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why isn't running it twice standard? why isn't running it twice standard?

09-05-2010 , 04:49 AM
^^^ This.

I consider 'running it twice' a sign of weakness. Almost as bad as "wanna check it down?"

When people say things like that, I insta shove them.
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-05-2010 , 04:51 AM
I think running it twice is a nice way to play safe if you and your opponent are in for it
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-05-2010 , 04:59 AM
The question you need to ask yourself is why do you feel the need to 'play it safe'.

Then the next question you need to ask yourself is how can you exploit players that have this need?
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-05-2010 , 05:03 AM
Well I agree running it twice is same ev (minus $1 rake at FTP) and lower variance but idk I kinda like variance makes fish (me) think they're good. Also I run good at flips so why would I want to lower the variance? I mean I personally don't even RIT when I'm shot-taking but can perfectly understand people who do. If anyone is running it twice at their normal stakes I just think they're pussies .

ok not really I mean honestly don't care I just choose not to do it so w/e could care less if other people do it with each other.
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-05-2010 , 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by zachvac
only pussies run it twice (unless they're shot-taking or something).
yes! i always knew durrr and jungleman (and half HS) were pussies (maybe they are just taking shot idk)
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-05-2010 , 12:56 PM
Please stop arguing about whether people who want to run it twice are "pussies" or not. It's stupid. Some people like to do it, some do not.
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-05-2010 , 08:14 PM
the way to exploit RIT in the standard low to midstakes live games most of us will have an opportunity to encounter it in is aggressive semibluffing.

When they fold, you don't show them a bluff and then they get the option to call but for half the pot. No, you win the whole pot when they fold. When you get called you still get your pot equity (which doesnt change).

If you are in a game where you suspect or know some people are doing this (aggressive semibluffing) then not running it twice the times you actually have a hand to call is probably the best strategy (if they know they get one shot against you you will get to realize your equity (showdown) more often because they'll need stronger draws to semibluff you).

If you are in a "friendlier" game where no one is really taking advantage of it you should
a) probably RIT the times it comes up to keep the game going/reduce
variance/not offend or piss off a big fish (by refusing to RIT with him) that
may play tighter vs you or refuse you action in the future for it
b) Exploit the fact that RIT is standard in said game by aggressively
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-05-2010 , 10:02 PM
umm what? RIT doesn't change the ev so why would whether you RIT in different scenarios change the optimal play in the slightest?
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-05-2010 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by RustyBrooks
Do you think this is good, or bad? And why?
I think it depends on your style of play. For me it would probably be a negative. I play well below my comfort level in terms of stakes so going all in means very little in respect to BR. If I feel it is the right decision I will push or call all in without any regard for the stakes. Fold equity does drop when guys can chase a draw twice. So it may change my action going after someone I feel is on a draw. Even calling all in the dynamic changes because the other guy may be pushing because he is hoping for a fold but if he does not get the fold he can chase his flush or straight twice.

If you HAD to run it twice I would be super aggressive betting with draws. I get some fold equity for the whole pot and I get to run it twice if called. I am sure my game would evolve some but from my own experiences to date this would be my basic strategy.
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:34 PM
the only reason the pros run it twice is to reduce variance, because it kinda shows who's better in a way. Most of the time they are just getting it in as a coin flip or close enough to a coinflip. They play to super aggressive to not just run it twice, it's pointless to run it twice vs complete fish because that ruins your edge, the pros don't have that much of an edge on each other?
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-06-2010 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by ashipsomewhere
it's pointless to run it twice vs complete fish because that ruins your edge
No. Edge doesn't change whether you run it once or twice. The reason we don't want to run it twice vs. fish is the reason they keep playing is when they suck out and win huge pots whereas if they are more consistently splitting the pot or losing a lot (say they're 20% to win instead of doubling up 20% they only double up 4% of the time now) they're way less likely to have selective memory get them and they probably won't play as long.
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-12-2010 , 09:36 AM
I dont like running it twice or more. If I do other players will call my all-in raises much more, knowing they'll have a "second chance" to win something, which I really dont want to happen.
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-12-2010 , 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Svizac
I dont like running it twice or more. If I do other players will call my all-in raises much more, knowing they'll have a "second chance" to win something, which I really dont want to happen.
Are they calling behind? If so, you'd like them to call you more often, not less. I mean what you describe is a dream situation where it sounds like your opponents think they have a better chance running it twice than once.
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-12-2010 , 03:59 PM
I'm not sure you lose fish running it twice either. For every one you lose because they don't get lucky and double up, you may very well gain one that enjoys the "escape hatch" to half the pot that running it twice offers.
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
09-12-2010 , 05:40 PM
because i hate chopped pots

run it 3 times or nothing
why isn't running it twice standard? Quote
