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Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED

01-17-2013 , 06:28 PM
Its that time of year!!

Alright. I'm hosting 3 pools just like the last 3 years. Only the buyin/square changes, either 2$/10$ or 50$ per square. The draft will be supervised on teamviewer with reputable members.

For those who know nothing about football, well, you don't need any skills, you just need some luck.

The superbowl is February 3rd 2013

Here's how it works: (example from last year)

This board is numbered from 0 to 9 (grey squares). You take the last number of the score of each team for every quarter and the intersection of those squares win the $$$ associated with that quarter.

Pool #1(SOLD OUT)
Pool #2 (SOLD OUT)
Pool #3
Every square costs 50$, for a total prizepool of 5000$. There's a limit of 10 square/person.



Prize pool #1:

1st quarter: $25
halftime: $50
3rd quarter: $25
final score: $100

Prize pool #2:

1st quarter: $125
halftime: $250
3rd quarter: $125
final score: $500

Prize pool #3:

1st quarter: $625
halftime: $1250
3rd quarter: $625
final score: $2500

Pool #1 (SOLD OUT)

Ouimet (10)
kevdave (4)
kinghippo432 (5)
Illmath (5)
JPP (3)
Binette (10)
stoop (5)
TimleB (5)
Blacklist_77 (5)
Street.Light (5)
Brendl (10)
Marke (10)
zaerdy (2)
Aleximous (5)
Punisher (10)
Flex (6)

Pool #2 (SOLD OUT)

Ouimet (10)
kinghippo432 (2)
Illmath (4)
JPP (3)
Binette (10)
2decoeurs (10)
stoop (1)
TimleB (2)
Blacklist_77 (4)
Street.Light (2)
Brendl (10)
Marke (5)
Aleximous (3)
Punisher (10)
Mantor (3)
Gsquad (10)
dolce (9)
niky (2)

Pool #3 (31 left)

Ouimet (10)
JPP (1)
Binette (10)
2decoeurs (10)
LSP16 (2)
Brendl (10)
Mantor (1)
GSquad (1)
Clavet (10)
Irish (10)
eqn778 (4)

This is a crosspost from a french forum named Pokercollectif where I'm well known and legit. Here's the thread:

Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 07:15 PM
How many squares can I buy? Can someone vouch for OP?

I'd be down for 2 squares in the 50$ pool assuming OP is legit.
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 07:17 PM
yeah i'd hold off until we get someone to verify that this guy is legit

(in b4 "Lennay")

no hurry, the SB isn't for a bit, and i'm sure some legit regs here will be running pools like in every other year
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 07:20 PM
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 07:50 PM
It'd be cooler if someone from SE ran one of these. Someone step up please
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 07:51 PM
I'll get Kirbynator here so he can say I'm legit if u guys are ok with that

theres 21 left btw
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 07:59 PM
yeah he might help legitimize matters here
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 08:17 PM
he's legit
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by lenC
It'd be cooler if someone from SE ran one of these. Someone step up please
We usually do. I can't remember who ran it last year, might have been tuq or IRM
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-17-2013 , 08:26 PM
clowntable, still in for 2?

10 square max btw
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-18-2013 , 03:25 AM
res. 2 if you take BOFA, if you only take FT nvm
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-18-2013 , 09:52 AM
I only take moneybookers and FTP.
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-23-2013 , 10:58 AM
Never mind
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-24-2013 , 06:25 PM
In for 2?
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-30-2013 , 01:31 AM
any left?
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-30-2013 , 09:36 AM
In for 3 (10 squares).
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-30-2013 , 08:10 PM
Would be willing to take 1 if any left, pm me
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
01-31-2013 , 11:18 PM
Will take 1 or 2 pm me where to send
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
02-03-2013 , 09:03 AM
Any left pm if so?
Superbowl 2013!! Pool 50$/square. 100% LUCK!! NO SKILLS NEEDED Quote
