing the game", she would still be in confuses me. As the sab all you have to do is make it to week 5. Theres no reason why you should be playing hard at all, just blend in and coast.

- Sweet twist, CBS.

- Sweet pixilated Rachael side boob.

- I guess Rachael isn't planning on targeting Hayden, but even if she did why would that mean byebye Brigade? If one of them gets put up, odds are low that another one would be put up. The person on the block would have three def votes, needing only two more to lock it up. With all the floaters (esp Andrew) that should be a piece of cake.

- I'm assuming that the "two people know each other" thing is a total lie, now that CBS has said nothing about it for another ep and the sab's message about not being on the block was a lie. Bummer.

- I see that CBS has continued their tradition of spoiling who is going home by showing diary room clips of everyone talking about how maybe they should vote for the other person. Annoying. You can't create false anticipation for something that happens 5 minutes later. Just cut all those boring "well she gave me a lot to think about and maybe I'll have to vote with her!" DRs and just get to the voting.

- It doubt it's a coincidence that all three Brigade members lost on the same question, and they were the only people to go out on that question. It doesn't make sense for any of them to want to get the HOH this week.

- Those questions seemed redic easy. I think most people got eliminated on questions where they were one of the choices.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by cstone
one of my less-proud moments was when i thought britney had definitely won the tie-breaker with her answer of 41. I guessed 45. I'm a tard.
I had 50, downgraded to 40, then thought there was a good chance she had written 41 due to the chalk noise.

Originally Posted by GambleAB
- It doubt it's a coincidence that all three Brigade members lost on the same question, and they were the only people to go out on that question. It doesn't make sense for any of them to want to get the HOH this week.
That question was who would win the bikini contest, Rachel or Kristen. The normal straight men all correctly said Kristen. The ones who said Rachel were women, gay, and/or devoutly religious. Their thought process is "oh, boobs, she wins", whereas the straight guys know what they like, and they don't like ridic fake boobs.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by Soncy
Okay, don't get me wrong. I like Brenden. Cute face. Can't go wrong with a swimmer's body. But somebody needs to check him for a vagina. First, he gets all weepy in the hammock. Then, he tries to cry on his showmance's shoulder about losing Annie when she is clearly having jealousy issues. This guy.
He's hilarious. Rachel wants to swig tequila she got with her HoH room from the bottle and he's showing serious concern about needing salt and a lime. He reminds me of Phil Dunphy from Modern Family.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by GambleAB
- It doubt it's a coincidence that all three Brigade members lost on the same question, and they were the only people to go out on that question. It doesn't make sense for any of them to want to get the HOH this week.
I haven't seen any evidence that "The Brigade" is in any way smart enough to think this out. Any evidence on the feeds?
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:42 AM
live feeds tonight in the HoH room look to be hot and steamy FYI

p.s. how hilarious is the glitch on camera 3 where it goes to monet sleeping with her mouth wide open? it's been glitching to that image all day today lol

Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:43 AM
Originally Posted by NickdaNutz
Am i the only one that thinks getting rid of that headcase (Annie) was the right move? I mean if they get rid of Rachel then Annie and Brendon make an alliance.

Anyways I guess Hayden and Britney are going up.

The Brigade is still a hidden alliance. Go Brigade!
Even in the worst case an Annie-Brendon alliance isn't as strong as the alliance they're getting rid of now.

Keeping a headcase/poor-campaigner around at the start seems like a decent plan. It's not like she was a threat at all.

Why would you cheer for the Brigade? They're ******ed. They think they're awesome for pulling a power move in the first week of the game.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
I haven't seen any evidence that "The Brigade" is in any way smart enough to think this out. Any evidence on the feeds?
Matt told Britney he purposely threw the question but that was BS. Enzo was saying he couldn't believe that the majority said Rachel.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:56 AM
Originally Posted by Steven_Q_Erkel
He's hilarious. Rachel wants to swig tequila she got with her HoH room from the bottle and he's showing serious concern about needing salt and a lime. He reminds me of Phil Dunphy from Modern Family.

that story is lol
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 02:11 AM
Originally Posted by kkcountry

that story is lol
If you have feeds this is entertaining in HoH. It's a trainwreck with Rachelle trying to get Brendan into bed as he's either coughing up a lung from tequila shots while defending his manhood or killing the mood with a tangent about a 'super mega robot'. But even through all the awkwardness they can still agree on one thing, repeatedly, and that is the fact that America loves them.

They took the camera off of HoH when instead of getting down to it the two of them lay in bed facing the camera talking directly to America and reciting textbook science info. The last thing they showed was Brendan doing his impersonation of an African with just enough tongue clicks for production to maybe rethink their editing in the future.

Last edited by Steven_Q_Erkel; 07-16-2010 at 02:29 AM.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 02:15 AM
Brendan is really good at c***blocking himself.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by thebigeasy59
pretty sure I saw amanda from survivor in the crowd. right after the first 3 votes-cut to commercial
I replayed it. Definitely not.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 02:23 AM
Great speech by Annie tonight. No one ever listens to reason though after they've already made up their mind.

After Rachel won HOH, it seemed to me by watching some of the HG's that they realized pretty quickly that they made a mistake in getting rid of Annie over Rachel.

Now, once they find out that Annie was the Saboteur, they will probably go back to thinking they made the correct decision.
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 02:29 AM
I'm thinking Annie will be brought back, apparently it's expected to happen this season again... if so, YES!
Big Brother 12 Quote
07-16-2010 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by shriners
Brendan is really good at c***blocking himself.
lol so true. they are in bed right now making out and he is like, let's go downstairs, we gotta go downstairs, we're members of this house. and she's like, brendon... i don't wanna go downstairs... brendon...

and he still keeps pushing it. phil dunphy comparison spot on, haha
Big Brother 12 Quote
