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The Apprentice - Season 10 The Apprentice - Season 10

12-12-2010 , 02:17 AM
He kind of starts rambling like a tired old man there at the end.
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-12-2010 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort
If this show isn't rigged then the only sensible explanation is that Brandy won because of her last pitch at the end about how she wants to work with the next generation of Trump. I agree that it was quite convincing and much better than Clint's answer of 'CEO in a box willing to work anywhere'. That 30 second spiel may very well have made Donald forget about the past 13 weeks.
Explain to me how her wanting to work with the younger Trumps has anything to do with her deserving the job more than Clint? Her answer was basically that she should have the job because she wants it. Combine that with her screwing up a much easier final task (Trump not having a full foursome is a huge fail) and doing basically nothing all season, and Brandy winning was a joke.
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-12-2010 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by slickpoppa
Explain to me how her wanting to work with the younger Trumps has anything to do with her deserving the job more than Clint? Her answer was basically that she should have the job because she wants it. Combine that with her screwing up a much easier final task (Trump not having a full foursome is a huge fail) and doing basically nothing all season, and Brandy winning was a joke.
When did I say that Brandy deserved to win or that her winning wasn't a joke? Read my posts, I was the first one to state that this show is clearly rigged.

I'm just trying to find a glimmer of hope amongst all the controversy that somehow this show is on the up and up. And the only explanation that even makes a bit of sense is that she won it in the final boardroom since she clearly wouldn't win based on their performances over the past 13 weeks.

Remember ultimately this show is about Mr. Trump finding his next apprentice. This is not Survivor where you just win a bunch of money then get to go back to your normal life. The apprentice could potentially work within the Trump organization for years and years. So while winning a bunch of challenges surely counts for something, at the end of the day it comes down to who does Mr. Trump see as the best fit at his company. And you have to give it to Brandy, she gave a very specific answer to this and you could see the gears turning in his head while she was talking. Didn't he immediately say afterward that he really liked her answer?
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-12-2010 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort
When did I say that Brandy deserved to win or that her winning wasn't a joke? Read my posts, I was the first one to state that this show is clearly rigged.

I'm just trying to find a glimmer of hope amongst all the controversy that somehow this show is on the up and up. And the only explanation that even makes a bit of sense is that she won it in the final boardroom since she clearly wouldn't win based on their performances over the past 13 weeks.

Remember ultimately this show is about Mr. Trump finding his next apprentice. This is not Survivor where you just win a bunch of money then get to go back to your normal life. The apprentice could potentially work within the Trump organization for years and years. So while winning a bunch of challenges surely counts for something, at the end of the day it comes down to who does Mr. Trump see as the best fit at his company. And you have to give it to Brandy, she gave a very specific answer to this and you could see the gears turning in his head while she was talking. Didn't he immediately say afterward that he really liked her answer?
It's his choice. It's not just "who wins the most" when it comes down to that final decision. Like I said before, Brandi most likely won because she paid Trump a compliment or two and because she is the better speaker of the two. Her final answer to his "why should I hire you" question was waay better than Clint's "I'm a CEO in a box" (you can put me over in the corner over there and forget about me, y'all).

Last edited by LVGambler; 12-12-2010 at 10:36 PM. Reason: re:slickpoppa
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-14-2010 , 03:51 PM
Obviously late to the comments on this as I just saw the finale last night (one benefit of this show being not very popular these days is I'm not particularly concerned about being spoiled).

Anyway, it seems that at some point - maybe even before taping - Trump decides who he wants to win and then finds a way to justify it. Certainly that's the case with most of each week's firings. He decides who is least relevant to the show's interests and then builds his case. Sometimes these are terribad and transparent and other times they're acceptable.

In this case, hot chick who is well-spoken is going to be a better spokesperson than the country bumpkin with the bad haircut, and the skill disparity wasn't so great that it was a huge travesty. Certainly nothing on the scale of the Joan Rivers > Annie Duke farce.

The whole "Trump only has two teammates" in the golf tournament seemed like a Falcon Twist (™ Joe Schmo) which wasn't really Brandy's fault. It's highly unlikely that she was responsible for the pairings; however whoever made them may have deliberately left one spot empty and it was "her fault" for not noticing it. Totally manufactured drama.

Liza sucks ass again and this one is particularly grievous because she should know as an alleged golfer - and she did have a pretty good swing - that you don't give out sets of completely crappy generic golf clubs at prizes at a high-end event, that's just terribad. A $300 gift card instead though...nobody would have left that behind.

Minnelli was painful to watch and the crowd could not have looked less interested. Maybe because I don't much care for live music but being forced to get excited about some singer who hasn't been relevant in 40 years and then be forced to pretend the performance wasn't uninteresting must have sucked for everyone involved.
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-14-2010 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by tuq

Minnelli was painful to watch and the crowd could not have looked less interested. Maybe because I don't much care for live music but being forced to get excited about some singer who hasn't been relevant in 40 years and then be forced to pretend the performance wasn't uninteresting must have sucked for everyone involved.
I thought it was GRAND.
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-14-2010 , 10:33 PM
It really was a huge success. I'm very happy. Everyone who watched it was happy.

- Donald Trump
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-16-2010 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Pikaberdort
When did I say that Brandy deserved to win or that her winning wasn't a joke? Read my posts, I was the first one to state that this show is clearly rigged.

I'm just trying to find a glimmer of hope amongst all the controversy that somehow this show is on the up and up. And the only explanation that even makes a bit of sense is that she won it in the final boardroom since she clearly wouldn't win based on their performances over the past 13 weeks.

Remember ultimately this show is about Mr. Trump finding his next apprentice. This is not Survivor where you just win a bunch of money then get to go back to your normal life. The apprentice could potentially work within the Trump organization for years and years. So while winning a bunch of challenges surely counts for something, at the end of the day it comes down to who does Mr. Trump see as the best fit at his company. And you have to give it to Brandy, she gave a very specific answer to this and you could see the gears turning in his head while she was talking. Didn't he immediately say afterward that he really liked her answer?
The I want to work with your kids was a total BS answer in my eyes. It seemed completely phony. clints showed he had actually put thought into what he wanted to do. Brandi's was "I'll kiss your ass and do whatever you want". Also I'm sure trump made up his mind long before the question anyways.

This was first season I watched of apprentice since nearly the begining (celebrity got me back into it) and have to say I think the whole thing is pretty rigged in terms of how trump behaves and the choices he makes. Kinda kills it for me.
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-16-2010 , 11:08 PM
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
12-17-2010 , 03:46 PM
It's true, I like how it's so shamelessly rigged. I also am perplexed by Trump's ego. Sometimes I just consider him to be playing it up for the show, but then I realize the show is a product of his ego, so you can see why i'd be confused.

Brandy looked and sounded submissive when she gave her speech and I thought she was clutching at straws. Her body language kept saying "whatever" to me.
The Apprentice - Season 10 Quote
