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Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Michigan Football: HARBAUGH

11-26-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by rafiki
I know that Michigan fan is pissed and all, but isn't there any satisfaction in knowing that the year Ohio runs the table, they don't even get to play for a national championship? I dunno I think that's awesome. How many times can a school really hope to do that over say a 20 year period? 3-4 max if lucky?
If we were, I dunno, say Wisconsin and this were truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I'd be pretty upset. As is, we've played in 3 national title games in the last 10 years. Our current coach has played in 2 in the last 6 years (and won both!). This is a speed bump. I'm sorry we're not more butthurt. But hey, if you want to pop some champagne because we're not bowl eligible despite the fact you lost to us (and three other games), go right ahead.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 11:38 AM
Ohio State is one Braxton injury away from being a 4 loss team
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Tom1975
If we were, I dunno, say Wisconsin and this were truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I'd be pretty upset. As is, we've played in 3 national title games in the last 10 years. Our current coach has played in 2 in the last 6 years (and won both!). This is a speed bump. I'm sorry we're not more butthurt. But hey, if you want to pop some champagne because we're not bowl eligible despite the fact you lost to us (and three other games), go right ahead.
Generally when a person says "I know that Michigan fan is...", it means he's talking about that fan base without being part of that fan base. I cheer for the guys that are actually going to win it all this year (which is a rare thing for me to be able to say as it turns out). And also:

u mad? Ya you mad

Your coach has played in 3 in the last 10. But it's been since 2002 since you won. Easy on the celebrating
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by rafiki
Generally when a person says "I know that Michigan fan is...", it means he's talking about that fan base without being part of that fan base. I cheer for the guys that are actually going to win it all this year (which is a rare thing for me to be able to say as it turns out). And also:

u mad? Ya you mad

Your coach has played in 3 in the last 10. But it's been since 2002 since you won. Easy on the celebrating
Huh what? Did Utah or Bowling Green sneak into a title game when I wasn't looking? Also I'm not celebrating anything, I'm just pointing out that we have a strong program with a bright future.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Quiz time. Who is one of the current Ohio state DCs?
FWIW I think Fickell being co-DC is mostly ceremonial, as Meyer couldn't get rid of him immediately considering Fickell's history with OSU. I expect him to leave within the next year or two to coach some lower level MAC team as either HC or sole DC.

Fickell is likely not a good DC, and the only coach on the staff that isn't regarded as elite. Maybe Mattison will want to reunite with his former boss?
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by z32fanatic
FWIW I think Fickell being co-DC is mostly ceremonial, as Meyer couldn't get rid of him immediately considering Fickell's history with OSU. I expect him to leave within the next year or two to coach some lower level MAC team as either HC or sole DC.

Fickell is likely not a good DC, and the only coach on the staff that isn't regarded as elite. Maybe Mattison will want to reunite with his former boss?
Yeah, that's my feeling as well. Fickell always struck me as your classic ex-jock who would make a fine position coach instructing D-lineman on proper technique and whatnot but that's really his ceiling. He was co-DC under Tressel as well but I think it's safe to say Heacock was really the brains of that tandem. Don't get me wrong, I loved him as a player and you have to admire his loyalty but it's clear his reach exceeds his grasp and it's time for him to move on to something that's more his speed.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Last I saw, Borges was still OC

and Fred Flintstone was CEO. How exactly are you going to actually get good?

Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 01:42 PM
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 01:46 PM
Originally Posted by Tom1975
Yeah, that's my feeling as well. Fickell always struck me as your classic ex-jock who would make a fine position coach instructing D-lineman on proper technique and whatnot but that's really his ceiling. He was co-DC under Tressel as well but I think it's safe to say Heacock was really the brains of that tandem. Don't get me wrong, I loved him as a player and you have to admire his loyalty but it's clear his reach exceeds his grasp and it's time for him to move on to something that's more his speed.
I'm not even that big a fan of Heacock. Once D'Antonio left, it became this pansy-ass bend but do not break defense that never took any chances and never put any pressure. Still, a huge step up from Fickell.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by TalkingDonkey

So you got 1 good player coming. Cool.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 03:14 PM
Michigan sent in Devin's redshirt request.. Hoke expects it to be granted
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 03:21 PM
Was pretty sick our lack of offensive creativity with the weapons we have.

All we needed to do was run the direct snap to Denard, and have him hand it back to the RB across the formation. Everybody would follow Denard and they had the back side open every single time on that play.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 03:25 PM
my biggest problem with running Denard the way we did in short yardage was that we simply didn't have enough blockers for him

Dye or someone said we should be able to get a yard or we don't deserve to win.. but that's not true if you're out-manned by 2 or 3 guys

the most blatant example of that was one of the 3rd and 1s where we had 2 other guys in the backfield and they ran the opposite way that Denard did... if they blocked (like RR used RBs), we would have been fine.. instead, the play had no chance from the beginning

Devin also should have been on the field on those plays.. we needed at least a threat of the pass to open up the box
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 03:47 PM
not rolling Devin out on those plays is just ******ed to away from your strength and go jumbo makes sense
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 04:02 PM
Originally Posted by z32fanatic
Lol@only caring about sports, to me if you are a fan of a school it should be for more then what happens on the field

I know your trolling but always thought true fans liked their school more then just sports
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 04:12 PM
Well it says Michigan athletes. Who are less likely to appreciate the school for its other attributes.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Burdman2321
Lol@only caring about sports, to me if you are a fan of a school it should be for more then what happens on the field

I know your trolling but always thought true fans liked their school more then just sports
FYI tOSU's masters program in poultry science pwns all year.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
Well it says Michigan athletes. Who are less likely to appreciate the school for its other attributes.
True but fans like us should like it for more then just the sports program that's a real fan IMO
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by Burdman2321
Lol@only caring about sports, to me if you are a fan of a school it should be for more then what happens on the field

I know your trolling but always thought true fans liked their school more then just sports
#1 Chess Team!
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 04:43 PM
Burd's going to Michigan State, don't let him fool you.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Dyenimator
Burd's going to Michigan State, don't let him fool you.
3.9 this semester homie no lolsparty for me (hopefully) lol
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 05:11 PM
you know what i was thinking about today as i was reading the toms trolling attempts?

didn't they say last year that 'ohhh, you only beat us by 6 at home and it was one of the worst teams ever'?

this year's version of that: 'ohhh, you only beat us by 5 at home, and the #2 leading rushing qb in NCAA HISTORY couldn't play, and we were starting (what amounts to a) redshirt sophomore with exactly 2 starts in his career under his belt'.

i mean, obviously eyerolls, but it's funny how these threads swing from year to year. last year it was 'lol you guys only winning by 6 against our team' and this year it's 'urbbz 4 lyfe!' when you only won by 5 at home against our redshirt sophomore qb making his 3rd career start.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 05:15 PM
Yea it clearly wasn't a dominating win but they won so they will troll I didn't see these ppl last year in this thread well cept for TC when we won ?
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 05:20 PM
tc will be here regardless, but even he is laughing at us saying the exact same thing he said last year.

it's cool, we lost. he gets the bragging rights for a year.

but the situations are basically the exact same thing.
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
11-26-2012 , 05:21 PM
Yea good points wiper
Michigan Football: HARBAUGH Quote
