Originally Posted by DuckSauce
Well I figured thats standard and not the issue. The issue is using opta stats for developing picks when STATS INC uses different criteria for something like crosses. If I pick players that opta shows having a lot of crosses but stats inc has them at less crosses then its possible there would have been a better pick available if I had that info. Regularly seems crossing data is off.
Yeah definitely. Look at Trippier's profile for instance. He was credited with 2 crosses against QPR. The note at the bottom said he had "an impressive 13 crosses against QPR". The standard 11 cross discrepancy.
Wazzu, I don't think he is a must play, but you gotta get just the right guys in his place or it's bad imo. Soldado is also starting which means he may be farther from goal on average this game. He has played well there in the past though with about the same involvement around the box.