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What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s?

11-12-2011 , 03:45 PM
put him on a busted draw or kq/set, because with thinner value hand he would have to fear the turn and the rivercard, so he eliminated all one pair hands like ak, aq, aa, jj, tt etc - those would've slowed down obviously.

additionally he could have reads on all kind of things, like betsizing, which we don't know anything about.

all in all laaks story probably didnt add up to mr pa and so he called.

just my 2 cents
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 03:58 PM
howard lederer is such a nit
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 03:58 PM
Phil Laak is a gigantic nit so he's extremely polarized in this spot, even more so than a lot of other opponents would be 3 barreling this board.

The only way Phil Laak can have KQ there is if it's KQ. He isn't betting K high like that into 2 players, either of whom could've been set mining and have a made hand. He's too much of a nit.

I think KK and QQ are the only two value hands he expects to see there.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Polsk23
howard lederer is such a nit
Why? I would probably fold his hand as well. PA doesn't think he's ahead either, he's just drawing to 5 outs (otf) and picked up more (ott) instead of Lederer's 2 against Laak's perceived range and is hoping to double up.

And he certainly doesn't think he's ahead on the turn either, since he doesn't raise his pair+fd. They both gave Laak credit for a hand until the river, when he was so polarized.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 04:01 PM
Its a spot where Antonius must have felt that laak had very few combos of hands that he would use that sizing on all three streets. If Laaks opening range is relatively wide and hes barreling alot of his air than its a pretty easy call. Its worth noting that picking up the flush draw on the turn made a huge difference in Antonius decision to call down. If that king is an offsuit king, hes folding imo
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by fournines
And he certainly doesn't think he's ahead on the turn either, since he doesn't raise his pair+fd. They both gave Laak credit for a hand until the river, when he was so polarized.
doesn't matter if he thinks he's ahead or not. his hand is so weak, that he will never be called by worse if he raises especially against laak.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 04:06 PM
Agreed he's never called by worse, but he sometimes folds better and he always folds air/collects dead money/avoids having to make a tough river decision if he doesn't bink anything.

Ts4s there has 50.75% equity on the turn against top 10% of hands, his hand isn't that weak. Of course, against a much narrower range of AA/KK/QQ/AK it is. I think he was assuming that narrower range until the river bet.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by fournines
Phil Laak is a gigantic nit so he's extremely polarized in this spot, even more so than a lot of other opponents would be 3 barreling this board.

The only way Phil Laak can have KQ there is if it's KQ. He isn't betting K high like that into 2 players, either of whom could've been set mining and have a made hand. He's too much of a nit.

I think KK and QQ are the only two value hands he expects to see there.
I think if he's betting him AJ here he's betting KQ (w/ 1 or 2 hearts) fairly often aswell, I doubt having the low end of a gutshot made a huge difference.

Robl explains it here. Basically KQ and KK became his only value hands and I'm guessing that was combined with Antonius having a strong gut feeling/read that Laak was bluffing.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by fournines
Phil Laak is a gigantic nit so he's extremely polarized in this spot, even more so than a lot of other opponents would be 3 barreling this board.

The only way Phil Laak can have KQ there is if it's KQ. He isn't betting K high like that into 2 players, either of whom could've been set mining and have a made hand. He's too much of a nit.
Howard is a bigger nit. How often is he calling a 7x raise in fairly early position with pocket twos? Even if he would call 100% with 22-44, they make up nine combos in his range on that flop. OMG he might have a set!

And Howard is going to be a huge nit with Antonious left to act.

Antonious is protecting his straddle--he is going to miss the flop more often than not.

If Laak is not capable of c-betting with air (KQ) how is he capable of betting the river with air?

Originally Posted by fournines

I think KK and QQ are the only two value hands he expects to see there.
22, 33, 44 AK, AA, A5s, 56s?

(I think the straddle from a player oop increases the likelihood he opens with 22, 33, 44, A5s, and 56s)
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 04:34 PM
I'm saying that Laak bet like 3/4 pot into 2 players, isn't he trying to rep a big overpair here? I didn't mean that he was trying to rep a set.

As Robl said, there are also a lot of awful turns for Lederer, does he want to just passively call down two more barrels with 88?

Of course, as you said PA behind him is a big factor as well.

22, 33, 44 AK, AA, A5s, 56s?

(I think the straddle from a player oop increases the likelihood he opens with 22, 33, 44, A5s, and 56s)
Certainly, but this is Phil Laak we're talking about. And I think he wants to get to showdown with strong one pair hands. Neither draw got there - so what is PA going to call him with that isn't crushing one pair?
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Dominos
I think if he's betting him AJ here he's betting KQ (w/ 1 or 2 hearts) fairly often aswell, I doubt having the low end of a gutshot made a huge difference.

Robl explains it here. Basically KQ and KK became his only value hands and I'm guessing that was combined with Antonius having a strong gut feeling/read that Laak was bluffing.
Where can I get more of those commentary videos?
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 09:35 PM
Originally Posted by Dominos
I think if he's betting him AJ here he's betting KQ (w/ 1 or 2 hearts) fairly often aswell, I doubt having the low end of a gutshot made a huge difference.

Robl explains it here. Basically KQ and KK became his only value hands and I'm guessing that was combined with Antonius having a strong gut feeling/read that Laak was bluffing.

This. Laak almost never value bets against the great players on the river for whatever reason. He would have probably checked almost everything down except KK and since KK was so unlikely he made the fantastic call.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 09:37 PM
Are some of you guys actually proposing that Phil Laak, a professional poker player, is not capable of continuation betting without A high...

And that he would have checked hands like KQ and QQ on the river...

Call on the flop is standard, Call on the turn is standard, He obviously called on the river because of a tell, whether it was bet sizing or physical we will never know

Last edited by mp2012; 11-12-2011 at 09:46 PM.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-12-2011 , 10:22 PM
Quality Gabe quote in there "poker players think any movie with a hooker in is a love story"
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-13-2011 , 12:40 AM
this video explains it all.. poker is a game of skill
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-13-2011 , 07:54 PM
I think that Patrick antonius put laak on a bluff that's why he call on the river ...
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-15-2011 , 10:39 AM
Phil Laak checks when he has a hand to trap, and bets big when he doesn't. He was betting too big - not in general, but this is just how Laak plays.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-15-2011 , 05:28 PM
Lederer should have raised on the flop. That's what Tom Dwan would do. It's an overpair to the board; one opponent is extremely loose and the other is just the opposite. Has Lederer ever won a pot on High Stakes Poker?

Aside from that, I agree with those who say that Laak is an extremely tight and cautious player who isn't value betting the river without a monster like KK. And anyone who thinks Laak is open raising that much in early position with A5 suited doesn't know who Phil Laak is.

What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-15-2011 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by darrick
Lederer should have raised on the flop. That's what Tom Dwan would do. It's an overpair to the board; one opponent is extremely loose and the other is just the opposite. Has Lederer ever won a pot on High Stakes Poker?

Aside from that, I agree with those who say that Laak is an extremely tight and cautious player who isn't value betting the river without a monster like KK. And anyone who thinks Laak is open raising that much in early position with A5 suited doesn't know who Phil Laak is.

huh? dwan would never raise there with 88 3way lol
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-15-2011 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by DieHard
huh? dwan would never raise there with 88 3way lol
Ok... why not?

What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-15-2011 , 06:02 PM
I searched this thread for 'he's f****** patrick antonius' results.

That is my answer.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-15-2011 , 08:03 PM
Check Out how laak usually Plays his overpairs. He usually checks back either flop or turn with them. Usually: check back flop, weak/small bet on the turn. So he can't have an oveepair in this spot, easy call for PA.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-17-2011 , 10:19 AM
Actually all you need to do is listen to Gabe Kaplan, dude is silly but knows his ****. Laak fired a bit too quickly plus Antonius vs Laak had some history earlier in the evening.
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
11-18-2011 , 01:30 AM
It's all Howard's fault, weird things always happen when the best hand folds
What Thought Process Allowed Patrick Antonius Make This Call Against Phil Laak With Only 4s? Quote
