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what do you do when runing bad? what do you do when runing bad?

08-30-2009 , 03:04 PM
i would like to hear from winng players if i am having bad day getting coolered bad cards etc down a few buy ins should i quit for the day or grind though it?
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-30-2009 , 03:52 PM
There is no universal answer for this. If the games are fishy and you feel good just keep on playing. If you feel the bad run has affected you, take a break or quit for the day, especially if the games aren't that juicy.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-30-2009 , 04:41 PM
If I keep playing when I'm running bad, it rarely turns into a winning day for me. I'll get tired & frustrated & make bad decisions -- maybe not right away, but over time, my game will deteriorate slowly enough so that I'm not really noticing it.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-30-2009 , 05:28 PM
This is probably a better question for the psychology forum. But I feel I have to plug Tommy Angelo's books, website and videos at this point because the issue of tilt and playing badly because of it is what he is all about. It's good stuff.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-30-2009 , 10:56 PM
Imo, unless you are one of the rare people who can be 100% honest with yourself about why you are getting coolered (did you play J2 because it was suited and you were bored, then got out drawn), you establish a stop loss amount and be disciplined about it. If you don't quit for the day, at least take a break.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-30-2009 , 11:26 PM
move down in limits, get back to winning, get confidence back.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-30-2009 , 11:54 PM
I try to walk away and come back a day or sometimes a few hours later. That is the beauty of online play, you get to chose the time and game you want.

Before I would always try and play through bad runs and it cost alot of money. I did do some really good turnarounds, but not nearly enough to cover me chasing losses.

It takes disapline to leave when you are down, and the more competitive your nature the harder it is.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 01:14 AM
grind through it if you feel your play has remained unaffected. we all know bad days happen and shouldn't be surprised by them. but if i feel really tilted or if its gone on for a few sessions and i feel scared i'll take a day or two off, sweat my buddies, talk poker theory, or go over hands that i've saved from previous sessions that i might have made a mistake on. ohh, and golf golf golf, even just the driving range.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 01:17 AM
ohhh one thing we all have to remember and i think someone touched on is that online poker is so great cause the game will always be running when you want to come back. and days off are often times a LOT less expensive than playing when you aren't on your A game. i find this is even more true in cash games as soooo many spots you begin to think are standard are in fact not.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 01:39 AM
martingale of course
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 03:30 AM
Originally Posted by pooflinger
i would like to hear from winng players if i am having bad day getting coolered bad cards etc down a few buy ins should i quit for the day or grind though it?
If you can be honest with yourself, keep playing. By that I mean, if you are truly running bad (getting out-drawn, getting coolered, and getting your money in good) then what you've already lost or won makes no difference. You start each hand at even, just the money you have in front of you at that point. If you have a hard time realizing when you're running bad vs. when you've let a bad beat affect your play, then just get up, try to figure out where you could have played better, and start again once you feel confident you can play your A game.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 08:07 AM
I play untill it's absolutely silly. And by that I mean that it's so silly that it's unplayable. Otherwise I grind through it.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 02:34 PM
From my own personal experiences I have noticed that running bad and tilt are very much related. Tilt is, in many cases, ignited by running bad. Often times, one thinks they are running bad for a longer than normal period because tilt has now mixed in with the run bad. This mixture of tilt and run bad causes a seemingly endless downswing. In my opinion a longer than normal downswing is often never a result of just running bad. The problem is most players, as in other life endeavors, don’t want to take responsibility for their own actions. It’s much easier to blame only running bad, then to admit you may have tilted some of these Bis away with poor play. So, I would say always take some kind of break when you start getting coolered, whether it’s minutes or days, your bankroll and your psyche will thank you for it.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 02:48 PM
thats a extensive topic which goes from north to south... i would only stop playing for two reasons;

1) you are not longer playing your best game; you are on tilt
2) you cant beat the game anymore because the other players are stronger than you...

if you think you are tilting its truely the right decesion to quit im struggling with the same problems... its so hard to play well threw the entire session if we are running badly but this is what we should strife for.

Try to ask yourself some general question: what brought you on tilt and how could you avoid this pitfalls?
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by pooflinger
i would like to hear from winng players if i am having bad day getting coolered bad cards etc down a few buy ins should i quit for the day or grind though it?

Assuming you're not referring to tilt, then you are simply not playing aggressively enough.

You don't have as many problems running bad when you are playing aggressively due to fold equity.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
08-31-2009 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by lynch1000s
Assuming you're not referring to tilt, then you are simply not playing aggressively enough.

You don't have as many problems running bad when you are playing aggressively due to fold equity.
I disagree... running bad and playing aggressive causes huge downswings, you lose setups, you lose when you an opponent has a hand/bluffs, you only win the blinds and cbets etc. Running bad when you are a nit isn't that bad since you don't play marginal situations anyway, being check-raised on turn with TPGK is not a common situation since you usually check the turn, being 4-bet preflop when you have 99 doesn't happen since you flat preflop and so on. Aggressive players win a lot because they are not afraid of marginal situations, nits either fold to aggression or have the practical nuts, so they maintain a steady, although small, winrate. A nit running bad means losing 2 buy ins, an aggressive player can easily lose 5 buy ins in a short period of time, just because the opponents happen to have hands in the upper part of their range or being just in a bluffing mood or because they lose a few flips.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-01-2009 , 12:29 AM
i think i play more tight then any one and just had two sets cracked down 2 buy ins i hope your right and i will not lose any more
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-01-2009 , 12:33 AM
[X]Beat Wife
[X]Order a Turkey Club
[ ]Grind Through It
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-01-2009 , 12:41 AM
ok i try one more buy in i lose im goona watch movie and think about how i should have listened to you
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-01-2009 , 01:16 AM
some idot donk pushed kk on ace board and runner flushed my ace im starting to get the feeling sometimes online poker wont let you win no matter what you do best to log off i guess
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-01-2009 , 01:23 AM
You just gotta remember that badbeats and coolers are just part of the game.
If there wasn't any badbeats or coolers you would have a ITM score of 90% or something

I never expect to win more than 4 SnG in a row.. always expect a cooler somewhere there.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-01-2009 , 02:53 PM
what do you do when runing bad?
attempt suicide

but if ur a pussy smoke a joint and order a pizza
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-01-2009 , 05:39 PM
Take a break. thats what i do
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-03-2009 , 02:32 AM
You can also switch what version of HE you're playing.

I've ran incredibly bad at husng this week, still on the ++ but barely any profit.
So I started playing SH cash games instead and I'm running like a god there right now.
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
09-03-2009 , 04:31 PM
1. collie buddz pandora station
2. roll some hippie lettuce
3. open multiple super turbos

it will work itself out i promise
what do you do when runing bad? Quote
