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06-21-2017 , 01:09 PM
I think Kim is just supposed to be above average looking in Better Call Saul world.
06-21-2017 , 01:14 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
This is definitely true in the real world, and there are tons of successful relationships that don't seem to make sense on first blush. But we're watching TV, and they're not selling it in the medium it's being presented imo.
I've actually really thought their relationship has played out quite well on the show. It's two people super comfortable around each other who aren't sussed about what they are. They are obviously into each other but their jobs dominate the majority of their time, and when they aren't on the job they want to hang out together. I think it's a very realistic type of romance and I appreciate the way it's presented.
06-21-2017 , 01:17 PM
Are we pretending Jimmy's not a dead ringer for Kevin Costner?
06-21-2017 , 01:40 PM
Gus with paramedics doesn't worry me...why would the paramedics know or care about it?
06-21-2017 , 01:42 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Gus with paramedics doesn't worry me...why would the paramedics know or care about it?
Gus seemed to think they would (that's why he told the cartel dude to get out of there)
06-21-2017 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by econophile
I think Kim is just supposed to be above average looking in Better Call Saul world.
oh please, like there are better looking white women in new ****ing mexico (have to be some fine ass latinas doe)
06-21-2017 , 02:58 PM
--Bolsa is a notorious drug dealer, high up in a Pablo Escobar sort of operation. Gus is just some guy.

--Doesn't take super powers for Gus to find Nacho's behavior odd. Nacho made no effort to save his Don, and made a big show about presenting the pill bottle. But above all, Nacho showed no shock nor surprise that Hector toppled.

--I'm three years now with a girl who is way more "out of my league" than Kim/Jimmy. It happens, guys. A lot of good-looking women have personality flaws that normal people reject, and flawed folk find each other. Kim has issues, too, just like most of us.

--I think the 2003 remark was to remind folks where we're at. If you never watched BrBa, you might find Blockbuster's appearance odd.
06-21-2017 , 03:02 PM
My opinion on that has nothing to do with their looks but their interactions.
06-21-2017 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dominic
Jimmy is quite charismatic...and he's smart and better than average looking. I see no problem with Kim falling for him. She also has a soft spot for him because of his relationship with Chuck and how he went to law school, started in the mail room, etc.

Originally Posted by karamazonk
Am I missing something, or isn't Gus taking a huge risk for seemingly no reason by allowing himself to be spotted in the company of Hector Salamanca when he's picked up by the paramedics?
After publically being held hostage in front of more than 20 customers and staff, I doubt 3 very busy paramedics would constitute a breach.

Originally Posted by that_pope
My opinion on that has nothing to do with their looks but their interactions.
Speaking of which, Did I imagine Nacho pouncing on the pill bottle and a cut to Gus observing him?
06-21-2017 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by imjosh
At first I thought there was something... but after a while of him tearing down the house I didn't think anything was drawing power - I thought we were just getting a look through Chuck's eyes. We saw him finally snap and his mental illness progress to him imagining things visually.
Yeah I didn't see the meter running. Maybe I missed the first shot from Chuck's perspective, but all the rest of the shots show it not moving at all in an obvious way. I could be mistaken as that scene was so hard to watch.
06-21-2017 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceSeven
Yeah I didn't see the meter running. Maybe I missed the first shot from Chuck's perspective, but all the rest of the shots show it not moving at all in an obvious way. I could be mistaken as that scene was so hard to watch.
Someone wondered if the meter itself used enough juice to keep it moving even with everything else turned off (it did give off sparks when batted).

Great scene with Chuck, beginning with the bedside lamp and logbook, to turning things off, to the circuit breakers, to removing bulbs and then finally to going behind the walls.

A conscience speaking to the guilty from behind walls and floors was a take right out of Poe (the Telltale Heart).

If Chuck is dead, his estate would still be entitled to the $9M (wonder what Chuck's will says about who gets his assets -- one last dig at Jimmy to come, perhaps?). HHM would likely have a life insurance policy to cover the payoff, so now Howard won't be personally on the hook, which is good.
06-21-2017 , 05:06 PM
Meter was spinning in every scene.
06-21-2017 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by Altheimer
If Chuck is dead, his estate would still be entitled to the $9M (wonder what Chuck's will says about who gets his assets -- one last dig at Jimmy to come, perhaps?). HHM would likely have a life insurance policy to cover the payoff, so now Howard won't be personally on the hook, which is good.
I just came here to ask: is there any record of Howard's payoff to Chuck? If Chuck never cashed that check (perhaps hoping for reconciliation after a cooling-off period), did that agreement ever HAPPEN?

I'm thinking Chuck's dead, Jimmy finds the check in a fireproof safe or safety deposit box, and spends next season chasing Howard for moneyz.
06-21-2017 , 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by econophile
the ricin behind the outlet was still drawing power

Originally Posted by master3004
I thought she was counting the number of hours each task would take and how it would be spread out across her calendar and was like "nope, **** this"
Yep, that's it. Time for some actual recovery.
06-21-2017 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by econophile
I think Kim is just supposed to be above average looking in Better Call Saul world.
Kim is insanely hot imo.
06-21-2017 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
One thing that bugged me the whole season is that I don't buy Jimmy and Kim having a relationship. At all. idk if Vince can't write it or the actors can't act it, but it doesn't work even a little bit.
It seems totally believable to me. As others have noted, Kim is flawed too and has a had a tough road. Jimmy is a good looking guy with flaws but she relates to him and cares about him. And, he dotes on her.

I think the other thing here that might make it difficult to process is that Kim in not drop-dead gorgeous. She is pretty, she is attractive, but her looks are not that uncommon. What is uncommon is that her "hotness" hits 10 on the scale while her looks are not on that scale.

Kim has that "thing", whatever it is that in that she exudes hotness, yet should would not likely standout in a room full of attractive women. So, Kim may not see herself as out of Jimmy's league, and even if she thought that, based on what we have seen from her character she probably would not care.
06-21-2017 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by youtalkfunny
I just came here to ask: is there any record of Howard's payoff to Chuck? If Chuck never cashed that check (perhaps hoping for reconciliation after a cooling-off period), did that agreement ever HAPPEN?

I'm thinking Chuck's dead, Jimmy finds the check in a fireproof safe or safety deposit box, and spends next season chasing Howard for moneyz.
I'd be surprised if

(1) Chuck didn't have a will
(2) Jimmy was getting a penny

Knowing Chuck, he probably made Jimmy the executor with no provision for getting any monies for this, just to rub it in....
06-21-2017 , 11:16 PM
1. I don't think that Chuck's exit causing HHM financial trouble is that far-fetched. It's very easy for Chuck to have 8 Million of equity, but they may just not have the cash on hand. It's really just a cash flow problem. I'm actually involved in a real-life scenario in which this is exactly what is happening (partner wants to exit, partnership doesn't have cash reserves for the payout).

Similarly Howard was not really paying Chuck out of his own pocket. He was essentially fronting HHM the money which he would eventually be paid back. At least that's the way it would play out in any realistic scenario.

Often partners like Chuck have life insurance policies that name the firm as a beneficiary so that they can pay out the estate in the event of a death, so if HHM was smart and did this, then Chuck's death solves their problem.

There is still the matter of who gets Chuck's estate. Obviously, it's not going to be Jimmy.

2. I don't think Jimmy and Kim being together is and "out of his league" problem as much as it is just a basic lack of chemistry between them. But maybe that's just me. I think I saw an interview where Gilligan basically said that they cast Seehorn specifically because of her chemistry with Odenkirk. I'm just not seeing it.
06-22-2017 , 04:44 AM
- Kim is the girl who was plain in high school but one of the best looking at the 20 year reunion because she's in great shape and dresses well.

- They don't have chemistry but I take this as deliberate. Walt and Skylar don't have chemistry. It's totally common for people at all ages to be in mediocre relationships but especially when they're 30+ & don't have anything else available. When was the last time we saw Jimmy and Kim make out/bang? Did that happen once this season? It's a deliberate choice - they're buddies who bang two times a month when Kim is horny.
06-22-2017 , 04:46 AM
Insurance might not pay if deemed a suicide.
06-22-2017 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
Insurance might not pay if deemed a suicide.
Standard myth about life insurance law.

In reality, If the policy has been in effect > 2 years, suicide does not disqualify payment of death benefit.
06-22-2017 , 08:27 AM
Also, why exactly would it be deemed a suicide? Nobody was there when it happened. Chuck has a history of living in a place filled with lanterns, and he had ripped and flung insulation all over the house in his madness.
06-22-2017 , 08:33 AM
hector's bottle of pills was near empty (it had 1-2 left in it, and ~2 more on the ground). nacho then hands the paramedic a bottle containing dozens of pills, causing gus to raise an eyebrow. this was so incredibly obvious that i thought you guys were joking with your comments above, but then i remembered reading the old breaking bad threads where no one could follow even the simplest ****.

and yes, the date that BCS is set in has been referenced before (both in the show and by the writers outside the show).
06-22-2017 , 08:41 AM
Originally Posted by Yeti
hector's bottle of pills was near empty (it had 1-2 left in it, and ~2 more on the ground). nacho then hands the paramedic a bottle containing dozens of pills, causing gus to raise an eyebrow. this was so incredibly obvious that i thought you guys were joking with your comments above, but then i remembered reading the old breaking bad threads where no one could follow even the simplest ****.

and yes, the date that BCS is set in has been referenced before (both in the show and by the writers outside the show).
Thanks Yeti, I knew that it had been given an early 2000's date but didnt think it had been so explicitly stated beforehand.
06-22-2017 , 08:50 AM
no problem. to be more specific:



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