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Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm?

01-15-2009 , 11:16 PM
i had never seen AD when this thread was made. i have now. at the time i had barely heard of it and thought there was no way it could be as good as everyone was making out in this thread. it was better! it really is sublimely written. it's as if the writers sat down and wrote every episode in one long session. i can't think of a single show, comedy or drama that has 20% of the level of writing this does.

seinfeld i really like but i've always felt it is overrated. a lot of the episodes end clumsily on dumb cheesy lines that you could see coming a mile off. in general i felt the writers were really bad at writing the last 5 minutes of shows. also while i do like all the characters, i was rarely interested in all of the ongoing plots in an episode.

i love curb. s5 was pretty bad, s6 was pretty good again, but overall it has been steadily going downhill. having said that i'm still surprised at the lack of approval for it in this thread.

AD -> Curb -> Seinfeld
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 12:54 AM
i dislike laugh tracks so thats probably a big reason i like curb more than seinfeld.

all 3 shows are amazing though admittedly i have yet to watch all of AD.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 01:22 AM
I love all 3, but AD wins this quite easily for me.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 02:36 AM
Originally Posted by gutte169
It's always sunny in philidelphia.
i watched a couple of episodes and i really don't like this show at all, not even remotely funny. i love the other 3 tho.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 03:03 AM
AD by a country mile and I think the other 2 shows are very good.

Chicken Dance will never, ever get old.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 03:05 AM
it's always sunny is a funny show but nowhere near the level of seinfeld or AD. it just doesn't have the same polish and a decent number of the jokes are repetitive and/or fairly obvious.

don't get me wrong, i think IASIP is great and i've seen almost every episode, but a lot of its humor comes from it being so much raunchier than other comedies and so much more out there. also, to me it feels like a group of friends decided to write the show and it kind of has a lot of inside jokes in that sense (the waitress and charlie being married irl, nightman, etc). a funny show, but nowhere near AD or seinfeld.

i'd probably rank seinfeld #1 partially due to its cultural relevance and staying power. AD might be more laugh-out-loud funny at times and it is very well written, but it just didn't have the longevity to be #1 i think. i also like how seinfeld really is brilliant at pointing out some of the absurdities and idionsyncracies in every day activies.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 06:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
AD by a country mile and I think the other 2 shows are very good.

Chicken Dance will never, ever get old.
haha, i was only saying on AIM about 6 hours ago that i hate anyone who thinks the best parts of this show are the chicken dance and 'the final countdown'.

i mean gob is good but the chicken stuff is probably one of the most unfunny aspects of the show for me.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 06:52 AM
wooow i have no idea how u can have that opinion yeti. i just watched that clip and i am now in tears.

AD is the single most funny show ive ever watched. cultural impact, longevity, blabla be damned, AD is just straight up the most hilarious **** ever aired. like if u wanna become all analytical, maybe seinfeld is more "relevant" or whatever but in my mind, AD by a ****ing country mile.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 08:03 AM
My favorite GOB moment ever is at 7:10 of this ep (right after the first commercial break):,vepisode,1

Last edited by otnemem; 01-16-2009 at 08:07 AM. Reason: Oh yeah! OK! So should should should should, sh- sh- sheagh, sh-, sh- should should should.... *gulp*
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 08:34 AM
all 3 are great.

AD is really funny in spots, but the "plotline" is so out there.

at least seinfeld got it right. it said it was a show about nothing, but for a show about nothing, it has a lot of running jokes, and it builds throughout each season.

i'd say watch all 3, you can't miss here.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 10:01 AM
Dukemagic nailed it imo. Just finished up AD and holy ****, I love Charlize Theron.
Michael should've banged her anyway, amirite?
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by 21times20
i don't see how a fan of scrubs is going to enjoy any of these 3 comedies
ill go so far as to say this poster prolly lives below the poverty line
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 08:56 PM
I responded to this thread a while back without having watched AD. That changed a few months ago when I noticed the entire series had been posted up legally at for free. Not long afterwards I had watched the entire show and soon after went to Best Buy to buy the entire series on DVD, it's that good.

Now I would still rank Seinfeld above it only because Seinfeld has been amazing for so long, but if we're talking about the average quality of an episode over the run of the series AD takes the cake. Many shows, even great ones like Seinfeld and CYE have several "meh" episodes inbetween the classics. AD is pure brilliance all the way through and you'd be hard pressed to find one episode that wasn't at the same level as the others. At no point in the 3 seasons of the show was there any drop off in the quality of the show in any way. Could they have sustained it for another 5-6 years if they had been given the opportunity? It's hard to say, but considering how consistent they had been before that I really wouldn't bet against it.

CYE is great but a couple steps behind Seinfeld and AD. Hell, you can easily make a case that 30 Rock has passed them up at this point.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 09:17 PM
it's always sunny is a funny show but nowhere near the level of seinfeld or AD. it just doesn't have the same polish and a decent number of the jokes are repetitive and/or fairly obvious.
yeah i mean the show is watchable and all and has some very LOL moments but when i see donks post in this thread with SUNNY when three of the best comedy shows in TV history are being discussed i immed think they are missing a few too many brain cells.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 09:19 PM
love all three of these shows, pretty tough for me to rank them but i guess my preference is seinfeld>cye>ad
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 09:20 PM
CYE is great but a couple steps behind Seinfeld and AD. Hell, you can easily make a case that 30 Rock has passed them up at this point.

30 rock, king of the corny one liner you could see 8 miles away.

i mean seriously, leons "get in that a$$" is by itself funnier than the entire 1st season of 30rock rolled into a giant laugh muffin and eaten in one sitting. and that scene is taken from one of the weaker CYE seasons made.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 09:20 PM
Yeah, Always Sunny is clearly a step down, it's good as a filler comedy, but no one will be talking about it once it's off the air.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by phantom_lord
i watched a couple of episodes and i really don't like this show at all, not even remotely funny. i love the other 3 tho.
IASIP is weird. the start of season one was kinda meh but it got super funny going thru the end of one into two. season three i bought on DVD and watched the first 3-4 episodes and said to myself "jfc this is horrible" then a few months later watched the remained of the season and LMAO at least once an episode. i havent seen season 4 yet.

i understand people arguments that you cant realy argue peoples 'taste' and to a certain extent i agree. like this thread is a great example. any of the three shows mentioned i can understand people saying is > than the other two, its within reason. however if some clown says "world according to jim" is better than CYE then hes almost definitely an idiot. ppl yelling out IASIP kinda fall into that category also itt. a show like "extras" is far closer to these three giants than iasip.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 10:09 PM
I gave CYE another chance and just really don't like it.

Love the other two, though.

I like AD more than Seinfeld due to consistency I think.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by sublime
30 rock, king of the corny one liner you could see 8 miles away.

i mean seriously, leons "get in that a$$" is by itself funnier than the entire 1st season of 30rock rolled into a giant laugh muffin and eaten in one sitting. and that scene is taken from one of the weaker CYE seasons made.
Eh, 30 Rock is about a lot more than corny one liners, but whatever. I love CYE, but the last two seasons have been a pretty significant dropoff from the first four. If we're talking about the entirety of 30 rock vs the first four seasons of CYE then CYE clearly wins, but it's closer when you factor in the last two seasons.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-16-2009 , 11:06 PM
This is not even close..Seinfeld 100%
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-17-2009 , 12:18 AM
Curb has become one of my favorite shows since I watched the episodes in order. Seeing random segments of episodes from random seasons just doesn't do it justice.

Seinfeld obviously amazing...

Never seen an episode of AD but it's next on my list just based on recommendations here.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-17-2009 , 02:10 AM
<3 Mack and Charlie.

Sunny ftw
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-17-2009 , 10:52 AM
I've seen every episode of Seinfeld at least 5 times. I couldn't imagine my life any other way.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
01-17-2009 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by jzpiano
Seinfeld, CYE, than AD in that order
Ya. First two are close, AD behind by 20 lengths.
Arrested Development, Seinfeld, or Curb your enthusiasm? Quote
