Brag: Won my $20 3-person Fantazzle league. Win $50 (Site takes a pretty heavy cut
In two $5 10-person Fantazzle leagues, currently in first in both of them. Sweats are (predictions in bold):
League 1
My Foster + Owen Daniels + 2pts vs Peyton
(Close loss)
My Owen Daniels + 22 pts vs Peyton
League 2:
My Owen Daniels + 15 pts vs Peyton
My Foster + Garcon + 25 pts vs Peyton + Wayne
Passing TDs are 6pts. I figure Peyon puts up 300yds + 3TDs for 30pts at least.
So I'm expecting to get 2nd ($10) in one league and 3rd ($5) in the other for a total profit of $35
My team:
Fitzpatrick, Stafford
Gore, Foster, Run DMC
Britt, Garcon, Lloyd
Zach Miller, Owen Daniels
Last edited by Priptonite; 10-31-2010 at 11:53 PM.
Reason: Included team