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Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project

12-30-2012 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Number1Hater
Lions trying so hard to get us in the playoffs
and bears saying thanks but no thanks
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 05:02 PM
victory formation! let's go pack!
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 05:06 PM
put on your cheese heads and ask you daddy to bail you out
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 05:38 PM
Hester sucks
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 05:43 PM
Well...we did our job. Barely.

Cheering for the Pack is just so ****ing wrong.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by TheNonPareil
put on your cheese heads and ask you daddy to bail you out
lol nice start brah, have fun with AP next week.

gg season.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 06:52 PM
I sincerely hope the Packers never fire McCarthy.

What an egg they've conveniently decided to lay today. **** them, pulling hard for the Vikes next week to repeat this performance.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 07:05 PM
Originally Posted by Geddy Lee
I sincerely hope the Packers never fire McCarthy.

What an egg they've conveniently decided to lay today. **** them, pulling hard for the Vikes next week to repeat this performance.
Frazier's Chilly 2.0 and already let the Packers get the FG at the end of the half when they could've ran the clock down on them and didn't. They can still blow it.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 08:48 PM
3rd and long, 8 guys in coverage, still a wide open viking running down the field. How does that **** happen?
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 08:50 PM
Love Smith: HE GONE
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 08:56 PM
We probably deserve to miss, but man...going 10-6 and still missing is a kick to the nuts. This ****ing blows.

I already miss Urlacher
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 09:01 PM
If we had finished 7-1 and missed with a 10-6 record, I'd be kind of upset. As it is, it feels like we just avoided an inevitable embarrassment next week anyway. Time for Lovie to go.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by NDfan
Love Smith: HE GONE
buuuutttt the players love him... and play hard for him.

Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 09:13 PM
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by jacksquat
buuuutttt the players love him... and play hard for him.

wouldn't be surprised if they let him play out the final year of his contract
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 09:32 PM
john shoops playbook produced more offense than this year. sad.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by coolnout
wouldn't be surprised if they let him play out the final year of his contract
if this happens, the organization really doesnt give a ****. how long has lovie been here? 9 seasons now? only 3 playoff appearances, with back to back years of late season meltdowns. how do u keep paying this man.... basically just stealing money from the fans, a disgrace really
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:01 PM
Last year's meltdown was understandable. We lost our MVP.

This year's meltdown is far more disappointing.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:09 PM
Can't fire Lovie after going 10-6...

Keep Lovie!
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:10 PM
still, we needed only needed a couple wins with hanie vs very bad/mediocre teams, and couldn't get that done either.

there is no excuse. TJ Yates won a playoff game with houston last year. matt flynn filled in for rodgers and had what? 5 or 6 TDs vs the lions? the bears never developed hanie and we had him for 4 years i believe. that all falls on the coaching staff. i dont know, i just need a scapegoat right now, and that is Lovie.

this team is gonna be at the bottom of the nfc in the upcoming years. every other team is getting better, our D is aging, we have an abortion of an offense, our o-line is just pure aids, etc. gg chicago, its the early 90s all over again.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:12 PM
Apparently it's all Lovie's fault our good players get hurt and make us lose games we wouldn't have otherwise for 2 seasons and the Packers lost to the Vikings because I know every single one of the fire lovie posters would've posted (if they had) he made the playoffs so we should give him another year. Yes you would b/c you're saying b/c he missed the playoffs he should get fired. So if the packers had won he shouldn't have gotten fired. That thought process is awful b/c if the Pack Vikes game changes your mindset on something Lovie literally can't do anything about it's lol terrible.

We're a fantastic team when healthy and people don't realize that under a new staff it generally takes 2 years to fully learn the system (those rookies aren't actually playing that well just too many lol bad teams atm), this defense age wise doesn't have 2 years before we'll need to start replacing our studs (urlacher doesn't have 2 years to wait for a transition phase you fire lovie, we lose urlacher nearly 100% and pretty much start rebuilding, do we blow up everything and go chiefs next season is that what you want?).

There's so many openings and we do NOT pay head coaches $ so we won't have any shot at the top 5 candidates.

How is it Lovie's fault Cutler got injured? How is it Lovie's fault Urlacher and others (pretty sure Urlacher/Melton/Jennings were all out one game and that's at least 3 of our top 5 defenders) got injured? He doesn't drop passes, he doesn't call the plays, he doesn't block the defensive line, he doesn't want to play Kellen Davis (granted I'm just assuming this one).

I think Melton's a FA and we'll need to resign him before looking at the available left tackles.

edit--I actually don't like Lovie as a head coach but after seeing franchises get stuck with the Norv Turner's of the world or the Andy Reid types who constantly kicking when they shouldn't. Lovie isn't that bad.

Last edited by wheatrich; 12-30-2012 at 10:21 PM.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by Number1Hater
gg chicago, its the early 90s all over again.
It really isn't. The Cutler-Marshall combo isn't the problem. Alshon Jeffery isn't the problem. Hell, even Forte's fine, poor bastard hasn't really been healthy since the second week.

I think we can all agree the playcalling was once again abject and the o-line was arguably even worse. I refuse to believe these are issues that'll prove impossible to rectify.

On the plus side, Kellen Davis is never playing another game in a Bears jersey, so that's awesome.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
Apparently it's all Lovie's fault our good players get hurt and make us lose games we wouldn't have otherwise for 2 seasons and the Packers lost to the Vikings because I know every single one of the fire lovie posters would've posted (if they had) he made the playoffs so we should give him another year. Yes you would b/c you're saying b/c he missed the playoffs he should get fired. So if the packers had won he shouldn't have gotten fired. That thought process is awful b/c if the Pack Vikes game changes your mindset on something Lovie literally can't do anything about it's lol terrible.
Wat. I've been saying for years that Lovie should be gone, and he probably would've been several times over except for his uncanny knack for having a good season every time his job is on the line. What missing the playoffs does is gives our dumbass short-term-results-oriented management an excuse to do what they should have done years ago. I'm not saying he should be fired for missing the playoffs, I'm saying he should be fired for his performance the last 5-6 years. It's the idiots who would quickly forget that history in their euphoria over making the playoffs (even if we only made it due to an irrelevant Packer win) and say we should give him an extension.

Look, he's obviously done some good things and I'd love to keep him as DC if that were even remotely possible, but 9 straight years of below-average offense just can't be ignored or blamed on players or injuries. He's had 4 chances to pick an OC, so you can't blame the consistent problems over a decade on the coordinators, and even if they were all terrible, it was his job to pick them! I'm tired of heading into every season knowing that the plan is to be a bottom third offense and hope the defense can bail us out, which is basically Lovie's entire philosophy. If that means we have to take a step back for a couple years to rebuild, so be it. I'd hate to see him go, but Urlacher is not a player you build a franchise around anymore and we may not want to or be able to keep him next year anyway, even if Lovie comes back.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
12-30-2012 , 10:53 PM
Shouldn't we be looking to bring in an offensive minded head coach? We have weapons with Cutler, Marshall, Forte, and Jeffery. It's known that the defense is getting old and Lovie doesn't do offense.

Doesn't this dwarf the "but let Lovie leave with Urlacher, Tillman,... argument"?

I'm tired of seeing other teams light up the scoreboards, while the Bears have to call a timeout after every big play. These are the teams that are winning superbowls.
Chicago Bears: The Bear Mitch Project Quote
