Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
I prefer to look at it from the other angle. Start by playing a balanced GTO-ish style, but deviate from it when you notice an opponent has exploitable tendencies. e.g. If I find he's folding the river at an exploitable tendency, then I'll start bluffing more rivers. If he's calling a lot, then I'll cut down on my bluffs.
If you're already balanced/GTO, villain can make all the adjustments he likes. He still won't beat you.
Yeah ive heard that before play gto in first few orbits once you get a read on an exploitable tendency switch to exploitative... and also there was a post somewhere that someone made but here it is... ill just copy and paste it lol
Step 1: Take a line for value. See if you get paid off or not on your monster
Step 2a: If you get folds, then start using the line as a bluff occasionally
Step 2b: If you get the value, keep using the line for value until you start getting folds. Then proceed to 2a
^In general (not all lines are going to be the same situations/circumstances)
Last edited by Evoxgsr96; 09-21-2015 at 03:43 PM.