Originally Posted by Kneel B4 Zod
b/c there is no beer brand called "Miller" nor was there in 1982. They had High Life, and Lite, and other brands but nothing called "Miller". Maybe they were just newb beer drinkers and didn't specify, or maybe the waitress assumed they meant Lite b/c by then light beer was becoming very popular or maybe the vernacular of the time was such that the order made sense or maybe it's a ditzy waitress who quoted the beers wrong or maybe people in DC called Miller Lite Miller as shorthand or maybe the waitress just screwed up their order
either way your nittiness is pretty crazy.
Are you over 40? I specifically remember Miller beer around that time. I also remember Lite beer. If people wanted a Miller, they would order a Miller, if they wanted a Lite, they'd say Miller Lite (later Miller Genuine Draft would be called MGD). The waitress named off their entire beer selection, and identified both of them as Miller and Miller Lite (what I remember them being called in that era). He said, "two Millers". They were brought two Miller Lites. That's not nittery, that's an eff up.