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MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League

03-09-2011 , 02:01 AM
Hey everyone. I'm running two pay leagues on yahoo this season and am looking for some owners! I have very good refs and have played poker for 7 years and been playing fantasy for just as long (started on espn now on yahoo). I'm looking for some very competitive owners who would like to join our league. It's a $50 buy in. Once all of the owners are assembled we will vote on the payout structure. Right now we have 3 owners and are looking for 5-7 more. I am the commish and can take the money on FTP or Paypal whichever is your preference. My sn is Epiphany86. City B. I'd prefer you notify me either here or through my email that you will be sending me money before you do so I know what the x-fer is for. We are fine with trash talk although lets be reasonable and we want this league to be fun and competitive. Can't wait for the season to start! Any questions you have feel free to do so here. I'll be in touch. You can also PM me for my aim/skype sn.

League ID#: 93100
League Name: $50 Entry Pay League
Password: griffey
Season Type: Full
Draft Type: Live Standard Draft
Draft Time: Sun Mar 27 7:30pm PDT [ Add to My Calendar ]
Max Teams: 10
Scoring Type: Head-to-Head - One Win
Player Universe: All baseball
Max Moves: No maximum
Max Trades: No maximum
Trade Reject Time: 2
Trade End Date: August 28, 2011
Waiver Time: No waivers
Waiver Type: Continual rolling list
Can't Cut List Provider: None
Trade Review: League Votes
Post Draft Players: Follow Waiver Rules
Max Acquisitions per Week: No maximum
Min Innings Pitched: 18
Weekly Deadline: Daily - Tomorrow
Start Scoring on: Week 1
Playoffs: Week 23, 24 and 25 (6 teams)
Divisions: Yes (2 divisions)
Playoff Seeding Options: All teams seeded according to overall standings

Roster Positions: C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, OF, OF, OF, Util, Util, Util, SP, SP, SP, RP, RP, P, P, P, P, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, BN, DL, DL

Batters Stat Categories: Runs (R), Doubles (2B), Triples (3B), Home Runs (HR), Runs Batted In (RBI), Stolen Bases (SB), Walks (BB), Strikeouts (K), Batting Average (AVG), On-base + Slugging Percentage (OPS)

Pitchers Stat Categories: Innings Pitched (IP), Wins (W), Losses (L), Complete Games (CG), Shutouts (SHO), Saves (SV), Strikeouts (K), Earned Run Average (ERA), (Walks + Hits)/ Innings Pitched (WHIP)

If you're lazy and want a one click link here ya go - $50 Fantasy Baseball League

MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-12-2011 , 11:07 PM
4-6 slots open now.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-17-2011 , 03:20 AM
Bump. Draft is coming up quick.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-20-2011 , 07:30 AM
Another owner joined that played in my bball league this year; 3-5 slots left.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-21-2011 , 09:22 PM
im interested I could send through paypal or stars
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-22-2011 , 06:14 AM
Originally Posted by AFox985
im interested I could send through paypal or stars
Paypal would work better because I don't play on stars. Go ahead and sign up and send to Glad to have you!
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-22-2011 , 12:57 PM
nvm, just in for the 200

Last edited by iloveny161; 03-22-2011 at 01:03 PM.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-22-2011 , 04:28 PM
Hey Mike,

Im interested but I have an auction draft at the same time so it wont work. Is the draft date firm?
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-22-2011 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by NickdaNutz
Hey Mike,

Im interested but I have an auction draft at the same time so it wont work. Is the draft date firm?
No. It's not firm but the whole league would have to agree on it. We certainly could push it back/move it up 30 minutes or an hour if that would allow you to do both? I haven't sent out the reminder emails with the draft info yet so let me know in the next 24 hours. I will wait to send them until I hear back from you if that will work or not.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-22-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by iloveny161
nvm, just in for the 200
Get in both!! LOL
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-23-2011 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by MF6
No. It's not firm but the whole league would have to agree on it. We certainly could push it back/move it up 30 minutes or an hour if that would allow you to do both? I haven't sent out the reminder emails with the draft info yet so let me know in the next 24 hours. I will wait to send them until I hear back from you if that will work or not.
I dont think I can do 2 at one time so it would have to switch days for me to be in. I can get in the 200 though for sure
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-23-2011 , 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by NickdaNutz
I dont think I can do 2 at one time so it would have to switch days for me to be in. I can get in the 200 though for sure
Well go ahead and register for now and post your preference for what day you'd like the draft to be. I don't mind moving it back to tuesday/wednesday if it means getting more people.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-23-2011 , 11:47 AM
Nick how about Tuesday same time?
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-23-2011 , 10:28 PM
That would work for me! I have sat night sun night booked for drafts so with the 200 on mon and this on tues works
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-23-2011 , 11:43 PM
Originally Posted by NickdaNutz
That would work for me! I have sat night sun night booked for drafts so with the 200 on mon and this on tues works
I just posted a message a little bit ago asking the league if they were ok with this. I haven't sent out reminders yet so I don't see it being a problem. Go ahead and register but you can hold off on sending until it's confirmed we're moving it to tuesday.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-24-2011 , 09:22 PM
Changed the draft to Tuesday at 7:30 PM PST. Had one guy drop so we're back at 5 owners now. Let's get some more people in this!
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-25-2011 , 02:13 AM
Dont send this guy a dime if you havent already. Has cheated at least one league in the past, not paying his current poker backer funds he owes, long time poker Multi-Accounter!!!

Last edited by WEC; 03-25-2011 at 02:29 AM.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-25-2011 , 03:01 AM
Originally Posted by WEC
Dont send this guy a dime if you havent already. Has cheated at least one league in the past, not paying his current poker backer funds he owes, long time poker Multi-Accounter!!!
Also...good read from his League Website where they remember him from 5 years ago in 2008 and include a number of threads to read about him

Anyone remember the mfitterer1 days?
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-25-2011 , 03:33 AM
Sorry, just to be complete...
This was actually thread started by guy that started accusations which proved correct
would you say this guy is cheating?

What I find even more appalling is the fact that his owners seem to be impervious to what is going on. You see several messages on the forum with questions about different league issues and see this ass answering. The poor owners actually see him as a wealth of information when in reality he's a cheating, lying scumbag.

Last edited by WEC; 03-25-2011 at 03:39 AM.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-25-2011 , 04:55 AM
Most of these bull**** accusations have already been gone through already in the past but I will be addressing the things that haven't later today. To the people in the baseball leagues you are welcome to leave if you feel there is some reason to believe I'm not legitimate but I will post actual accounts from others and let everyone know the full story and they can make their own judgements.

Let me be very clear about something. I have gotten accused of many things over the years and I am in no way a perfect person. I have never stolen from anyone, never cheated, and never had any immoral/unethical intent on anything. I have worked with some of the biggest backers in this game and while I have never involved myself greatly in the community I would like to post this in advance so that people understand I am not hiding anything but want to gather all of the information I have before I post more.

For anyone in the league or considering it I understand you may see these things and be scared to trust me but understand this after any/all money is collected I have NO PROBLEM SENDING ALL OF IT TO AN ESCROW. I won't be posting more in this thread about this but will post a link to where I lay everything out for everyone to take in.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-25-2011 , 09:16 AM
Second half of my statement didn't post originally so here it is..

Please understand I will not let this assclown get away with outright lies and have no intention of scamming any money from anyone. I am extremely up front and honest and will be dealing with this in the coming days. Unfortunately this is a public forum and people are allowed to post things that are completely untrue. If needed due to these "revelations" as they've been called I have no problem sending all collected funds to a trust worthy 3rd party before we start the league. I understand the situation at hand and want to make sure everyone knows their money is safe and protected throughout the season. I will post a link to the thread I am about to start creating back here so that people can follow everything if they choose to do so.

I hope you respect my being up front and apologize for getting involved with shady people. I will not let these clowns try and take my reputation that I have worked for 7 years to build. Just know that if someone posts something about me and I don't respond immediately that I am working on a bigger more organized thread that will soon be linked here. Feel free to pm me if needed or get in touch on aim/skype.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-25-2011 , 09:43 AM
Hello all that are in the League,

I am a payed member of this league and i am best friends with MF6, I vouch for fact that your money is not in danger. This is a legitimate league and I am very excited for the draft to come and the competitive season we will have. With the illegitimate accusation that are being said i felt the need to say that the pool money is in safe hands and that the pay out will come to the winner's at the end of the season with not hesitancy. If any of the owners have any questions or concerns feel free to share them as he will be reading all relevant threads prior to making his statement. Not only is your money safe, Michael is a good and honest friend and it is sad that he has to deal with these people.

MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-25-2011 , 03:50 PM
After a 2nd Poker Backer came on 2+2 to say he had mishandled a stake and owed him money, I checked into this persons history. After looking over tons of threads, posts, etc, over 8 years time, I can only tell you I would not trust this guy with 5 cents. So do not say you were not warned.

I have extensive history chasing down multi-accounters and scammers. The accusations I have read are far from BS. This guy has had many problems everywhere he has traveled. He is banned on many forums. And it is not the fact everyone is trying to persecute him. But he always has the same longwinded defense, same "I am breing accused unjustly" line, all the same last 8 years.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
03-27-2011 , 09:07 AM
Just a note to everyone that I'm not responding in these threads and that the link I provided earlier is where I am proving my innocence. I don't really expect more people to join due to these allegations as it will take some time to get everything sorted out but we do already have a full league so that's fine. More than likely will be sending all collected funds to an escrow.
MLB 2011  Buy In Fantasy Baseball League Quote
