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When opp. adjusts to our strat When opp. adjusts to our strat

09-19-2015 , 07:38 PM
-Say you are exploiting an opp. unbalanced range for a while and then he notices so he re-adjusts by making his range balanced so now it becomes break even/unprofitable to exploit it.
-Or opp. adjusts by playing exploitative against us (which means he is still exploitable it just means we need to play balanced instead with our particular range)

Does this mean that his other ranges are now exploitable... when he balances his adjusted range.

Also while we are trying to exploit him im guessing a good opp. will be trying to exploit us as well lol.
(we can't always play offense/exploitative and that we sometimes have to change and play defense/GTO?)

Is this what poker is?

If opp. is balanced we can't exploit him (we can't bluff him off) so instead we just bet all our nutted hands vs. him and he will call with his entire range so that means we win vs. his marginal range a portion of the time (and we only have a nutted range for betting which means we never lose but our opp. CAN lose). But ALSO we exploit our opp. unbalanced range in a diff spot with our air + marginal range(s).
Though this does make our betting range polarized so we have to be aware of him trying to exploit that so...

Last edited by Evoxgsr96; 09-19-2015 at 07:54 PM.
When opp. adjusts to our strat Quote
09-20-2015 , 09:20 AM
Balancing will also involve bluffing. You can't expect to only value bet and have villain continue to call.
When opp. adjusts to our strat Quote
09-21-2015 , 02:19 PM
I prefer to look at it from the other angle. Start by playing a balanced GTO-ish style, but deviate from it when you notice an opponent has exploitable tendencies. e.g. If I find he's folding the river at an exploitable tendency, then I'll start bluffing more rivers. If he's calling a lot, then I'll cut down on my bluffs.
If you're already balanced/GTO, villain can make all the adjustments he likes. He still won't beat you.
When opp. adjusts to our strat Quote
09-21-2015 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by just_grindin
Balancing will also involve bluffing. You can't expect to only value bet and have villain continue to call.
Well when villain adjusts (by folding more of his marginal hands) i will start balancing some with bluffs and marginals (is there even a point to adding bluffs if opp. is balanced?) villains only adjust once ever or maybe a few times and villain may just keep playing his same range strat throughout postflop and may think we are just getting lucky

Last edited by Evoxgsr96; 09-21-2015 at 03:43 PM.
When opp. adjusts to our strat Quote
09-21-2015 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I prefer to look at it from the other angle. Start by playing a balanced GTO-ish style, but deviate from it when you notice an opponent has exploitable tendencies. e.g. If I find he's folding the river at an exploitable tendency, then I'll start bluffing more rivers. If he's calling a lot, then I'll cut down on my bluffs.
If you're already balanced/GTO, villain can make all the adjustments he likes. He still won't beat you.
Yeah ive heard that before play gto in first few orbits once you get a read on an exploitable tendency switch to exploitative... and also there was a post somewhere that someone made but here it is... ill just copy and paste it lol

Step 1: Take a line for value. See if you get paid off or not on your monster
Step 2a: If you get folds, then start using the line as a bluff occasionally
Step 2b: If you get the value, keep using the line for value until you start getting folds. Then proceed to 2a
^In general (not all lines are going to be the same situations/circumstances)

Last edited by Evoxgsr96; 09-21-2015 at 03:43 PM.
When opp. adjusts to our strat Quote
09-21-2015 , 04:19 PM
Irrelevant question but if an opp. has a balanced range say we know he is balanced/protected for calling the turn IP (does this equally with his entire range) but does it apply to whatever line he is taking throughout the hand.

Does this mean whenever he calls the turn IP he is balanced (regardless of the line) or...
IS IT A SPECIFIC LINE THAT OPP. TAKES THAT INCLUDE CALLING TURN IP. Such as what is the difference between call flop IP, call turn IP vs. bet, call turn IP (is opp. balanced in both)? Or is one line weighted more towards less nutted hands then the other...
When opp. adjusts to our strat Quote
