Voluntary Posting Blinds
[this is my first post on 2+2 (actually my first post on any forum)]
I started playing poker about 6 months ago and right from the start one thing that has bugged me on poker live training videos has been when the tutor says "i've just voluntarily posted the big blind for the sake of the video, but you should always wait for the big blind to come around, otherwise your just throwing away money."
Well I disagree. I think there are 4 good reasons for voluntary posting a big blind under the right circumstances.
(The circumstances are that you are at a full 9 handed table and you can post your blind from the CO)
1) Simple math
If you wait for the big blind to hit you then for 1 entire orbit you pay 1.5 big blind and get to see 9 hands, that's 1.67 BB per hand. If you pay a voluntary blind then you pay 1 BB for 6 hands, that's 1.67BB per hand (note that you only get to see 6 hands out of the orbit as by the time the BB hit you, you are in the same position as waiting for the blind). So there is no loss of equity from posting the voluntary big blind from the CO. If your playing in a 10 max game then there is a slight gain in equity.
Discussion point:
If you pay the blind from the CO then you miss playing from the Bu in that orbit and the button is arguably the most profitable position on the table. This is true but is countered by the fact that you don't have to play the blinds, two of the least profitable positions. I would say that these roughly cancel.
2) Deception within the hand
If you post the blind from the CO then you are offered a unique opportunity to deceive your opponents. If you wake up with a monster, say AA, slow playing becomes a more powerful option as checking your blind looks even weaker than flatting.
3) Stealing
A unique situation arises when the action fold around to you once you have posted your blind from the CO in that stealing becomes more profitable. A normal steal attempt risks 3BB in order to win 1.5BB i.e. 0.5:1. After posting the blind from the CO the ratio improves to 1.25:1 (there is 2.5BB in the pot and if you make a stadard raise to 3x then your only risking 2BB to win 2.5). Even if you make a larger raise, say to 4x, in order to offer the BB less attractive pot odds the ratio is 0.83:1 which is still more profitable than a standard steal.
4) Table image
If your sitting at a table and a new comer, who you've never played before, sits down and posts his blind straight away there is a good chance your going to right click on his avatar and click "player notes" then type "voluntarily posts blind", then maybe you'll even label him with a colour that codes for fish (guilty to proven innocent). Well why note abuse peoples first impressions by posting a blind from the CO and getting labeled as a fish? seems like a good idea to me. Some people are going to play looser against you for a bit and your more likely to get paid off for the first few hands (until you show your vastly superior skill).
There are my reasons for posting a voluntary blind from the CO at a full, full ring table. Please leave your thought