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Stop buying them and read this before you buy another Amazon gift code Stop buying them and read this before you buy another Amazon gift code

02-15-2012 , 09:25 PM
Well sorry i just tought base on tread title my question was wortwhile since i wanted to buy GC.

Ty for answering, i guess il start looking for gift card , i just want badly that damn kindle touch !!

02-15-2012 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by kingo
I think this is important, I realize it isnt topic of thread though.
I think you can do your homework, have many successful trades with someone and then they go rogue or desperate and can rip you off.
I have done countless trades and thankfully have not been cheated one time though I was contacted by numerous scammers, so I do my homework and protect myself. That being said, if there were way a guy can reverse a trade, just because he was trustworthy before, if he were desperate at the later date he may just turn into a cheat.
I have traded at least 10 x with guy named Rany, who seemed like cool guy. He sent first to me each time. Never cheated me and still hasnt but was quite disappointed to read that he ripped of someone for decent $'s and this person had many many successful trades with him, just like I had many with Rany
My point is though Rany never appeared to be a cheater to me and completed over 10 trades with me successfully, whatever happened in his life caused him to rip off someone who trusted him based on their successful trades with him.
If Rany were able to reverse one of those successful trades with me, perhaps he would of. So I would of a been scammed by someone I wasn't worried about at all. That is why I am glad paypal is not accepted here and would not want to use a method that can be reversed at a later date.

yes they can be reverse to answer you question which i know for a fact a scammer did this to a friend of mine on another site, he sent hiom the code and the guy sent him the carbon, he then went to redeem them it thinking the guy was trustworthy becuase of trades he did with other users on this be careful and i hope this answer your
02-16-2012 , 01:27 PM
Yeah this was in the Internet Poker transfer thread, guy said he was scammed for 2k by a guy who reversed an Amazon GC.
02-18-2012 , 07:56 PM
Thank you Nofx for bringing all this to light. Amazon payments is so much better then trading for giftcards, WOW. Everyone check it out.
02-19-2012 , 12:57 AM
Quick cliffs question? Yes or not, can Amazon payments be reversed?

Obviously, Amazon gift cards can be reversed if the user buys in with a CC and then files a chargeback with his CC company. A1sha found this out the hard way for 2K last week.

So can the same be done with Amazon payments?
02-19-2012 , 04:39 AM
I linked this Amazon scam in the new sticky

The Amazon funds were not reversed by the sender.
The Amazon transfers are however being repossessed by Amazon because the sender (likely) used a fraudulent account or credit card to make the initial purchase before trading them for poker funds.

Receiving the funds first is still no guarantee.
Be careful and choosy.
