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Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys

09-07-2011 , 01:05 AM
i have hardly any Cowboys players on my fantasy teams.

Should be a healthy year for us then! (had Romo in 5 leagues last year)

Last edited by yeotaJMU; 09-07-2011 at 01:11 AM.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-07-2011 , 12:16 PM
Originally Posted by Le Gonso
A kicker's I hope.

Not too excited about Robinson. He couldn't make a Chargers roster with 6 WR slots and two practice squad players beat him out. Injury history too.
i'd rather sign donnie avery. any news on who he'll end up with?
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-07-2011 , 12:17 PM
lol @ yeota

yeah bro i don't have any cowboys on my roster either. i think things are looking good for us!
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-07-2011 , 09:04 PM
So Newman not expected to play Sunday. Jenkins left the field with a knee injury, as did Tyron Smith. No real word is official but reports range from "might play Sunday to "out 3-4 weeks with hyperextended knee."
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-07-2011 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Le Gonso
So Newman not expected to play Sunday. Jenkins left the field with a knee injury, as did Tyron Smith. No real word is official but reports range from "might play Sunday to "out 3-4 weeks with hyperextended knee."
Jenkins or Smith out for 3-4 weeks?
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-07-2011 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Le Gonso
So Newman not expected to play Sunday. Jenkins left the field with a knee injury, as did Tyron Smith. No real word is official but reports range from "might play Sunday to "out 3-4 weeks with hyperextended knee."
Yeah I saw that on

The idea of Parnell starting is a little scary.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-07-2011 , 10:36 PM
Sunday has the potential to be a longgggg night.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-08-2011 , 07:34 AM
Originally Posted by yakkers
Jenkins or Smith out for 3-4 weeks?
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-10-2011 , 10:58 AM
From the new CBA:

Carrying Over Room. A Club may “carry over” Room from one League Year to the following League Year by submitting notice in writing signed by the owner to the NFL no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the start of the next League Year indicating the maximum amount of Room that the Club wishes to carry over. The NFL shall promptly provide a copy of any such notice to the NFLPA. The amount of Room carried over will be adjusted downward based on the final Room available after the year-end reconciliation,
So all of the unused 2011 cap space can be dumped into next year and help with the dead money. Supposedly $18m under right now.

The Jay Ratliff extension was is terrible. It's 5 year extension which doesn't even start until he's 32 years old, with $18m guaranteed.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-10-2011 , 11:49 AM
I guess/hope their plan is to move him to end at some point. Not that I agree with the contract for a guy his age but whatever.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-10-2011 , 12:38 PM
There's $18m guaranteed with a $10m signing bonus. In effect, he needs to play at a very high level through 2014 (where he'll be 34) for the Cowboys to break even on the deal.

I think he's outperformed his deal but I don't see why they took this approach. He still had two years left, they could have just played out 2011 and reevaluated after, or renegotiated/adjusted his deal to give him a pay raise.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-10-2011 , 01:22 PM
And don't get me wrong, JRat's a very good and deserving player, but new contracts and extensions should reflect what the player will do for you in the future. With Romo's restructuring (+Miles' and Ware's) and this new deal with JRat, the Cowboys have cannibalized all of their once-favorable big contracts.

Every year, were starting overpriced old veterans with big deals, or taking the cap hits that come from cutting them mid-contract. How many will it take for them to start employing some discipline? Ratliff's not likely to be a top player at 34 and sure as hell won't be at 37. He'll be a 2014 version of what Newman is today in all probability.

When he got his last extension in late 2007, it was a $20m 5-year deal based on one okay--but not amazing--season as a starter. It was actually a favorable deal for him then (based on what he did to that point), though reasonable as his contract was expiring and he showed some upside. But Jerry acts like he owes him a favor... it seems like we never get to enjoy a favorable contract for what it is. When was the last time we had a holdout or someone threatening to holdout?
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-11-2011 , 10:44 AM
That's something i thought about too that the cowboys never have hold outs. I guess guys don't need to hold out when they get premature contracts.

On another note Im watching hard knocks right now and was reminded that we kept Kevin Ogletree over Danny Amendola.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-11-2011 , 11:46 PM
standard ****ing meltdown
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-11-2011 , 11:50 PM
Hope tony romo dies....what a ****ing choke artist piece of **** he is, my gawd the ****ing worst.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 12:06 AM
Al Michaels jinxed him two plays before the fumble, talking about how he hadn't made any mistakes.

Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 12:20 AM
Can't tell if in for a long season or you can learn from that loss and no big deal. Losing more corners gotta sting.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 12:32 AM
I'd love to see a good replay of that play where Witten was called out at the 3. It sure looked like he made it at least inside the 1 live, and they never showed a good replay.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by vixticator
Can't tell if in for a long season or you can learn from that loss and no big deal. Losing more corners gotta sting.
I'm trying to tell myself the latter. I mean, OL played okay and should only get better as we go on. They moved the ball well for the most part against a top defense. Dez should be ****ing amazing when (if?) he can play four quarters at full speed. The defense is what it is; we might get into shootouts against a lot of teams but I still like our chances in those. And I can at least count our dumb penalties with one hand, which wasn't often the case last year.

Romo's Jeckyll & Hyde routine is starting to get old, though. The INT was bad enough; but his not tucking in the ball on the 3rd and goal play, and not expecting the snap on the last drive, remind me of things that Wade Phillips would have put up with and shrugged at. If Garrett and his staff are any good, mistakes like that need to disappear quickly.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 12:50 AM
This is the first time where I've ever really thought, jesus christ Romo, you really ****ed that up.

I mean, obv Seattle, but that was so flukey I don't even count it. He's had some bad games, but usually they are accompanied by lots of other people doing stupid **** too.

The fumble and INT were just...horrible. No other words describe it at all. Just "unclutch" mistakes.

This franchise just rips your ****ing heart out. I feel like Notre Dame kinda. Every year I watch them lose the weirdest ****ing games. Same thing for us. For once, if we're gonna lose, can't we just get our asses kicked and go home?
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 02:37 AM
Romo wasn't really that bad people, he played the same exact game as Sanchez, stats and all. Actually Romo was more accurate and was doing it against Revis/Cromartie/Jets defense. It's hard to hang 342 passing yards on those guys, esp with a new o-line and no running game happening. Yeah he made a couple turnovers but they won the passing game. And btw - everybody will forget the Sanchez 4th quarter fumble that happened right before Romo's when they were still behind. And they'll forget Sanchez's INT (that set up a Dallas TD) too. The INT seems lol but that's Revis, a guy who's pretty good at making QBs look bad.

Now someone tell me where our 4 running backs were at because they didn't show up. Oh and PS Choice looked like ass

Anyway, Scandrick out 3-4 weeks. Really wish we'd kept that rookie Thomas or signed Joselio even before that happened, now it's just bad.

PS- Romo didn't expect the snap because he didn't call for it. Costa's bad on that. It's not like the center decides when the ball is snapped, Romo wasn't nearly ready. You're going to see that type of thing with young line guys.

Last edited by Gonzirra; 09-12-2011 at 02:57 AM.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by ZBTHorton
This is the first time where I've ever really thought, jesus christ Romo, you really ****ed that up.

This franchise just rips your ****ing heart out. I feel like Notre Dame kinda. Every year I watch them lose the weirdest ****ing games. Same thing for us. For once, if we're gonna lose, can't we just get our asses kicked and go home?
+1 to these points, i said the same exact thing.

a perfect example is that saints game last year, Roy E running for game sealing TD when he gets stripped from behind on the 5 yd line and the saints obv go right down the field.

i dont wanna think about negatives anymore. ill take away this:

the defense did very well imo considering the lack of CBs, the two 3 and outs they forced at the end of the game were pretty huge (the 2nd being forcing the 50 yd FG)

i like how they rarely sat back with a 3 or 4 guy rush and were aggressive

romo looked good for 90% of the game, and he basically had 1 WR on the field

felix had flashes but the Oline didnt open up a lot of holes (understandable)

special teams (minus the punt block) was good- esp on kickoffs

bailey made his FG right down the middle, which wouldve been a kick i would be expecting buelher to miss

on the road, night game, hostile, 9/11 mojo etc, and had the game won

reminding me of the packers from last year in a way. scratch a way into the playoffs and scare people.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 04:54 AM
I really don't see the offense being an issue provided they can get the running game going and don't run into serious injury issues. They looked okay versus a very good defensive unit who might be the best we see this year.

It wasn't a sloppy horrible loss like what we saw a lot of last year, just a tough road gamend. And even then Dallas led for almost all of it. It could have (should have) been a lot worse. Imagine what a Phillip Rivers or Brady could have done to our 4th and 5th cornerbacks out there playing. This had to be settled by a blocked punt/TD as it was. 15 games left, if they can get their corners back they might be able to do something.

Sean Lee is looking sick though, let me see some more of that guy. Can't wait until Bruce Carter shows up too.
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 04:59 AM
I found it pretty weird, and now again reinforced, how they hyped up Romo's (new?) leadership skillzz during the lockout
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
09-12-2011 , 06:15 AM
Oh hey.

Why the **** did Buehler kick it to the ****ing 5 every time? Even if it was on purpose, why the **** do we need him on the roster for that?!?!?!?
Dallas Cowboys 2021: Offense and some Other Guys Quote
