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$$$ Won Without Showdown $$$ Won Without Showdown

11-21-2008 , 05:31 PM
When graphing poker stats, I have no idea how to analyze and interpret this line. Besides the obvious general understanding of what it means, what is the importance of this stat?
Should this number always be positive, or is it possible to be a significant winner in games while this number remains negative?
I see a wide variety of differences in this stat, and would like to be able to grasp how to consistently see an upward trend in it.
$$$ Won Without Showdown Quote
11-21-2008 , 08:38 PM
I theory, if you play tight and aggressive, and other players know this, you'll win more without showdown. The problem is that generally, you want to encourage people to go to showdown with you with worse hands, so you can maximize your winnings. So, you need to loosen up, or basically deviate from TAG style once in a while to loosen up your table image. Overall, you need to maximize your total winrate, not your winrate with or without showdown. Depending on who you are playing against, that may mean either more or less money won without showdown. Meaning, sometimes more showdowns means better winrate, and other times worse.

In general, the more times you go to showdown with the best hand, the better, and the more times you win without showdown with worse hand, the better.
$$$ Won Without Showdown Quote
11-21-2008 , 09:16 PM
So LAGier type players will almost always have a negative $ won without showdown? But the balance of ppl calling them down light makes up for it?
$$$ Won Without Showdown Quote
