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Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time

02-29-2012 , 01:59 AM
About to be SuperHighBeas out on the town in L.A.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 02:03 AM
Kobe with a concussion. maybe a little run good.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 02:05 AM
small-power forward... kevin love= 36mins, beasley= 30mins, D.williams= 30mins & just throw wes johnson off your roster plz!!! hahahah, why is he getting more minutes than wayne ellington?

i have to assume adelman gives players minutes based off of how much they put into practice or something cause ellington played about the same as johnson the whole year & A.randolf was pretty good at the start of the year noiw he like gets 0 minutes now

p.s... lol@ the clippers coach saying we have so many scorers, D.will & beasley wont keep this up but they will be a big help to this team in making the playoffs by giving them more minutes!!!
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 02:09 AM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
small-power forward... kevin love= 36mins, beasley= 30mins, D.williams= 30mins & just throw wes johnson off your roster plz!!!
I am unanimous in being in favor of Wes being thrown out of the rotation. But, Adelman won't play DWill at the 3. DWill's rotation would is with Pek and Love, meaning Love gets more minutes at the 5, which ain't terrible imo.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 02:12 AM
That was a sick sick 4th quarter. We hit 13 shots in a row from the end of the 3rd to like 3 remaining in the 4th. Wonderful.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 02:19 AM
^^^ i dont see why not... i think he can play it + webster & johnson has been not gr8 this season... but whatever i just want the guy to get more minutes cause it will help the team & his career cause i would be pissed if i was the #2 pick & knowing damn well that if i was another team without an allstar power forward he would one of the top guys in line for R.O.Y

but T.wolves has so much potential though man, if rubio ever develops a better jump shot & they get a solid S.G in oj mayo or even rudy fernandez next year i think they could be one of the west conference better teams...
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 03:06 AM

he hasn't been great till this game, but man what a sick game.

Also lol @ trading beasley this year, extend him his qualifying offer or lock him down for the next 3 or 4 years and be done with it. He becomes a 8.2 million expiring or a tradeable young player, there's no reason not to since this is a fluid asset in terms of being able to deal with other teams, with some % chance he becomes a good starting 3 in the league. He plays the best SF defense on the team it's not really that close even if he's feast/famine offensively.

Wes Johnson is clearly just going to be a trade filler at this point, I'd take a late second round pick for him. Always great to bust spectacularly with the more conservative pick. He's playing like someone who's going to be out of the league after his rookie deal, not sure if he realizes it.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 08:18 AM
Beasely for Gasol, Bryant, and the "Lakers" team name back
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 12:16 PM
Random observations from last nights game:

D-Will ran extremely hot from the floor last night and it's obv not sustainable, but he was a completely different player last night. It seems like every time before when I watched him he was just kind of out there, would get an alley oop, drain a 3 when he was open, but he just looked timid.

Last night he was decisive. His first quarter kept us in the game. For as much as blake was torching us, D-Will did his part to return the favor(8-10 points iirc off some really nice iso moves). He looked very confident and comfortable out there in the first quarter when love was out, and it's the first time all year I was impressed by him.

Beasley made mostly smart decisions all night as well. I know it's a MoML, but he didnt force that often and a lot of the isos looked like they were designed isos due to rubio/love being out. Beasley seemed to have a mismatch on him all night and he got to the rim easily. Even if he missed all of his 3s(instead of making all of them, heh), it would have still been one of his better games of the year.

We executed great offensively last night. Before the ridiculous 4th we were neck and neck with the Clips the whole way(when they were playing very well). Obviously we ran really hot and closed the game out easily, but before that we were stride for stride with Griffin/CP3 all game without our two best players playing well.

Before Chauncey went out, the Clips were my team that I'd pick to represent the West in the NBA finals. I think they are a dog to OKC now, but they're in that second tier with decent equity to make it to the finals.

We'll have to see what they do on this nasty road stretch, but I think we're better than most if not all of the teams vying for the 8th seed in the west right now. Memphis is without zbo, portland has been mediocre, denver is without two of their starters, and we've had a good record since PEK has emerged.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 12:35 PM
^^ Dwill game b4 the all star break was good as well he just didnt get much minutes... looks like hes more focused now or something

lakers without kobe= twolves gona run a muck

if denver beats portland tonight & we beat lakers we will be tied for 8th in the west....
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 12:36 PM
...according to Elias Sports Bureau, Derrick Williams did something Tuesday night back home in L.A. that has never been done before.

On a night when he made nine of 10 field attempts, including all four three-pointers he took, and 5-for-5 from the line, Williams became the first player in NBA history to shoot 90 percent from the field (a minimum of 10 field-goal attempts), perfect from three-point land (minimum 4 attempts) and perfect in free throws (minimum five attempts) in a single game.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 12:40 PM
Chances Kobe doesn't play? I'd set the line at 5%?

It actually is a bit scary - it's a chance for Kobe to impact his legacy right away. E.g. "Remember the 50 point broken face game?"
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
^^ Dwill game b4 the all star break was good as well he just didnt get much minutes... looks like hes more focused now or something

lakers without kobe= twolves gona run a muck

if denver beats portland tonight & we beat lakers we will be tied for 8th in the west....
yeah i never watched the utah game, but people said he played pretty well.

Originally Posted by The Yugoslavian
Chances Kobe doesn't play? I'd set the line at 5%?

It actually is a bit scary - it's a chance for Kobe to impact his legacy right away. E.g. "Remember the 50 point broken face game?"
from what i was hearing this morning, it all depends on when he was diagnosed with his concussion. he needs 24 hours of no concussion symptoms to be cleared to play.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 03:08 PM
02-29-2012 , 03:33 PM
God I should have stopped reading that when I saw that Scoop Jackson wrote it
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 03:34 PM
1. Coach of the Year: Adelman
2. Most Improved: Pek
3. Rookie of the Year: Rubio
4. Rookie of the Year: Williams
5. 6th Man of the Year: Beasley
6. MVP: Love

I don't think we'll have TWolf win any of these but this is how I'd rank our chances at winning something. If we make the playoffs, Adelman has to have a good chance at COY. If Pek continues, he should get MIP.

Alot of stuff would have to happen for 3,4,5 to occur. And 6 is a pipe dream.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 04:08 PM
agree with those rankings. it's cool that we even have people to debate for all of them.

Love def has no shot at the MVP, they'd basically have to go undefeated for the rest of the year. Lebron has been too good.

Adelman has a really good chance, esp if we make the playoffs. getting adelman is the best thing that the wolves FO could have done last summer
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 04:09 PM
No way will Pek win MIP instead of Lin. Doesn't matter if he deserves it or not (so far, imo his case isn't as good as Lin anyway - Lin single handedly took NY back into playoff contention).
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 04:44 PM
B-Ease should start tonight imo. Gonna kill me to watch Kobe light up Wes and trash talk him again.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 04:52 PM
didnt wes play fairly good D the last time they played?

i cant remember, i thought there were a few games where he kept bryant in check
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 05:33 PM
yeah, Wes has had some success defending Kobe. Hopefully he can do a good job tonight (assuming Kobe plays - anyone heard yet if he is?).
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 05:52 PM
Does anyone really think he's not going to play? How are we even having this conversation. It's Kobe. He "puts in work" - his legacy is the fact that he grinds. It's almost absurd imo to even consider that he doesn't play. I'm not saying this as a Kobe fan or hater, it just seems obv to me that Kobe will play unless he literally can't move or has his hand cut off or something.
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
02-29-2012 , 06:05 PM
Adande keeps insisting that it's not Kobe's decision, that the league's concussion rules might keep him out :fingerscrossed:
Minnesota Timberwolves- Re-re-rebuilding Time Quote
