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09-08-2010 , 04:20 PM
New Games Added!!!

System: PS3
Demon's Souls----Price $30---Has preowned sticker on case. not a single scratch on disk however
Dead Space----Price $18
Metal Gear Solid 4----Price $18
College Hoops 2K7----Price $5
Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -----Price: $17
Game: Grand Theft Auto IV -----Price: $15
Game: Fallout 3 -----Price: $13
Game: The Orange Box-----Price: $20
Game: Valkyria Chronicles-----Price: $22
Game: Bioshock -----Price: $13
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion -----Price: $12

Shipping is included in the price

I must receive payment first before shipping

Condition: All Games have been tested and work perfectly. Comes in original case with manual. Disc is clean with very little to no scratches
Shipping Method: First Class in a padded envelope with Confirmation Delivery
I ship to the U.S. Only
Payment accepted: Poker Stars
Poker Stars ID: Iggysdady
09-11-2010 , 08:03 AM
Save $5 if you buy 2 games today only!
09-11-2010 , 12:06 PM
i've had my eye on orange box for a while now..

but what i get a bigger kick out of is the 'one day only', if i wait until tomorrow, you're not going to give me $5 off if i ask.
09-11-2010 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
i've had my eye on orange box for a while now..

but what i get a bigger kick out of is the 'one day only', if i wait until tomorrow, you're not going to give me $5 off if i ask.
ahhhh but its 5 dollars off if u buy 2 games today! gotta keep people looking through here every day. u never know what i may add or propose. always wanna separate yourself from the competition.

Anyway. Orange Box is awesome!! i just dont play the games as much as i want to anymore which sucks because i had and still have a pretty awesome collection.

Let's Make a Deal!
09-14-2010 , 10:46 AM
System: PS3
Demon's Souls----Price $30---Has preowned sticker on case. not a single scratch on disk however
Dead Space----Price $15
Metal Gear Solid 4----Price $15
College Hoops 2K7----Price $5
Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -----Price: $15
Game: Grand Theft Auto IV -----Price: $15
Game: Fallout 3 -----Price: $13
Game: The Orange Box-----Price: $18
Game: Valkyria Chronicles-----Price: $20
Game: Bioshock -----Price: $12
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion -----Price: $12

Shipping is included in the price

I must receive payment first before shipping

Condition: All Games have been tested and work perfectly. Comes in original case with manual. Disc is clean with very little to no scratches
Shipping Method: First Class in a padded envelope with Confirmation Delivery
I ship to the U.S. Only
Payment accepted: Poker Stars
Poker Stars ID: Iggysdady
09-19-2010 , 05:35 AM
won't ship to canada?
09-19-2010 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by ahophing
won't ship to canada?
I ship to the U.S. Only
My guess is no.
09-19-2010 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by ahophing
won't ship to canada?

sorry just to the US only. my apologies
09-20-2010 , 08:39 PM
System: PS3
Game: Demon's Souls----Price $28---Has preowned sticker on case. not a single scratch on disk however
Game: Dead Space----Price $14
Game: Metal Gear Solid 4----Price $14
Game: College Hoops 2K7----Price $5
Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -----Price: $14
Game: Grand Theft Auto IV -----Price: $14
Game: Fallout 3 -----Price: $13
Game: The Orange Box-----Price: $18
Game: Valkyria Chronicles-----Price: $20
Game: Bioshock -----Price: $12
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion -----Price: $12

Shipping is included in the price

I must receive payment first before shipping

Condition: All Games have been tested and work perfectly. Comes in original case with manual. Disc is clean with very little to no scratches
Shipping Method: First Class in a padded envelope with Confirmation Delivery
I ship to the U.S. Only
Payment accepted: Poker Stars
Poker Stars ID: Iggysdady
09-20-2010 , 08:59 PM
Do you have red dead redemption for ps3? Anysports games?
09-21-2010 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by LimpDitka
Do you have red dead redemption for ps3? Anysports games?
Dead space and fallout $20 shipped? Also if you have red dead?
09-23-2010 , 01:20 AM
Metal Gear Solid 4 if available still.

send me a pm!
09-23-2010 , 10:26 AM
Now Accepting Full Tilt Money as well as Poker Stars!!!!!

System: PS3
Game: Demon's Souls----Price $28---Has preowned sticker on case. not a single scratch on disk however
Game: College Hoops 2K7----Price $5
Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -----Price: $14
Game: Grand Theft Auto IV -----Price: $14
Game: The Orange Box-----Price: $18
Game: Valkyria Chronicles-----Price: $20
Game: Bioshock -----Price: $12
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion -----Price: $12

Shipping is included in the price

I must receive payment first before shipping

Condition: All Games have been tested and work perfectly. Comes in original case with manual. Disc is clean with very little to no scratches
Shipping Method: First Class in a padded envelope with Confirmation Delivery
I ship to the U.S. Only
Payment accepted: Poker Stars and Full Tilt
Poker Stars ID: Iggysdady
09-28-2010 , 12:45 PM
Now Accepting Full Tilt Money as well as Poker Stars!!!!!

System: PS3
Game: Demon's Souls----Price $28---Has preowned sticker on case. not a single scratch on disk however
Game: College Hoops 2K7----Price $5
Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -----Price: $14
Game: Grand Theft Auto IV -----Price: $14
Game: The Orange Box-----Price: $18
Game: Valkyria Chronicles-----Price: $20
Game: Bioshock -----Price: $12
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion -----Price: $12
Game: Heavy Rain---------: $35

System: Wii
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection -----: $10

Shipping is included in the price

I must receive payment first before shipping

Condition: All Games have been tested and work perfectly. Comes in original case with manual. Disc is clean with very little to no scratches
Shipping Method: First Class in a padded envelope with Confirmation Delivery
I ship to the U.S. Only
Payment accepted: Poker Stars and Full Tilt
Poker Stars ID: Iggysdady
Full Tilt ID: Iggysdady

Last edited by iggysdady; 09-28-2010 at 01:03 PM.
10-02-2010 , 05:50 PM
Now Accepting Full Tilt Money as well as Poker Stars!!!!!

System: PS3
Game: Demon's Souls----Price $28---Has preowned sticker on case. not a single scratch on disk however
Game: College Hoops 2K7----Price $5
Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -----Price: $14
Game: Grand Theft Auto IV -----Price: $14
Game: The Orange Box-----Price: $18
Game: Valkyria Chronicles-----Price: $20
Game: Bioshock -----Price: $12
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion -----Price: $12
Game: Heavy Rain---------: $35

System: Wii
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection -----: $10

Shipping is included in the price

I must receive payment first before shipping

Condition: All Games have been tested and work perfectly. Comes in original case with manual. Disc is clean with very little to no scratches
Shipping Method: First Class in a padded envelope with Confirmation Delivery
I ship to the U.S. Only
Payment accepted: Poker Stars and Full Tilt
Poker Stars ID: Iggysdady
Full Tilt ID: Iggysdady
10-12-2010 , 11:03 PM
Now Accepting Full Tilt Money as well as Poker Stars!!!!!

System: PS3
Game: Demon's Souls----Price $28---Has preowned sticker on case. not a single scratch on disk however
Game: College Hoops 2K7----Price $5
Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -----Price: $14
Game: Grand Theft Auto IV -----Price: $14
Game: The Orange Box-----Price: $18
Game: Valkyria Chronicles-----Price: $18
Game: Bioshock -----Price: $12
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion -----Price: $12
Game: Heavy Rain---------: $35

System: Wii
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection -----: $10

Shipping is included in the price

I must receive payment first before shipping

Condition: All Games have been tested and work perfectly. Comes in original case with manual. Disc is clean with very little to no scratches
Shipping Method: First Class in a padded envelope with Confirmation Delivery
I ship to the U.S. Only
Payment accepted: Poker Stars and Full Tilt
Poker Stars ID: Iggysdady
Full Tilt ID: Iggysdady
10-14-2010 , 09:41 PM
did you drop $2 on Valkyria Chronicles because you thought it would attract a sale, or because otherwise the bump was exactly the same as the last two?
10-15-2010 , 07:25 PM
Now Accepting Full Tilt Money as well as Poker Stars!!!!!

System: PS3
Game: Demon's Souls----Price $25---Has preowned sticker on case. not a single scratch on disk however
Game: College Hoops 2K7----Price $5
Game: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare -----Price: $12
Game: Grand Theft Auto IV -----Price: $12
Game: The Orange Box-----Price: $17
Game: Valkyria Chronicles-----Price: $18
Game: Bioshock -----Price: $12
Game: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion -----Price: $12
Game: Heavy Rain---------: $35

System: Wii
Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection -----: $10

Shipping is included in the price

I must receive payment first before shipping

Condition: All Games have been tested and work perfectly. Comes in original case with manual. Disc is clean with very little to no scratches
Shipping Method: First Class in a padded envelope with Confirmation Delivery
I ship to the U.S. Only
Payment accepted: Poker Stars and Full Tilt
Poker Stars ID: Iggysdady
Full Tilt ID: Iggysdady
10-15-2010 , 08:59 PM
Originally Posted by wiper
did you drop $2 on Valkyria Chronicles because you thought it would attract a sale, or because otherwise the bump was exactly the same as the last two?
I agree, and this is the last bump on this. We don't allow permanent storefront-type threads here, those only go in the Commercial Marketplace forum. Cut you some extra slack since you're obviously not getting rich off a few PS3 games, but 15+ bumps and two months later I think it's time to wrap it up. Wrap it up, B.
10-15-2010 , 09:17 PM
You can even list them one more time if you want to give your bottom-line prices, in order to try and get them sold here. Dropping $1-$2 off of a single game every 3-4 times you post the list is meh. Up to you but either way this is about done

Last edited by Gonzirra; 10-15-2010 at 09:24 PM.
10-16-2010 , 02:43 AM

now, orange box shipped for $10.51 on ftp...
10-16-2010 , 04:05 PM
I'll take GTA $12 shipped.. I'll send you $6 then the other $6 when received, all on PokerStars..

I have refs here, Transfer thread and Video game thread..

10-16-2010 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by El Gonso
You can even list them one more time if you want to give your bottom-line prices, in order to try and get them sold here. Dropping $1-$2 off of a single game every 3-4 times you post the list is meh. Up to you but either way this is about done

since its such a big deal, il just forget the whole thing. its a shame because i was giving good deals to people and each transaction was smooth and fine. not sure what the big deal was but im not gonna have my every move watched when there are others on here who do things unethically. i can get more money selling on ebay and other sites but wanted to add money to my poker accounts. thanks for everything.
10-17-2010 , 01:17 AM
Never said it was a big deal. If you want to do the 'take your ball and go home' bit that's fine, and judging by your PM a little bit ago I guess that's what you want.

You may not care, but we have the policy (around since before my time) for a few reasons. One is that it helps assure that the front page isn't bogged down by the same people's threads constantly. A more recent consideration is that people in the Commercial Marketplace are having to pay for the same thing.

Posters largely observe this policy, and we mods do ourselves.

[*] Online stores. This forum is not intended for ongoing business ventures or services. This may also apply to posters repeatedly selling the same items to the point that their thread never ends; case-by-case. We do have a Commercial Marketplace forum for such things now (there are fees involved).
Not looking to give you a hard time. We let this thread go well into the 3rd month, and the last 4 bumps before a poster said something were all you. I mean almost every post you have on 2+2 has been to sell stuff, so I think you made out okay. How about some of these other guys who want to sell their PS3 games?

I didn't give you a hard time when you had a few different threads for individual games on the front page at the same time. I asked (nicely) that you combine them. I also didn't give you a hard time when you opened another "Iggysdady's Ongoing Thread" for music & DVDs [which I guess we would have been seeing forever also]. Even now I offered one more shot to move your stuff here before we close it down.

Last edited by Gonzirra; 10-17-2010 at 01:23 AM.
10-17-2010 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by iggysdady
but im not gonna have my every move watched when there are others on here who do things unethically.
Also I have no idea where this bit of drama comes from. Nobody's watching your every move, you're just hard not to notice with your never-ending thread. (I own a PS3 myself as does Bobo fwiw). Not sure what other people's ethics have to do with this though.
