Originally Posted by slanche
El and Lee are so damn manipulative. I don't like them, can't really pinpoint what about them I don't like, but you gotta give them credit they do a good job keeping Kristie on their side.
It's the fact that they legitimately think they are the good guys when they are actually pretty ****ty. It'd be great if they'd own it but they don't. The last few weeks they have completely manipulated Kristie into making some awful game moves and it's been very impressive but holy **** their attitudes are tilting.
Kristie has one last opportunity to make a decent move. She needs to give Flick the chance to make fire.
Once again this all goes back to that ****ing ******ed kidnap twist. My God this game would have been incredible if Kristie had been voted out when she was meant to be and Phoebe had made the merge. This just feels like the darkest timeline.