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DFS Industry Discussion Thread DFS Industry Discussion Thread

10-20-2015 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by DefNotRsigley
i'm actually waiting for a check from DK from before the fiasco (but they said it takes 14 days, on day 14 today so i'm not complaining) and haven't received check from FD or DK for post Nevada thing

but i'm sure it will come eventually just not instantly
"mail takes time" is a slightly different issue and headline.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 06:27 PM
well i dunno if they mailed it or not

i trust them but who knows. what is ethan cashed it and bought him 80 gold chains and went ign'ant
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 06:38 PM
Potentially good news for PA. *Assuming they don't fence us off from the rest of the player pool.

State Representative George Dunbar (R – Westmoreland County) is amending a previous version of House Bill 1197, to specifically address daily fantasy sports. On Monday, Dunbar met with lobbyists representing the widely popular fantasy websites that allow players to wager money on single-day fantasy sports.

“That doesn’t mean get rid of Draft Kings and Fan Duel,” says Dunbar. “I want Draft Kings and Fan Duel in Pennsylvania. I want them operating in Pennsylvania.” Dunbar believes a partnership which would require the sites to operate in cooperation with Pennsylvania casinos would give the companies a more solid legal footing, restore consumer confidence, and pass some benefit onto taxpayers.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 07:18 PM
Waiting for stars to tell me how they converted my points. Seems light to me.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 07:41 PM
Did Stars decide not to run anything this coming weekend? Nothing in lobby.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 07:51 PM
WaPo article complete nonsense.Lazy journalism trying to piggyback off the DFS ''scandal.'' No mention of investigation clearing Ethan.A couple of lawyers who like to hear themselves talk.I know the feds like to confiscate peoples money,but it's usually small business and little guys who can't afford to fight back.Sieze the funds of millions of citizens for playing a game given de facto legalization by congress 9 yrs.ago,I'll take my chances.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 07:56 PM
internal investigation i think that is key

internal affairs at DK could be corrupt. there is a good documentary about this called The Departed
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by BillyPhelan
WaPo article complete nonsense.Lazy journalism trying to piggyback off the DFS ''scandal.'' No mention of investigation clearing Ethan.A couple of lawyers who like to hear themselves talk.I know the feds like to confiscate peoples money,but it's usually small business and little guys who can't afford to fight back.Sieze the funds of millions of citizens for playing a game given de facto legalization by congress 9 yrs.ago,I'll take my chances.
They added:


"This post has been updated to include a statement from FanDuel."
Which I believe is referring to:

“We’ve heard nothing from anyone – anywhere – in a position to know indicating it is remotely under consideration, and there is no reason it would be. Offshore poker was a very, very different industry. Further, we segregate player funds into a dedicated master client funds account to ensure player cash is segregated and we have more than sufficient funds to meet any player’s withdrawal requests at all times,” Sacco wrote.
And yet they did not bother to change the extremely misleading, exaggerated clickbait headline. mainstream media
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by DefNotRsigley
internal investigation i think that is key

internal affairs at DK could be corrupt. there is a good documentary about this called The Departed
Greenberg Traurig is a huge law firm that conducted the investigation led by a former US Atty.I'll leave it to the legal eagles on here to comment on the legitimacy of this type of investigation.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 08:29 PM
Draftkings cancelled my withdrawal request. I'm having a flashback to Fulltilt days.

Illinois resident. Made the withdrawal request last week for 4500. Pending up until 1230am this morning when 'admin cancelled' my withdrawal request.

Has the site stopped paying out to anyone else? I can get no explanation from customer service. I sent a request to them as soon as I saw the request had been cancelled (no explanation why). They responded back with 'check the FAQs'. There's nothing in the FAQs saying why they would cancel a withdrawal request without notifying the player.

Anyone else having issues with draftkings withdrawals?
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 08:34 PM
don't worry you'll get your money back instantly
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by BillyPhelan
Greenberg Traurig is a huge law firm that conducted the investigation led by a former US Atty.I'll leave it to the legal eagles on here to comment on the legitimacy of this type of investigation.
Sports Illustrated went into this "internal investigation" and basically said that yes, the law firm's reputation might make them unlikely to be associated with something or ill repute, but that any conclusions should be taken with a grain of salt because they are (1) being paid by DK, (2) can be lied to by anyone without repercussion, and (3) have attorney/client privilege with DK and are unlikely to reveal anything bad about the company. You saw with the Wells Report how a reputable law firm can produce a piece of trash internal investigation that has the appearance of being thorough but is too biased to be of any value.

Full article is here:
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 09:54 PM
I requested a withdrawal for $6k 2 days ago and got it approved today. Illinois resident.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 10:03 PM
New competition between DK and FD.Who can have the most ex-feds on the payroll.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-20-2015 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
I requested a withdrawal for $6k 2 days ago and got it approved today. Illinois resident.
They must have felt bad after your epic loss.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Chippa58
With all due respect, I believe DFS is being challenged by the US Attorney's Office in Tampa. I don't think my local rep has any pull with them. Its also very clear that DFS has many Florida players. I'll leave it to the sites to release those numbers to all interested representatives.

DFS had their exemption carved out of the UIGEA and those in charge were giddy with greed and power, and now are in the process of seeing it blow up on them. I'm not going to be able to stop that, and neither is my representative. If the networks and major sports leagues can't save it, we can't either. Lets hope that the DFS lawyers can save the day.
The US Attorney is involved because they think the sites broke the state law, which in turn violates federal laws. So sure contacting your rep could certainly matter (though obv unlikely). It's basically an opinion of an AG there from 80 years ago.

in other matters

Preet Bharara is back at it again trying to destroy careers.

google wsj preet bharara fantasy to see article (link would stick you behind paywall)

DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 01:33 AM
party at the doj?
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 04:05 AM
I just can't get over how we've gone from a dumb tweet/lucky bink to what feels more and more like the death throes of a multi-billion dollar industry in 3 weeks.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
I just can't get over how we've gone from a dumb tweet/lucky bink to what feels more and more like the death throes of a multi-billion dollar industry in 3 weeks.
I think the industry will survive, a few states might ban it but I don't think most/many will. I guess you can say that one tweet ignited the current mess, but that tweet is not the cause of this, as some similar spark was inevitable to ignite all this. There has been a lot of pent-up emotion for a long time that was trying to be heard but was not only going unheard but also being actively censored by most of the industry. When they tried to cover up this tweet as well, I guess it just reached a breaking point.

The issues we are dealing with now have been brought up years ago and could have been dealt with in this industry's infancy but were chosen to be ignored in return for short-term profits, and now we have a much bigger problem on our hands. Hopefully, we can start taking a more long-term approach to things as that is what this industry needs to survive.

Last edited by Shoe; 10-21-2015 at 04:22 AM.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 04:37 AM
I get the gist of your post and DFS does have a lot of real issues, some of which I've hammered away at on RG and here to a lesser extent long before this mess. but lets not kid ourselves, Preet, Vegas (along with Ill, PA, Fla, maybe Col, and whoever else joins the list tomorrow) aren't taking these actions because they've heard bad things about scripting or lineup selling or syndicates. It's all due to the in they were given with ethangate, and as far as I can tell there isn't an anti-DFS actor in the bunch that's doing this to help the downtrodden DFS masses or fix the game. In every case it's all about money, or politics, or both.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Losing all
I just can't get over how we've gone from a dumb tweet/lucky bink to what feels more and more like the death throes of a multi-billion dollar industry in 3 weeks.
I'll never understand how there are so many people out there who not only think all of this stuff (gambling) should be illegal, but actually spend legitimate government resources on making it happen. I've gambled and placed some bets in Vegas and it just felt like a normal activity. I just came away feeling baffled as to why what I was doing is illegal in every other state.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 09:45 AM
Originally Posted by cb92
I'll never understand how there are so many people out there who not only think all of this stuff (gambling) should be illegal, but actually spend legitimate government resources on making it happen. I've gambled and placed some bets in Vegas and it just felt like a normal activity. I just came away feeling baffled as to why what I was doing is illegal in every other state.
You can bet on just about anything legally in a good portion of the country.The one thing you can't bet on with any significance except for Nevada is sports.The same industry that gave it's gold seal of approval to DFS is the major force blocking legal sports betting,the major sports leagues led by the uber hypocritical NFL.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 10:03 AM
If you can gamble everywhere then there is no reason to go to vegas
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by cb92
I'll never understand how there are so many people out there who not only think all of this stuff (gambling) should be illegal, but actually spend legitimate government resources on making it happen. I've gambled and placed some bets in Vegas and it just felt like a normal activity. I just came away feeling baffled as to why what I was doing is illegal in every other state.
with the amount of entries DK gets on Sundays I'm amazed every single anti-gambling lawyer and their mother aren't playing as well.
DFS Industry Discussion Thread Quote
10-21-2015 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by coordi
If you can gamble everywhere then there is no reason to go to vegas
strip clubs?
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