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Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles?

09-30-2008 , 04:25 AM
Leap -

Point 1, agreed. Seems out of character, but she did love the dude at one point...

Point 2,
Because John wasn't in the house. If John were in the house, he would have gone in and killed John. He needed a way to get in contact with John and whatever code (day/month at beginning of call) they used to signal that the call was legit.

It's not the greatest show, no, but it's good enough to sit on the DVR until I feel like watching...

Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
09-30-2008 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by meep_42
Leap -

Point 1, agreed. Seems out of character, but she did love the dude at one point...

Point 2
It's not the greatest show, no, but it's good enough to sit on the DVR until I feel like watching...


I know she loved the dude, but what about duty here? This seems pretty sad. Certainly a non zero chance the human race is defeated because of this .

As for point two, I was just thinking about editing my post because I didn't clearly make the point.

I know he had to wait for the call in order to find out John's whereabouts and/or setup a meeting, but after that, why not have a bomb in the house instead of the cell tower? One bomb in the house would probably be good, but he could even have a micro bomb in the cell tower (to disable it) as well in case Sarah or someone survived the house blast and had time to call John again and warn him.

I guess my thought about being concealed in the house doesn't work so well given that they would have heard him make the call to John, but replace it with: after the call is made he sets off the bomb then runs into the house to kill any survivors.

He is smart enough to setup a somewhat elaborate trap, he should be smart enough to play the percentages and realize that he has plenty of time to attempt to kill Sarah and the Uncle and still meet John. His overall chance of success increases if he can kill John's protectors.

Thinking about it more, I guess there is a chance that in a gun battle he is disfigured and might create a scene at the pier, but at the very least he should have setoff a bomb in the house to at least take the chance he kills someone. The falling cell tower obviously wasn't too effective.

I dunno, I might weaken and watch another episode or two, I like the characters/actors well enough, but the writing is driving me insane. Same thing with BSG. sigh. Also, I know I'm a nit and try to contain it, but this episode just seemed over the top.



oh yeah, and their code bugs me. They need some sort of progressive code so that if one call is intercepted they aren't boned. Not really liking the chances of the human race surviving with these people as our best hope, heh
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
09-30-2008 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by LeapFrog
Ok, so thats bad enough, but then the terminator completely has the jump on them but manages to set the crappiest trap in history. How about using the explosives that brought down the cell tower as an actual bomb in the house?

Or perhaps just hiding in a concealed place in the house then busting out and beating them all to death? He killed 20 FBI agents, I'm not really sure what they think they are going to do to him with conventional weapons.

I just can't watch this show anymore, so terrible
The actions of Cromartie have an explanation. He needed a backup plan. He has shown that he can and will use Sarah to get to John. If he kills Sarah, he can't do that. So, just in case his plan to catch John fails, he'll be able to use Sarah again in the future.

The actions of Sarah and Derek were pretty stupid, though. But one thing Sarah thinks that differentiates us from machines is our humanity. If she only thinks of her "mission," and it's success no matter what the cost, what separates us from machines?

Also, the episode you're talking about (last week) was genius compared to two weeks ago. Sarah and Cameron get a job in a nuclear facility and have nearly full access to all areas instantly. Sarah gets stripped and bathed against her will for absolutely no reason. A Terminator somewhere between T1000 and T800 (it can morph, but it's not mimetic polyalloy) appears with no warning and gets in very quick fight with Cameron. That is an episode that nearly made me drop the show.

Last edited by gusmahler; 09-30-2008 at 03:18 PM.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
09-30-2008 , 03:37 PM
Last week almost made you? This week's was worse, except for telling us some backstory about Cameron
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
09-30-2008 , 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
The actions of Cromartie have an explanation. He needed a backup plan. He has shown that he can and will use Sarah to get to John. If he kills Sarah, he can't do that. So, just in case his plan to catch John fails, he'll be able to use Sarah again in the future.
I know this thread has spoilers sprinkled throughout, but I was will try use tags.

If you buy that Sarah is more of a liability to John alive then dead, then I would accept this. Given that just hiding isn't enough (see crappy nuclear power plant episode for example), that the resistance fighters in our time must take action to combat skynet's plans, I think that the loss of Sarah and the uncle hurt the resistance more then the liability they cause by making John easier to find. John can't do everything himself.

Also, if this is the case, why not just disable the cell tower (so they can't call John to warn him) instead of having it crash into the house? Though a crappy 'trap', it obviously did kill someone. If Cromartie thinks Sarah is worth more alive then dead, then why take the chance of killing her?

Originally Posted by gusmahler
The actions of Sarah and Derek were pretty stupid, though. But one thing Sarah thinks that differentiates us from machines is our humanity. If she only thinks of her "mission," and it's success no matter what the cost, what separates us from machines?
Well to be a leader you have to make tough decisions. I agree with what you are saying to an extent, but honestly, what could the 3 of them, poorly armed, hope to accomplish? Obviously it was a trap, and their opponent has the homefield advantage in addition to being a terminator.


Originally Posted by gusmahler
Also, the episode you're talking about (last week) was genius compared to two weeks ago. Sarah and Cameron get a job in a nuclear facility and have nearly full access to all areas instantly. Sarah gets stripped and bathed against her will for absolutely no reason. A Terminator somewhere between T1000 and T800 (it can morph, but it's not mimetic polyalloy) appears with no warning and gets in very quick fight with Cameron. That is an episode that nearly made me drop the show.
It wasn't a good episode but not as bad as the hostage one imo. I thought they somehow engineered the absence of two workers (thought there was a reference to this) then were able to get jobs as low level janitors. If you notice, the ID cards appear to be optical. Cameron scans them as they are walking around, then there is a scene back home where she makes copies, creating a bar code with inhuman precision using a pen. Thats how they got access to the restricted areas.

As for the scrubdown, I thought that was the doing of the guy she pissed off by following. I thought it was his way of telling her to **** off. Evil management reminiscent of silkwood imo.

Who knows about the terminator they killed, perhaps some new model. The fight was terrible I agree.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
09-30-2008 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Sciolist
Last week almost made you? This week's was worse, except for telling us some backstory about Cameron
There were 3 storylines this week. Two were absolute crap (the Ellison one and the pregnant woman). The Cameron storyline was OK, though.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
09-30-2008 , 05:32 PM
[QUOTE=LeapFrog;6386702]I know this thread has spoilers sprinkled throughout, but I was will try use tags.
I can sort of understand spoiler tags for this week's episode. But we're talking about an episode that aired a week ago. I think lack of spoiler tags is fine.

Also, if this is the case, why not just disable the cell tower (so they can't call John to warn him) instead of having it crash into the house? Though a crappy 'trap', it obviously did kill someone. If Cromartie thinks Sarah is worth more alive then dead, then why take the chance of killing her?
I hadn't thought of that. I'd assumed that the cell phone tower falling was just a coincidence. But he is a computer and probably calculated it to fall in the house. So, yeah, I agree with you now.

Well to be a leader you have to make tough decisions. I agree with what you are saying to an extent, but honestly, what could the 3 of them, poorly armed, hope to accomplish? Obviously it was a trap, and their opponent has the homefield advantage in addition to being a terminator.
I didn't say that Sarah's reasoning was right or even close to right. But I think that was her line of thinking.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
09-30-2008 , 05:43 PM
I still enjoy this show, but the ratings are down and its on Fox so cancellation seems imminent. I'll be sad when that happens. Its sci-fi, its set in the Terminator universe, better than Heroes atleast.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
09-30-2008 , 06:31 PM
The episodes so far have been weak. I want to see more of Cameron kicking ass instead of this weak stuff between Sarah and John. The writers aren't pulling off the interactions, so let's at least have some action.

Doubt Fox will cancel it this quick, though. Budget must be high.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-01-2008 , 01:05 AM
This week's episode was bad, but far superior to the hostage episode.

Basically I agree with everything LeapFrog has written ITT.

It is SO TILTING when a small group of humans tries to take on a terminator with firearms.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-07-2008 , 11:40 AM
Hm, better this week? Seems that they're concentrating too much on episodes and not the actual series storyline tho
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-07-2008 , 01:14 PM
Definitely a better episode this week. And I wouldn't say that this episode ignored the overall storyline. Because it did a better job than in showing the weight of the world being on John's shoulders. Plus, it continued the T1000 storyline by telling us how she is using Ellison.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-07-2008 , 07:44 PM
This show hasn't been bad but the ratings have been godawful and this show is dangerously close to being cancelled. 13 episodes are being made but it's very doubtful that they'll film the final 8.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-08-2008 , 07:11 AM
Mannnn, I love this show so much. It'll be a big disappointment if it gets cancelled. **** ratings, they're not even that accurate. This season has been pretty weak compared to the first one, but Monday's episode was the best of the season and a big improvement over the others imo.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-08-2008 , 07:18 AM
I won't be devestated if this is cancelled (I was upset with Firefly), but that'd make it two TV series with Summer Glau in that've been canned. Not sure what to think of this, but I'm still not sure if she's actually hot or not
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-08-2008 , 08:24 AM
I'll be very disappointed if this gets cancelled.

The last 2 episodes have been very good with some very interesting glimpses into the future, Cameron's backstory, and a bit more intense than usual.

They're definitely doing a piss poor job of marketing this though. The only ad I've seen lately for it had a really lame joke in it. They should be emphasizing explosions and stuff during footballs games.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-08-2008 , 09:03 AM
Yea, the past two episodes have been excellent.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-08-2008 , 02:23 PM
It would suck if SCC got cancelled. Of the sci-fi type shows on at the moment it has the best story of the lot. Fringe has some potential but my expectations are low. Heroes...well there is already a 15 page thread detailing its problems. Knight Rider is just a joke.

Even though it's not perfect, SCC is the only one I really look forward to seeing on a weekly basis.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-11-2008 , 08:06 AM
Summer Glau is definitely hot, regardless of whether she can find a successful TV series or not. Her character in the 4400 was just super weird though, this show is much better suited to her.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-13-2008 , 07:18 PM
omg, stupid ****ing playoffs. no show today
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-14-2008 , 03:01 AM
Yeah I was very disappointed to see that

Every fall baseball ruins my TV watching groove. I don't even know anyone who watches that ****.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-18-2008 , 10:06 AM
Wow, despite the poor ratings, the show got picked up for a full season.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-18-2008 , 10:55 AM
Good news on the pickup. I hate these early season breaks where you get like 3 episodes and then 2 weeks with no episodes.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-18-2008 , 11:18 AM
In January, 24 and Dollhouse will be on Mondays so Terminator and Prison Break will either be moved to another day or pushed back to March.
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
10-18-2008 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Rendle
In January, 24 and Dollhouse will be on Mondays so Terminator and Prison Break will either be moved to another day or pushed back to March.
so pumped for Dollhouse
Anyone catch Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? Quote
