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Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Michigan Football: HARBAUGH

02-15-2009 , 06:44 PM
Threet to announce tomorrow officially, sounds like. He's gone, in all likelihood.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-15-2009 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by JackWhite
Didn't hear about this. Where is that info from? I hope it isn't true. Threet showed enough last year that he will at least be a valuable backup. If he were to transfer we'd be razor thin again at QB.
Ugh. Tell me about it - now we have to cross our fingers that a) Denard can actually throw and b) our line can keep Tate clean enough to keep Sheridan on the sidelines.

Blessing in disguise - our depth chart just got a little more attractive to Devin Gardner et al
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-15-2009 , 09:23 PM
Can someone please source this Threet rumor?
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-15-2009 , 10:28 PM
GBW, Threet has already met with Rich Rod.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-15-2009 , 11:57 PM
If Threet does leave, I wonder if we'll ever hear him give the reason why. It's pretty obvious why he wants to go. I just wonder if he'll ever say it. I've read that Tate's timing and accuracy impressed a lot of people right away in voluntary workouts. And the people he impressed were already drooling over him and knew he was special before he even arrived in A2. Maybe the general feeling about the QB situation has already changed to Forcier being the clear #1 going into next season.

I think he's gone and that sucks. I really like him. I like his attitude. If his reason for leaving is that he is looking at going from redshirt freshman starter to a probable three seasons of being a backup, though, who can blame him? Threet's on borrowed time at Michigan. Tate is/was going to be the starter. It's only a matter of when. The best case scenario for Threet's Michigan career was that he would be the starter for all of '09 before stepping aside for Forcier. Even him making it through all or even part of '09 without being supplanted is a reach.

Maybe there's something else going on, but I doubt it. Threet's always seemed happy at Michigan.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-16-2009 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by MyTurn2Raise
Henson left Gill on the bench too long that game
Battle and Hamilton injuries hurt quite a bit

one of the most disappointing Illini games ever
i really hope i find a replay of that whole game one's hazy, as i was only 10, but seeing the highlights brought a lot back. you guys were STACKED. the ingame announcers and the guy reading the script on the show were talking about how huge an upset it was...i remember watching knowing my team would win, so that's my memory.

my how 20 years of sportsfan futility (save a split national title) will change that outlook in big

Originally Posted by mjw0586
Threet to announce tomorrow officially, sounds like. He's gone, in all likelihood.
i understand, and wish him well. i've been pointed to a couple peoples' opinions that tate is what everyone thought he'd be.

Originally Posted by heater
If Threet does leave, I wonder if we'll ever hear him give the reason why. It's pretty obvious why he wants to go. I just wonder if he'll ever say it. I've read that Tate's timing and accuracy impressed a lot of people right away in voluntary workouts. And the people he impressed were already drooling over him and knew he was special before he even arrived in A2. Maybe the general feeling about the QB situation has already changed to Forcier being the clear #1 going into next season.

I think he's gone and that sucks. I really like him. I like his attitude. If his reason for leaving is that he is looking at going from redshirt freshman starter to a probable three seasons of being a backup, though, who can blame him? Threet's on borrowed time at Michigan. Tate is/was going to be the starter. It's only a matter of when. The best case scenario for Threet's Michigan career was that he would be the starter for all of '09 before stepping aside for Forcier. Even him making it through all or even part of '09 without being supplanted is a reach.

Maybe there's something else going on, but I doubt it. Threet's always seemed happy at Michigan.
bolded is truf.

qb was going to be either an average threet, a true freshman, or a horrible sheridan anyway, i don't see this as a huge problem. qb was gonna be dodgy anyway..let the kid go try to get his shine elsewhere. he did what he could while he was here, and if there's no bad blood, then at least i don't have to put up another mallett-like voodoo in my computer room.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:21 AM
Apparently it's official, Angelique reporting. I wish Steve Threet nothing but the best. He went out there into a bad situation and played his heart out. He'll always be a Michigan man in my book. And, he did things the right way (met with Rich Rod, kept it quiet, etc.) unlike Mallett. Hope he does well, I'll be cheering for him.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:24 AM
RE: the mallet situation, I always thought it was extremely unfair for people to expect an 18 yo kid to know how to manage the media in the 'right way'. Good luck to both of them.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:29 AM
Not really about the media, more about the fact that Mallett didn't answer Rich Rod's phone calls, made it a big deal with the team, etc.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-16-2009 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
Not really about the media, more about the fact that Mallett didn't answer Rich Rod's phone calls, made it a big deal with the team, etc.
Well look at it from his situation, he basically signed football career over to a situation and then had the rug pulled out from underneath him 1 year in. He has every right to feel like he got screwed and he has every right to be pissed. The fact that he didn't handle getting screwed particularly well at 18 doesn't make me think any less of him.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-16-2009 , 04:08 AM
Yeah, being a douche at 18 is no sin.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-16-2009 , 08:38 AM
I didn't think that there was really anything wrong with the way Mallett left the team. He and his parents pretty much said, "No hard feelings. It just isn't the right fit." It's all the other douchey things that Mallett did prior to Rodriguez being hired that made me not mind him going. I didn't wish for anything bad to happen to Mallett, but I won't exactly be cheering for him, either.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-19-2009 , 12:18 AM
Ricardo Miller is moving from Florida to Ann Arbor and will be attending Huron for his senior year. Has any other kid ever moved to the city where he plans on going to college before his senior year in high school?
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-19-2009 , 12:42 AM
Huron blows imo. **** the river rats.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-19-2009 , 12:52 AM
We stomped the **** out of Huron in an exhibition soccer game my senior year. State champs yeahhhhhhh
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-19-2009 , 12:54 AM
lol what high school did you go to? I played for salem, lost in the state finals in 2002.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
02-19-2009 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by heater
Ricardo Miller is moving from Florida to Ann Arbor and will be attending Huron for his senior year. Has any other kid ever moved to the city where he plans on going to college before his senior year in high school?

Huron's QB is unreal lucky. Throwing to 'Cardo and Jeremy Jackson, are you kidding...
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
03-11-2009 , 02:07 PM
Devin Gardner on Monday. Rich Rod has his guy.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
03-11-2009 , 05:32 PM
mmmmm.....devin gardner....
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
03-11-2009 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by mjw0586
Devin Gardner on Monday. Rich Rod has his guy.
Flashback: "Kevin Newsome on Monday. Rich Rod has his guy."

DG > Newsome, he won't back out either
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
03-11-2009 , 06:51 PM
DG >>>>>>>>> Newsome
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
03-11-2009 , 09:42 PM
Gardner is probably a more solid commit than any of the other QBs last year considering where he is from. This is obviously awesome for now.

Feel free to quote this in 7 months when he's going to Tennessee.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
03-11-2009 , 10:05 PM
Gardner Jr. Tape

IIRC Cameron Gordon is #4
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
03-12-2009 , 05:38 PM
Gardner's coach says he's in, which we all pretty much knew, but still is le sexy. I was reading my favorite MSU message board when Gardner moved his announcement from Monday to Saturday and a few of them starting laughing saying that he was already changing his mind, and then one of the smarter guys was like, "Uhhh, this is the equivalent of a recruit announcing during Midnight Madness. Which way do you think he's going to go?"
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
03-14-2009 , 06:42 PM
Quote: reported that Warren (Ohio) Harding wide receiver D.J. Williamson gave Michigan and oral commitment for the 2010 season.

"Ever since D.J. was in the seventh or eighth grade, he always wanted to go to Michigan. That was just his dream. He always said he was going to play for Michigan," Williamson's mother, Willa, told the Web site.
Love the quote by his mom, sounds like a true Michigan man... not too much into recruiting just saw the article on the free press. anyone know of how highly this kid is rated?
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
