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Australian Survivor Australian Survivor

10-11-2016 , 11:02 AM
I really despise Sammy as well. Hate him and Matt, they need to go.

Glad Flick finally woke up and realized what a bad position she was in going to the end with her alliance. There's was no way she was ever going to beat Brooke. This was the perfect time to vote her out. Had she stuck with her group and voted out El, they wouldn't have the numbers to vote out Brooke on the next tribal. Sammy is super close to Brooke and Matt is completely useless, anything you tell him he'd tell Brooke. Matt has no clue what a bad position he was in the game. He should be thanking Flick for making that move because he sure as hell wasn't going to do it.

Hopefully Flick dumps these 2 idiots as well as Lee and El and takes Kristie to the end for the easy win.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-11-2016 , 11:04 AM
And what's with Tenplay? Says on their site that the next episode is on Saturday. They keep switching days.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-12-2016 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by Thingyman
I really need to see Kristie gone, but doesn't look like it's gonna happen. I'm really tired of her trying to sell it like she's playing a smart and subtle game. She's a floater who's relied on luck and nothing more.
It's a pretty impressive floater game though. I don't want her to win because she should have been voted out but wasn't due to that stupid kidnap twist. Other than that I think she has played a decent game given the positions she has been in and I think it's a bit unfair to say she's only relied on luck when she's had confessionals articulating her strategy of laying low and being a reliable vote for others to use which is exactly what she needed to do.

I don't think it is luck that she outlasted Conner, Kate, Nick, Kylie, Sue and JL before the alliance decided they needed to cannibalise.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-12-2016 , 03:02 AM
it wasn't just luck that she survived. she survived because the tribe knew she was too stupid and weak to be a threat.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-12-2016 , 03:07 AM
If you wanna say she played being useless better than the others since she knew she never had the numbers sure but she still should lose.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-12-2016 , 03:23 PM
Kristie has made herself likeable, is not threatening to anyone and is not trying to run the game -- at least not openly. Like it or not, this is not an unheard of strategy for winning the game of Survivor.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-12-2016 , 04:57 PM
Kristie's friendship with Lee and El kept her in the game, and then put her in a position to help vote Brooke out.

Audience loves her because she is a dag.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-12-2016 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Evene
Kristie's friendship with Lee and El kept her in the game, and then put her in a position to help vote Brooke out.

Audience loves her because she is a dag.
WTF is a dag?
Australian Survivor Quote
10-12-2016 , 09:47 PM
Dag = informal/uncultured
Australian Survivor Quote
10-13-2016 , 08:32 AM
****ing hell Sammy and Lee talking about mateship like they're 2 bogans at the footy drinking a slab of VB before first bounce. IT\S SURVIVOR YOU IDIOTS
Australian Survivor Quote
10-16-2016 , 08:25 AM
I'm so tilted by Matt. How he got his preferred result is absolutely beyond me. He wanted Kristy or Flick with him on reward but he kept smashing their tiles. I also thought that as soon as it was between him and Lee in the puzzle that the smart move would have been to let Lee win. If it was a normal reward then Lee would have to pick one or two people and he 99% picks El in that spot.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-16-2016 , 01:35 PM
im skeptical the producers stepped in to shake things up because it was going to be boring as **** to watch brooke run the table.

the whole tribe goes from all playing like idiots, to playing right? i dont know....

good episode though

and yes, it would have been elite to let lee win. but lee probably wouldn't have won even matt tried to let him.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-16-2016 , 03:35 PM
They are still playing like idiots. 47ish days into the game and you don't have a cover story for what you're talking about? Flick seemingly went from guaranteed final 3 and most likely f2 to a position where she is just happy about being 3rd place. I liked her move last week because I think her only chance with that jury would be to differentiate herself from Brooke and she did that, but this week was awful. It also annoyed me so much that they all seemed oblivious to the fact that if the votes are split then only one of Flick or Kristie need to flip. If I'm Matt or Sam I'd be making it pretty obvious that I was looking for an idol.

Doesn't Lee have an advantage that can cancel a vote? Final 6 is the ideal time to use it. He has such a clear path to victory for him but just doesn't seem to have it in him. I like that they are all in game mode but everyone except for Kristie has had such an easy game so far that they don't have any idea how to actually be strategic.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-17-2016 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
my prediction is el is gonna win. they will all be too stupid to vote her out. lee will be too loyal to turn on her, and el will get rid of him because she doesn't wanna sit next to him at the end.

sammy will go next because he's a threat and they are mad at him
Originally Posted by filthyvermin
it wasn't just luck that kristi survived. she survived because the tribe knew she was too stupid and weak to be a threat.
kristi is woat
Australian Survivor Quote
10-17-2016 , 06:56 PM
and lol at matt going with the alliance while they are splitting the vote to vote him out in case sammy has an idol

matt has been blindsided/powerless for i don't even know how long now.

flick is playing great. if it wasn't for idiot weak kristi blowing up her game. but flick still has a chance with 5 left to get out lee and el.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-18-2016 , 08:33 AM
Plus Flick has a serious island-hotness condition going on.
Surivivor US probably would've used additional blurring for those nice blue knickers.

Australian Survivor Quote
10-18-2016 , 02:58 PM
lol'ing at slanche's avatar in combination with the Flick gif
Australian Survivor Quote
10-18-2016 , 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by JB91
It also annoyed me so much that they all seemed oblivious to the fact that if the votes are split then only one of Flick or Kristie need to flip. If I'm Matt or Sam I'd be making it pretty obvious that I was looking for an idol.
I remember thinking when I was watching that if Kristie wanted to flip, all she'd have to do is convince Matt and Sam to both not win immunity, and then she could convince the others to split, and she'd have a really good chance to win the game by going to f3 with those two.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-18-2016 , 11:42 PM
Just watched first episode this week so not reading thread but **** did the producers screw up that survey challenge. Clearly everyone knew it was a challenge and just trolled. Had so much potential but none of the answers were serious. You gotta intermittently insert those questions in your interview.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-22-2016 , 10:47 AM
Just marathoned the season, the "choose your tribe" reward thing basically ruined the game for so many people.

The fact that they just kept sticking with it as the second tier tribe lost challenge after challenge was equally dumb. Wasn't it 10 versus 4 at one point, and they still went forward with a challenge? lol. Come on now. Almost torture at that point.

And then you had multiple episodes after the merge where the non-alliance folks are just picked off one by one (which in part was another consequence of the "choose your tribe" reward, so one reward ****ed up a lot).

Aside from that, I've enjoyed the longer, more involved episodes!
Australian Survivor Quote
10-22-2016 , 05:49 PM
Just got announced that it's been renewed for another season
Australian Survivor Quote
10-22-2016 , 06:59 PM
That's nice, def in for another season even if the latter half of this first one is a bit disappointing
Australian Survivor Quote
10-23-2016 , 11:55 AM
El and Lee are so damn manipulative. I don't like them, can't really pinpoint what about them I don't like, but you gotta give them credit they do a good job keeping Kristie on their side.

Flick and Kristie with all their good intentions and El then turned on evil gamer modus in a second and played Kristie against her right on the spot at the beach without hesitation.

Flick just screwed her game over at that point and really doesn't deserve to win with such a bad move. If you want to tell El, do it at the last moment before tribal but not with so much time to turn it around. That was such a bad move.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-23-2016 , 12:23 PM
what the **** was that vote?

I'd have chosen Flick to win the game right after the Brooke vote, but she's gone ahead and played the game about as poorly as possible since then, and Kristie has been just as bad the whole time. Can't imagine anyone but Lee winning this, but that's mostly just on account of nobody playing properly for themselves.
Australian Survivor Quote
10-23-2016 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by slanche
El and Lee are so damn manipulative. I don't like them, can't really pinpoint what about them I don't like, but you gotta give them credit they do a good job keeping Kristie on their side.
It's the fact that they legitimately think they are the good guys when they are actually pretty ****ty. It'd be great if they'd own it but they don't. The last few weeks they have completely manipulated Kristie into making some awful game moves and it's been very impressive but holy **** their attitudes are tilting.

Kristie has one last opportunity to make a decent move. She needs to give Flick the chance to make fire.

Once again this all goes back to that ****ing ******ed kidnap twist. My God this game would have been incredible if Kristie had been voted out when she was meant to be and Phoebe had made the merge. This just feels like the darkest timeline.
Australian Survivor Quote
